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Can it still be played online with friends ?
Bin Ray
Can u update the game please
unoriginal name
why does the 2nd mage have a furry?
just why?
If I choose the same starting character and decide to go after the same person I went to the prom with, does the game take that into account?
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Jacob Han
Not really, no.
Viktorious Viktor
Friends and I played this, as well as the original.
While this is good, we felt the original was a better. Still worth playing if you got all you could out of the first but would recc that if you havent.
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
YESSSSSS thanks so much for this!!!
Karen Straborvsky
serious question tho, why american people very obsessed with "prom"?
it's not only in teen themed game but also in animation, it was almost at every teen-young adult genre animation always had prom episode despite everything happen in the story.
just curious, my country didn't have such a party culture like that, at most it was graduation party at collage.
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I think it is a old and outdated custom.
For example, school -> high school (prom).
But later, you could join the University (and sometimes far from home) and it is a big social reset, because you will get new places, new friends and new challenges.
And it is not even the end of the road. After the University, you will land a job and it (again) means a social reset, new places, new friends (or colleagues) and new challenges.
In the past, the average american got from school -> high school (prom) -> work in some local company and such, so it was possible to keep the same friends and places.
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Alan da Cruz
Shut up Jorge, you are Puerto riqueño.
its very weird, i'm not originally from america but when i went to my prom, i could'nt understand the hype around it. To me it was just another social gathering with dance music.
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Karen Straborvsky
yeah, it also wasn't my cup of tea either. I'm fine gathering and partying only to public event or party that doesn't involve a lot of alcohol and people in heat. I fine with people with their "free sex" and getting drunk but nu uh, nopepity nope for me.
though it was probably because I grew up in conservative family but still have some leeway or open minded. to put simply "be responsible"
Ryoga Hibiki
To make sense of it, a lot of teenagers make a big deal of prom because it's almost at the end of high school. Many consider it a coming of age, a chance to show how amazing you are on a superficial level, and a very few coming to terms that their days are almost to an end. It's kind of understandable taking that for American schools, they spend on average 13 years of their life attending. Regardless, many try to make the best of it (usually by sex or doing something that they're not supposed to, ahem). Really is a hyped up tradition of glamour.
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Karen Straborvsky
welp, never underestimate teens on heat then.
There is Prom and there is Homecoming. Homecoming is generally tied to athletic matchups between rival schools for both American Football and Futbol as those are the two primary sports going on during the season. Prom is spring time and is generally a "spring formal" which is a social function that has several different meanings depending on the individual. For some it is a right of passage. For others it is a taste of what could be possible in the future. For others it is often where a first sexual encounter takes place. Others yet its just a chance to hang out with their friends, listen to music, and enjoy an evening. There aren't many dance clubs and places for people under the drinking age to socialize in America that is why things like skating rings and rinks were big in prior decades but, they became places where during the day it was fine but at night there were gangs and drugs and the like. Hell in most places there are still curfews for people under the age of 18 and restrictions on driver's licenses to try and keep children close to the home rather than running the streets and getting into trouble.
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Karen Straborvsky
hm m, I guess it different for every person, and probably just kids trying to act like an adult on party. understandable
Cool, really liked the first one.
Blue Bomber
teenagers prom night
I read this as Monster Porn lmao
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that's what I click too...
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I Am a Pirate
only reason i clicked XD
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Thomas Ly
not the only one.