Blue Bomber
this game insane, must try
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such patience you have playing this things
5 minutes more and i would go crazy
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Oh my god.. Anyone who would want to play this game must be hella silly, cause being silly is the only way I could imagine that gameplay not pissing someone the F off. I hate having to restart stuff over and over, especially when it isn't my fault.
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Blue Bomber
Cant imagine how hard the last level is. Congratulations for anyone who already tried this game. Suddenly died, didnt know what caused it
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Where's the pope?
I appreciate your gameplay
Dr. Dedboy
Yeah that's what they said about
surströmming.And actually, it's quite good.
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Dr. Dedboy
It's a Swede thing. Fermented Herring. Smells like a sewer mixed with the inside of a morgue at 110 degrees Fahrenheit. In other words, yizuck!
But if, after you vomit a few times, the taste it not too bad. Just saying..
Oh and a can of it can only be ordered from Sweden, around 80$ Dollars USD. Not cheap at all. Think I'll stick with Oysters.
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I always wondered why women like tomato so much.
Edit: Notice I said "women," I noticed that young ladies don't enjoy it until they hit a certain age. The same goes for men, but usually only if they're gay..
Just something I noticed, strange.
Edit 2: Don't bring Italians in to this, they don't count.. Caught that one before it happened.
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Don't be silly. Everyone loves tomato.