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Guys download online crack from here
1- download : https://www.mediafire.com/file/z49acn0f14pkn47/[mrpcgamer.com]+RER_Fix_Repair_Steam_Generic.rar/file
2-copy downloaded files into the game direction
4- Start Game
5- Tell your friends do this too
6-Create room and invite your friends via steam
Notes: if the game says new version error Just click ok and u will go to main menu, Click Start Game its playable now

Second Note : also guys
go to options
Click RE NET
RE NET play data settings must be off
Have fun
Free Gamer4Life
To anyone who want's to play this game co-op together with me for free, here's my steam friend code 259433085, username is Zenix, also join my steam group
https://s.team/chat/TyVm3XP1 and i give you multiplayer fix and game links and guide you so np, we can play this game and other coop/multplayer games for free, anytime ;)
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Just play resident evil 3 with mods instead .
Not worth the risk for me .
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game say need new vertion PLZ
BLanK Azuma
why says at post is 45GB? but i downloaded for 25GB what should i do
BLanK Azuma
cant play and no crack in the file what should i do?
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I click exe and nothing happens. Any ideas?
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you gotta open it as an administrator :)
jew media
capcom is so wack.
The Terminator 101
No single player or story mode?
Soso Oubraham
Some can give me where i can download only the crack
Krevix Tc
I knew it
jerome turpin
Games playable in network 1 to 4 players?
isn't meant to be played online?
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Hasan Mp
I downloaded the game but there is no installation file. If you can help me.....Do I need RE3 to run this game?
Hasan Mp
I downloaded the game but there is no installation file. If you can help me
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You downloaded all the parts right?
Mustafa Selici
admin, you can add this video to the site.
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what? cyberpunk isnt even out
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Still you can buy pre-release.
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i really dont think you can preorder years ago......
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YEAR, read correctly
Nabiel Faiz
do you even can play MP game on pirate game?
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some you can, this being one of them
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With Offline Crack you can play solo: tutorial and practice mode (survivor, mastermind)
With Online-Fix you can play multiplayer: all modes (invite your friends)
You need to search for Online-Fix Site (Google 🙂). It's Russian Site.
Translate Google for info how to:
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How do i downoload it from Online-fix? (what do i do with it..?)
Tyler Evalon
Has anyone made a youtube video detailing what it takes to get a online fix working? I learn better by watching not reading...
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Probably NO.
GG Allin Tribute
Is that what you tell your teachers at school?
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Is this game worth wasting my time with?
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Artyom Reaper
In my opinion, no. But tbh I haven't even played it, I'm just biased because the gameplay and characters just look so money-grabbish. It feels like a Friday the 13th rip-off but based on Resident Evil.
Requires internet connection, connects to your steam account and registers the game as "SpaceWar". If you own a legit steam account with actual games of value, take care!
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Yep, no point to risk.
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just because we can.
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Deus Ex: Invisible War
waiting for 3rd person mode before i play this game.
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dont trigger the kids
SS saltxpepper
even if we did actually get it, will our poor as fuck pirate computers be able to run it?
Just like in RDR2 lol so many complaints from similar poor as fucks who can't afford proper gaming pcs.
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There can be a problem only with that:

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Wait, are these the minimum requirements for Cyberpunk or for RDR2?
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CP 2077
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Wow, i was expecting the requirements to be MUCH higher
SS saltxpepper
you are sooo triggered lol
read my comment again you triggered poor fuck
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I can only trigger my Beretta on your $hitface pal 😆, believe me.
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SS saltxpepper
or is it because you have a powerful gaming rig that you are just flaunting your wealth on us fk poor basterds?
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Talledega Knight
You don't need to be mega rich,if you can get credit Like most of us can,I'm looking at a B550 with a Ryzen 7 5800,with a 6800 Navi Gpu 32 gig,which is like 30-50 quid a month interest free credit.
yyeahhh...unless they have a REALLY dedicated team to crack it like how the switch was cracked less or a week/months. i wouldnt get my hopes up and be one of those people always asking, WHERES THE CRACK? and download some kind of malware.
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Cyberpunk 2077 will be DRM Free.
So Crack is no needed.
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And just because of that i WILL fucking buy and support them.
Gotta support the devs with heart you know.
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I won't. Not until i'm sure my PC can run it that is. Sure they don't use DRM but the rest of their history? Especially the revelations that came out recently? They are on a SLIPPERY SLOPE
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what revelations? CD Projekt Red have an amazing history so far? I am confused
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You haven't heard? The crunch, the higher ups undermining the crunch to the shareholders and outright lying about it to the public. CDPR may have the consumer in mind but they sure as fuck don't have their own workers in mind. I highly suggest you check out Jim Sterling's latest video on Youtube as he covers all of it
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f off with the crunch, 8 extra hours a week at overtime pay for 7 weeks, boo fucking hoo you sissy, none of them complaining. theyre paid generous as well with company profit sharing, the irony of someone trying to pirate a game for free while simultaneously preaching some sanctimonious garbage and criticizing the company theyre stealing from astounds me.
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None of them complaining? You DO KNOW that the source of this news was ex employees that didn't like the crunch right? And no it's not 8 extra hours a week, it was much, MUCH worse than that, not to mention that they gave their word it wouldn't happen. And guess what? the game was STILL delayed. So what what exactly was the point of the crunch? Crunch SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. EVER. And yes it WAS crunch, read the fucking news report and read it carefully without any bias towards the person that writes it. Oh also, if i didn't have any criticism towards a company, I WOULDN'T BE PIRATING THEIR SHIT! People pirate BECAUSE they have criticism towards the companies, look at EA or Bethesda. People pirate their games because they heavily criticise the company and don't want to give them any money because they don't deserve it. If you can't even distinguish between preaching and making an observation you are dumber than you sound. And i don't have time nor the desire to engage in dialogue with dumb people so you know what that means right? Least i hope you're not too stupid not to
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Polish law states they can only work an extra 8 hours a week by law, so unless you have a source you're either a liar or a retard. Your only valid claim (which doesnt justify your incessant whining) is they broke their word which is most unfortunate considering it got delayed anyways. Kudos on your failed attempt at justifying your thievery, really top notch
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Thay said SORRY for Crunch publicly.
Never heard that from:

  • Bethesda
  • Electronic Shit
  • Ubisoft (they said sorry for grabbing women asses only)
  • Konami
  • and other wankers
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Yeah they said sorry after being called out publicly for lying to their shareholders and the public about it. It comes of as flimsy as best. Crunch is something that you don't apologize for because it's something that shouldn't exist in the first place. While CDPR isn't on the same level as those companies it's a slippery slope down to their level, one that CDPR is in danger of falling into
Look at the second names of the "should mind your business crowd" that blown the whistle on the crunch... Schreier, Badowsky, LMAO What more evidence do you need?
Their own workers should have themselves on their mind. If they don't want to be part of something like CDPR or CP2077 they should just leave, but clearly they want to be part of it because they think it'll help them boost their career. It is a tough side to be in, you have to chose between being comfortable or being part of something bigger. It is called entropy, the law of conservation of energy.
CDPR has an excellent history with their consumer base, always delivering what they promised and sometimes even more, which is more one can say of any game developer today.
I don't give a damn to the words of these traitors that call themselves journalists, even less to the ones who work in the "game industry" who are more vicious than their cousins at the political spectrum of daily news.
Again, if a worker is between the sword and the cross he should chose according to him, and the freedom should only be extended to him, not from people of the outside to decide how it should be done, he has his own free will to do so.
I'm not sure why I'm writing this to you, maybe you need to hear. Block me again I don't care, I'll still be here.
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So we judging people based on names now? Schreier has blown the whistle on A LOT of bad shit that's going on in the industry. If not for him we wouldn't know about half the terrible shit that happens, not just crunch but other shit too. And no, it's not so simple as leaving if you want to leave. Contracts exist for a reason, they can't break the contracts they have in place or risk severe repercussions not to mention that there is no guarantee that if they do leave they'll be able to find a new job soon and in this economy they aren't going to risk that.
Traitors? Traitors to what exactly?They reported something you didn't want to hear so now they're instantly traitors, fuck off with that petulant attitude, you're no better than that one petulant gamer and his retarded "traitors to America" list.
Again, it's NOT THAT SIMPLE due to contracts that can't be breached or broken without severely negative repercussions. Also all the stuff about the crunch going on in CDPR? Yeah it all came from the mouth of former employees. I'm not saying they don't have a good relationship with the consumer, they do BUT they are on a slippery slope right now that threatens to damage their reputation. A gaming company can't just worry about the end consumer, they have to worry about the workers as well. Crunch isn't a triumph of the workforce, it's a failure of the management
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I don't want to hear? I don't give a shit, I'm telling you I'm straight indifferent to what journalists say, not because it is bad for workers, but because journalists are shit themselves. They don't care about the workers, they care about the clicks-and-bait they have to promote to stay afloat and they don't give a damn to who they bury in their way of their career.
The contracts have nothing to do with health issues. If someone is going under because how much they are working they are legally in their right to leave the company.
Crunch happens everywhere. Do you think there is no crunch when someone is building a bridge or a skyscraper? Imagine being on crunch in these industries? LMAO
You completely misunderstood my point, they care about the workers less then I do, they spread their rumors for their own benefit. It is not about the workers. If CDPR goes under these people will be unemployed, which will be even more tragic.
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Bowie is OK, and yeah HE CAN'T BLOCK YOU.
Everyone has an opinion. He should read more, for sure.
I agree with you.
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I have no qualms with bowie personally, the point is these people landed in games and they are just derritorializing the whole place in favor of their leftist politics. Look at Last Of Us 2, it is a disaster.
Same with movies, these people don't understand what they are doing until they undo everything that has been made so they can turn their attention to something else. Just leave things alone, stop trying to bend everything to their mental illness.
I can and i have. free_peach is the one that should read more, their attitude towards people that are reporting on the failures of the industry is beyond appalling, not to mention they don't seem to know a little thing called contracts exist
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I read a lot of polish posts, blogs, twitter's etc (not only Devs, but ex-devs too, and people from industry, stock bla bla bla).
I know they made a lot of mistakes.
Sure man.
But that hate in "web", is sometimes unjust.
Sometimes 🙄
True is on both sides.
Honestly IDGAF.
I know some "things" about contracts in Poland, coz sometimes I'm dealing with it 😁.
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but that's the thing, i don't HATE CDPR, not one bit. I'm just saying people act like they can do no wrong and that couldn't be farthest from the truth, i'm as impartial as a person can get. They've done good to the customers sure but they have also done bad to their own employees
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Why do people keep trying to hold corporate entities to the same standards as governmental organizations. They should stop engaging with customers so much and just ignore the whining masses.
As if it would actually hurt their customers.
And it would likely improve their products, as no company who changes their game every time the 1% of streamers started a bitching campaign has ever stayed good for long. A game that changes in response to every customer impulse becomes awful fast because it has no consistency of artistic vision. Games by committee suck.
If corporations are abusing their employees, people should be lobbying their governments for appropriate regulations or proper enforcement of existing regulations, not being completely useless by review bombing or pirating. All that does is feed the ever rising prices and contribute to anti consumer mass DLC practices.
Ugh gamer activists piss me off. The same hypocrits who get apoplectic over female lead characters raging over the actions of corporate entities as if they were best friends caught talking behind their backs. Or getting indignant when said entity follows the laws in other nations for access to larger markets (like ubisoft and china) when in reality it'd be irresponsible of them -not- to access those markets in a fiduciary sense, ie in regards to their shareholders.
It's just annoying when people so far outside their comfort zone get so self righteous about a topic of which they clearly are epically poorly informed.
Though it's also highly naive to think that just because a country has a regulation that says crunch can only be a maximum of 8 hours weekly that a company is going to follow those regulations if they are leniently enforced.
In a capitalist market, the only bottom line is profit. If you think that sounds lame, you should be campaigning for market reform, not whinging about broken promises as if they were a friend hurting your friendship in a highschool drama. It's naive as hell to be all clutching your pearls over such things when a lax regulatory environment has already essentially preordained a race to the bottom of 'worst practices' as necessary cost saving measures in order to remain competitive.
As a publically shared corporate entity they have one responsibility, to make money for their shareholders. If people want them to be held responsible on basic moral grounds or for essentially being bad citizens, campaign for market reform
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This game offline or online? Please answer me :)
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Online, it connects to your steam account and registers as "spacewar".
Instantly shut it down again because i have games of actual value on my steam account.
Endera A
Capcom should have spend the budget on the main game XD
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P∪ssy Apostle
They really want that RE multiplayer cock to fit but it wont budge lol
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Game is trash and made mostly for online don't bother downloading
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then play it online with friends, there is multiplayer crack
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Something different ?
Sign OfDaCreator
i don't get it.. so we can play online, or play with cracked gamers, or how?
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technically you can by setting up private server via hamachi or other stuff . thats what i do to play daemon ex machina and soul calibur 6 multiplayer
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Damian LP
but this game does have local multiplayer? Cuz for hamachi u need that, local game
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Jake Decker
How are we meant to play a cracked version of a multiplayer only game?
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by setting up private server. thats how we play multiplayer daemon ex machina.
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A noob here, how to set up private server? Is it an in-game option or we use external software?
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Use Hamachi, plenty of YT Tutorials out there to get it set up. Just google your way around until you got it. Its easy to setup and use.
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multiplayer only you can played out the surpriseness
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Deus Ex: Invisible War
another only Multiplayer game?