Os gringo achando ruim o jogo não estar em inglês, vão se foder, desde sempre os jogos eram tudo em inglês e a gente tinha q se virar pra entender, bando de vadio, Google tradutor tá aí kkkkk
As a Brazilian, I can safely confirm that all Brazilians are stupid, especially those in this comment section telling that this is in pre-alpha. You are telling that a game that is being developed since at least 10 years it's in pre-alpha stage. Better yet, the new alpha it's half-price. A fucking alpha version? If you can't find this pathetic, you probably is a part of the stupidness
tu que é burrão amigo, faz um jogo sozinho ai caralho, 10 anos de desenvolvimento pra um idiota que nem tu falar que o jogo é ruim só pq ta incompleto, é um time pequeno.
literal to pouco me fudendo pra tua opinião, mas tu n pode chamar ngm de burro, o burro aq é tu.
First, this game isn't supposed to be here, it's a closed alpha only sent to brazilian youtubers, dude how igg got this? I'm not going to download this wtf
É foda, meu computador é bem merda e roda o jogo tranquilamente, pra alguém ter um computador pior que o meu tem que ser bem fodido mesmo, mas como vivemos no Brasil eu não tenho muitas esperanças não.
Você só precisa ver que o computador brasileiro tem que rodar no mínimo o GTA San Andreas porque aí vemos as limitações que temos. Porque se não roda nem o GTA San Andreas aí é exigir demais.
É, o Brasil não está numa situação econômica muito boa (na verdade está uma merda e o novo governo dos EUA ainda estão ameaçando sancionar o Brasil por conta da Amazônia), mas mesmo eu morando no nordeste o pessoal não parece estar muito mal por aqui, a maioria que conheço tem um CP básico com 8gb de ram e consegue jogar um Mine com mods, um COD ou uma GTA V da vida.
Jogo tá em pre-alpha porquê é um time pequeno, bando de fudido, vocês nunca fizeram jogo nenhum pra poder falar o quanto de tempo que leva pra desenvolver um jogo grande desses. tenho fé no 171.
People saying this is a GTA prayer lol, um no. This game feels like a game called "MadOut Open City", which is way better. Performance is pretty bad at times in 171 as well. Fun just to roam at times, but that's about it lol.
Want to make sure your game doesn't sell many copies? Make it in a language that's only spoken in a couple of countries. The money they're losing by not making this playable by most of the planet would've been well spent on an English translator.
"Want to make sure your game doesn't sell many copies?" Well, they did not made a English translation, cuz the game basically wasn't released on steam yet and in another one place.
lol, it's the 9th most spoken language, 220 million people speaking it natively, official language of 10 countries. I doubt they would have gotten your money anyway, stop being such a toxic waste of a person
more than half of those countries have people who frequently have to decide where their next meal is coming from rather than waste money on games. That only leaves you with a part of malaysia,brazil and of course portugal.
Brazil have 220 millions of people, Portugal have 10 millions people and some parts of Macau, that give to us about 230 millions of people speaking portuguese.
And I'm sure all of those people are going to play a shitty GTA clone, assuming they have the money to buy it instead of putting food in their stomach.
The most part of us have money to buy a game, but the idea of buy a game in it ownself it's uncommon to us, because we can buy more useful things. How it's a game of our own national industry, probably it will be more cheap than others foreigners games, so probably it will be popular here when it release.
Even the USA and another English speakers countries have this and we don't take these people in the account, and we don't know how much people are living in this situation, so it's impossible to include them in the account.
Sorry I was replying to someone else and mixed up replies but in condensed form of what I said. There are much more people in English countries that could afford a luxury or two. You can also account for the poor in these countries but you also need to realize that most are first-second world countries.
The game wasn't released yet, a translation can happen or not, currently the pre-alpha is closed only to Brazilian youtubers (this is why is weird this version be here), so how you can say that they did not made a English translation???
the game is BR, in the same way that we claim that some games do not have the BR option, the Americans also have his turn, CHUPAAA, the game is BR has no obligation to come out in another country's language, just like other American games that only have english
I know it's an old comment, but Carbonated, you really didnt understood nothing, right? This game is closed to brazilian youtubers, that's why they didn't translated the game to english yet, stop being stupid omg
There better be fart porn. Or it might as well be in Honduras. J/K (No not really J/K) The screen shot actually looks really good. I'll take that over jackaxx GTA in LA over and over again. The Braz's are actually decent at coding sometimes when they want to be.
Ih ala, os estadunidenses que roubaram uma PRÉ-ALFA e nós que estamos exportando (tanto que nem aqui no BR tu consegue essa pré-alfa facilmente, se pa não tá nem jogável ainda, já que o jogo não tem orçamento o suficiente para avançar rápido o suficiente e nem pessoal), aliás merda é tu viadinho, se passando de gringo, mas qualquer um que fale português percebe que tu é BR, animal do krl.
O problema não é o jogo ser PIRATEADO (eu baixo muitos jogos piratas, os que eu gosto eu vou e compro), mas sim o jogo ESTAR AQUI, porque o jogo praticamente nem existe, além desse site ser estrangeiro, mas o jogo ser feito do Brasil para o Brasil, ou seja, ninguém exceto nós vai poder jogar o jogo. Aí os caras estão reclamando de um jogo que nem era pra estar aqui como se fosse culpa dos criadores ou do Brasil, eles tem mais é que se ferrar, kkkkkkkkk.
SS, por culpa desses BRS que o Brasil só tá ficando mais atrasado, os politicos tem uma mentalidade exatamente igual a dele "ah o Brasil é um lixo, então não faz mal roubar dele"...
pra começar nao era nem pra essa alpha estar aqui, e 2 cala a porra da sua boca mlk, tu n sabe de nada de desinvolvimento, enquanto tu se masturba ai tem uma esquipe que ta tirando do proprio bolso pra desenvolver um jogo do zero cada porra de textura
Uma nação que um dia já se impôs no mundo, hoje em dia tem que lidar com acéfalos que se humilham em frente a qualquer estrangeiro por motivo nenhum e gringos que enchem o saco, vergonhoso, culpa dos dinossauros que sugaram cada centavo da nação e dos brasileiros que só querem "fazer churrasco e deixar os jogos com os gringos"...
This game is something inexplicable, this is much more than a Brazilian game... No this is much more than a simple human game, in fact this game transcended the humanity barriers and went beyond!
Está tudo bem reclamar da parte da parede invisível e o mapa limitado mas sobre o fato de não ter inglês aí já não é algo pra ser tratado como problema.
o jogo é BR, da mesma forma que reclamamos que alguns jogos nao tem a opçao BR, os gringo tambem tem a vez dele, CHUPAAA, o jogo é BR nao tem obrigaçao de sair em idioma de outro pais, igual outros jogos gringos que só tem Ingles
O cara ta so limitando o mercado dele. Mercado anglofono eh infinitamente maior que o nosso. Mas eh isso ai, continua com essa visao que de fato desenvolvedores brasileiros nunca vao pra frente.
beta games, pode muito bem depois que o jogo for lançado e ver que esta tendo repercussao fora do brasil, aiii sim pode pensar em novos idiomas,nao vejo mal algum em jogo BR lança com apenas com o idioma daqui , veja na steam quantos jogos existe apenas em ingles
Caralho crânio, o que custa dar a opção de trocar o idioma? Ninguém tá pedindo pra fazer o jogo em inglês, baiano. Mas como tá em alfa vale a pena esperar.
o que custa é que estamos falando de uma empresa beeem pequena que evolui o jogo com pagamentos dos fans e ate mesmo do proprio bolso, betagames nao é uma EAou Rockstar da vida,entao adiçao de outros idiomas leva trabalho,ou acha que é fazer 10 linhas no Word e esta feito um novo idioma?
É por isso que os BR não sentem tanto prazer em fazer jogos por causa do recebimento do público da gringa - mal lançam uma pré alpha e os caras já criticam o game: mais pelo fato de ser de um BR :(
Olha só, se você não mora aqui faça o seguinte: Nos abençoe com a sua ausência de qualquer assunto sobre o Brasil, nunca mais fale com um brasileiro e esqueça que o Brasil existe. Talvez assim você seja feliz e nós também, por não termos que ler essas merdas que você digita, tenha uma boa tarde.
Pessoas como você que chamam o Brasil de bosta e ainda critica um game que está em alpha - nem merece discursão. Tá achando ruim? o aeroporto é a saída cara ;) passar bem..
Tem uns 10/20 jogos brasileiros relevantes, o Brasil praticamente não tem indústria nacional, então não, não deixem os jogos com os gringos, precisamos de uma indústria nacional aqui nesaporra.
então cara, o brasil tá entrando agora nesse lance de fazer jogos, os caras estão estudando, tão fazendo algo, não imagina o quão difícil é fazer um jogo por mais simples que ele seja, ainda confio no trabalho deles e em quem tiver entrando nessa jornada, não é fácil, eles não recebem apoio nem da própria nação... então fica difícil ter algum incentivo.
Right wing politicians are literally hired by narcos to destroy left wing militias. And left wing goverments are inexistent since the late 80s, before the fall of the wall. So...
"Left goverments" are center-right, right wing goverments literally are controlled by narcos, pedophiles, gun-dealers and human traffickers. I'm not english speaker, so suck my dick.
You could use a spell-checker, but you're too stupid to even think. What you said makes no sense at all, and your idea of what "right-wing governments" is idiotic conjecture. Probably because you're a dumb communist.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna go through a whole process of spell-checking only to answer to a pathethic incel with social resentment. Sure do. Right-wing goverments are the one with right-wing policies and right-wing ideals, who would've thought that huh? Stick with your conservative propaganda for 12yo cybabies. Oh yeah, that makes me remember: Here, have a napkin for the tears. Edit: Holy fuck I just realized that you liked your own comments ROFL what a fucking loser. Dunno what I'm doing by wasting my time with pathetic imbreds like you. Fuck off.
"Left goverments" are center-right. I mean, just think about that statement for a moment... How stupid are you? Sounds like you have a lot of experience with narcos, pedophiles, gun-dealers, and human traffickers. Were your parents pedophiles? Is that what's wrong with you?
You're still not providing any kind of rational context. Just your own conjecture. Talk about resentment. Also, yes, you should either be able to spell or use proper grammar. It just shows your complete lack of intellect. "The whole process" of spell-checking? It's the 21st century. It probably takes all of one second. There is no excuse. You're just simply dumb. That's all there is too it. Yes, I like my own comments. They're not dumb like you. Funny stuff. I'm an inbred, too, huh? Get that from wikipedia, did ya?
Yes, the quotation marks in "left wing" let you know that I'm using that term not in the literal way but rather the contrary, but surprisingly you didn't catch it. You naturally speak english an yet you can't understand basic grammar even when you point the bad grammar in other people, isn't that ironic? And I'm gonna bet that english is your only language judging by the fact you belive that throwing words into google translate will magically translate everything and not just give you literal translations without context and a ton of logical errors. And by the fact that you're just a incel good for nothing that wouldn't even care to lear other languages not because of disinterest but because you actuallly need to use your McDonald's fat-filled appendices you have for brains. To translate something, you have to carefully translate sentence by sentence and glue them logically in order to have a proper translation, which takes time. Which, of course, that's time you don't deserve because you're nothing more than a childish incel. But how would you know that? You can barely speak one language and I'd say at a 45% of precission. Also, you're a fucking imbred. Yes, you're clearly an imbred and that's visible in how hard is to you to understand basic things like politics and language. And yeah, I have a lot of experience with narcos, pedophiles, gun dealers and human traffickers. I've being documenting a lot of shit-for-brains, imbred, socially resentful, pig-fuckers conservatives and how their lives are round in being completely useless to the human race. Surprise! It's your family. Be a good boy and shut the fuck up, I'm not gonna keep beating a dead horse by responding more of your trumptard bullshit. So, next time you clear your throat and wipe your tears outta that pimple-filled face, know that I'm not going to even read it.
Go back to the place you've been shat from you little bitch.
do i need to continue?
literal to pouco me fudendo pra tua opinião, mas tu n pode chamar ngm de burro, o burro aq é tu.
Cala boca e chupa-me a piça!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
O maior problema é o jogo ser brasileiro e não rodar nos computadores brasileiros.
Porque se não roda nem o GTA San Andreas aí é exigir demais.
eu to colocando a que vem no arquivo e ta dando erro
designing a game is very difficult, instead of talking just try to make a game like tetris or pacman, then we'll see
I'm not english but can confidently say I'm a pretty good speaker.
So don't excuse yourselves from being a bunch of lazy fucks.
Learn the language you fucking PUSSY!!!
I doubt they would have gotten your money anyway, stop being such a toxic waste of a person
Or it might as well be in Honduras.
(No not really J/K)
The screen shot actually looks really good.
I'll take that over jackaxx GTA in LA over and over again.
The Braz's are actually decent at coding sometimes when they want to be.
Did the devs rape you or something?
Mas como tá em alfa vale a pena esperar.
Agora se esse jogo sair pra outros idiomas, aí é sim é que precisa colocar outros idiomas.
The 64 million Real question: WILL THE GAME HAVE ANY TRASVESTIS?!
Ronaldo! Joga pra caralho.
What an utterly idiotic thing to say. Btw, learn to spell.
I'm not english speaker, so suck my dick.
Right-wing goverments are the one with right-wing policies and right-wing ideals, who would've thought that huh? Stick with your conservative propaganda for 12yo cybabies.
Oh yeah, that makes me remember: Here, have a napkin for the tears.
Edit: Holy fuck I just realized that you liked your own comments ROFL what a fucking loser. Dunno what I'm doing by wasting my time with pathetic imbreds like you. Fuck off.
Sounds like you have a lot of experience with narcos, pedophiles, gun-dealers, and human traffickers. Were your parents pedophiles? Is that what's wrong with you?
Yes, I like my own comments. They're not dumb like you. Funny stuff.
I'm an inbred, too, huh? Get that from wikipedia, did ya?
And I'm gonna bet that english is your only language judging by the fact you belive that throwing words into google translate will magically translate everything and not just give you literal translations without context and a ton of logical errors.
And by the fact that you're just a incel good for nothing that wouldn't even care to lear other languages not because of disinterest but because you actuallly need to use your McDonald's fat-filled appendices you have for brains.
To translate something, you have to carefully translate sentence by sentence and glue them logically in order to have a proper translation, which takes time. Which, of course, that's time you don't deserve because you're nothing more than a childish incel. But how would you know that? You can barely speak one language and I'd say at a 45% of precission. Also, you're a fucking imbred.
Yes, you're clearly an imbred and that's visible in how hard is to you to understand basic things like politics and language.
And yeah, I have a lot of experience with narcos, pedophiles, gun dealers and human traffickers. I've being documenting a lot of shit-for-brains, imbred, socially resentful, pig-fuckers conservatives and how their lives are round in being completely useless to the human race. Surprise! It's your family.
Be a good boy and shut the fuck up, I'm not gonna keep beating a dead horse by responding more of your trumptard bullshit. So, next time you clear your throat and wipe your tears outta that pimple-filled face, know that I'm not going to even read it.