Can play against AI?
Ace Vaver
It depends on whether or not it was released Earlier than their actual release date. If it was, igg games is a good place to get a retail copy to crack without having to worry about anti-privacy groups going after crackers. Secondly, even if it isn't cracked, as long as it's Requested, it'll be uploaded and let you know that it isn't cracked. Third, while there might not be a legitimate crack available from a trusted cracker like PROPHET, RELOADED, etc- there are amateur groups with more time and less fame that do have working cracks. They might even be in the underweb or they might be anti-privacy groups posing as crackers. Either way, it's easier to filter out a crack file from a game than having to sift through a 5gb or more game for trojans, bitcoin miners, and spyware. At the end of the day, uploading a game to generate hype for a crack to be made is better than being ignorant of its existence.
the concept of the game feels like castle fight in warcraft 3
Ace Vaver
Because first, it was cracked. Second, it's a pc game.
Viktorious Viktor
lol wait, this is a pvp game tho. does it have "local" hosting or smth?
Ahmed Aldaghistani
Early Access Game
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Dark Sorceress
so you can fight ai ?