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Laggy, bugged tutorial and doesn't save
I cannot play. Pressing new game or continue does nothing. Any help?
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Skeptical Doge
It's an interesting idea albeit with a somewhat ridiculous premise, with good audiovisual presentation but very lackluster gameplay, especially "combat" which feels very unsatisfying. It's got the grand strategy layer of Xcom but no tactical battles so.... yeah, i'm not really enjoying it at all.
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Ace Vaver
Why do you think the premise is ridiculous, are you a lizard! Everyone, I found a lizard, kill em', kill em'!
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Skeptical Doge
Cease your investigations !
Epic Story
An advanced civilization race flying advanced spacecrafts. Now why would they invade a primitive planet filled with humanoids who are constantly at each other's throats for limited resources. Just wait it out and collect strategy is the least expensive ...invasion.
Let us know how this game plays out.
Steam reviews are a nasty Mixed. Seems like its broken in many ways, sadly.
Darn, I was ready to be excited for this. : (
Still, thank you IGG for keeping bringing us games anyway, occasionally rare unknown releases are bound to have a really awesome gem eventually. Already found many cool games that way because everything gets posted. Keep up the great work!
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Reverse X-COM? Sounds fun.
Everything Faster
nice and average
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
If they try to invade us, remember we'll give them coronavirus. Just like we did during black death
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Curtis Newton
de la merde...de la merde...de la merde... et encore de la merde
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Non le concept est super mais il est trop facile est surtout trop court. Vraiment dommage.
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John Doe
Si t'as la chiasse ça va être chaud avec le confinement y'a plus trop de PQ ...
Blue Bomber
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Ehhh, is there any option to develop antivirus for the mothership OS? Can't risk humans to inject some weird virus right?
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Scott MacFarland
That was so cringe. Still a lot better than the sequel which was just total garbage.
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Teardown pls
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remind me a movie....mars attack!
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John Doe
That's fantastic dude where the hell did you get that ? That movie is awesome by the way.
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John Fisher
hahaha nice one XD
Iale Idioma
at least something different