I just gave it a try, I've only done a handful of missions.
Gameplaywise, it's pretty repetitive.
So far I've got these missions:

  • Attack missions, there are more than one mission for this type but basically you go to a designated area and clear out the enemies.
  • Supply run, just like the attack mission where you clear out enemies but with a cargo that needs to be delivered to a station.
  • Rescue missions, save an individual from a self-destructing invaded station and get them home (the only enemy encounters here are the random ones in your journey).
    There are still other types of missions and bounty hunting but I haven't played any other types yet. Every mission has 2 routes you can choose from, a faster yet more dangerous route or a longer but safer route. The fastest route obviously has a higher chance in enemy encounter.
    Other than the target enemy groups, the fighting in this game is random encounter based. The enemies may board your ship and your crews will need to fight them directly.
    You have 4 systems that needs power and the more power gets prioritized to them, the more effective they become while your reactor has limited supply of power. These sections are:
  • Shields > Shields regenerate faster the more power you prioritize here.
  • Weapons > There are two types of weapons, energy and kinetic. Energy weapons need power to, they inflict more damage to shields than to ship hulls. Kinetic weapons on the other hand can still operate even if you don't have any power directed to weapons.
  • Engines > The more power you prioritize to engines, the higher your evasiveness get.
  • Gravity > Gravity affects mobility, with this off your crews will have to float around to get anywhere and they get pushed back by gun recoil and fire extinguisher when putting out fire. This system only needs one power unit.
    To attack enemy ships you'll have to tag them before your turrets can fire at them, you can set this to semi-auto or fully auto too in the mess hall difficulty settings if tagging them manually is a bother. Semi-auto allows you to automatically tag enemies as long as your crew is manning the comms station, fully auto allows automatic tagging without the need for a manned comms station.
    There are 5 types of crews:
  • The Captain controls the general movements of the ship including evading.
  • The Comms Officer sets course and give warnings, they can scan enemy technologies from their debris and can call for back up.
  • The Engineer manages power distribution and the best for fixing stuff in the ship.
  • The Security Officer is the main crew to use in direct confrontation with boarding enemies, they can also boost the shields and purge atmosphere of the ship's sections.
  • Weapons Officers operates the turrets and can boost their accuracy for a short period.
    After every mission you can check the crew and their gears, recruit crew members when a spot is empty, and upgrade your ship components. You can upgrade the turrets, modules, hull armor, change the on-board equipment, and customize the ship. You can also customize every crew member's appearance. After all that you can head to the missions tab and choose which mission to do next.
    Your crew gain XP after every mission and certain levels unlocks different skills. Crew gears and ship upgrades unlocks once your research points reaches a certain amount so research points is like your main XP.
    Despite the repetitiveness and my tendency to get bored of things real fast, I quite enjoy this game and I like the models. I won't be playing this game a lot but it's a good game to play when I have nothing else to do cuz the missions don't take too long to complete. I haven't played the dev's previous games but someone said the controls for a previous game sucks but I don't have any issue with this game's controls.
    (I'm not really good at making reviews, I based this review on another user's review that's almost entirely on a negative note. I just don't think that's fair.)
Mega and Google drive links don't work
John Kenneth Maravillosa Bandi
why theres virus?
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its a false positive
waiting for 1.2 update.
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Ace Vaver
Wrong section.
Štěpán Soukup
Well, you probably mean auto-tag, i think that radio operator has this perk
Scott MacFarland
Thank you so much for the update!
Scott MacFarland
They changed the difficulty in 1.1, came out the other day. Huge improvement.
Johnnieca Oliva
It's out already, someone make a request in request section. I also made one
mmm... since the official release is 15 oktober, I think this is the demo
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in Bomber Crew, you need to scan each plane before the gunners actually start shooting
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Same. Actually in BomberCrew your gunners will not shoot planes automatically at all. There are practically no AI. AI is hard to program and the lack of it shows low effort and incompetence. That is why i have no respect these devs as per my original comment.
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Josh Dimpas
Actually, it is the goal for the game to "scan" the planes. You don't need any "hard" AI to make an auto firing since it is a simple event listener. I am an indie game dev I know that there are process and planning before you make a game, and the important thing is purpose. The dev(s) of bomber crew wants you to be busy with your mouse that's why they added the feature to "scan" before firing, although it reduces realism, it highers gameplay. It would be plain and boring if you are just watching planes crashing.
Most "gamers" can't see how some games are planned and thought and I understand them. That is why they do alpha and beta testing if they have the budget. For us game devs, It is hard to make games and hard to impress people if we don't have money. That's probably the reason why they made a bomber crew clone.
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No AI is still easier than simple AI; that is why platformers are the easiest cash grab. As for beta testing, that is why we have steam early access; guess what, BomberCrew had early access but did the dev listen? Nope. They have this narrow vision and no amount of consumer feedback is gonna sway them. Unfortunately I have seen this in a lot in other game devs as well.
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If you live long enough you will know people are animals of habit. Since so many fools liked BomberCrew, they are not gonna change the formula. Cue SW.
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Made by same people as BomberCrew? That means the control is gonna suck; PC control is an afterthought, a low effort port from console. And the gameplay is gonna suck as well. I have no respect these devs. Please 'try' this game as much as you want.
Mesaki BoB
Gameplay, Repetitive
all you do is: move from A to B while you fight enemy aircraft which takes most of your time in this game
when u reach B its just element enemy or Secure something
Fighting in this game is also random and Repetitve, before u start mission u upgrade your weapons, u have 4 weapons, then man it with your crew, ok i would say its fine to this point but when u see enemy ship YOU HAVE TO TAG IT, why i'am tagging it? Idk, maybe because my crew dont have eyes to see enemy ships
Crew have different categories
there is enginger which works at best in reactor, security which as u guess good vs enemies inside your ship and have powerful abilities, there is captin and... and... the man who shoot guns at enemy space craft
stats are based of the power that is located to it and the level of the person who mans it, but sometime, yeah sometime you feel like WHY the fk my gunner is missing every bullet, Why the Fk i would care about increasing shield regen if every smalllllllllllllllllllllllll enemy bullet hit me deleys shield regen for 10 seconds and WHY the fk every time i move through asteroid belt while there is no enemies around me, My captin hits an asteroid just to damage the ship
Graphics: Ammm Tbh i dont rate games base on their graphics
Sound: LOL is that amoung us music in the background
its neither bad or good
u can try this game but if u didnt play faster then light i recommend it more than this game...
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Just copy this exact comment in Bomber crew, is the same game but in ww2, and maybe worst
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Mesaki BoB
I dont know that game
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Since Google drive's busy i figured i should post the fix for Quota limit.
To bypass the limit quota follow the intructions:
Add the file to starred, Create a folder, Put the starred file in the folder you just created Lastly download the folder. And that's it.
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Haze Cloud
let's see how long it takes for them to patch this out.
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Hopefully not until after November 19th...🤐
Mesaki BoB
i'am not impressed at this thing
but holy my fastest download speed was 100Kb/s XD
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Arash Sahere
what year you from?did you travel to the future from 1990s?
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Do you mean it's faster when you download it straight from the link and doing this makes it slower?
Make sure you don't have anything using up your internet, Erlier i left bittorrent running but when i turn it off i get around 4-5mb

Regardless i still think the best and hassle free are torrents downloads. But since our regulars in the site seem so obssessed with Gdrive, that's the only way i could find so far. Any better ideas let me know.
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Mesaki BoB
No, i mean my overall download speed is 100Kb/s
Which is about 2.5% of your download speed in picture above
you know that when i downloaded xcom 2 Wotc, i spent 1 week downloading it
Holy shit this is working!
Johnnieca Oliva
Is this demo version? Cause it's not supposed to be out yet
Only thing i can say,it's There Is No Spoon..;)
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is that among us 2??
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Mesaki BoB
i wrote a review above
would u correct me?
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i agree with your review especially the "it's neither bad or good" i even rate this game 5/10 cause im not really a fan of this type of game, what i don't know is the stats cause when i play they are all only level 1.
Mesaki BoB
Wait, this game is planned to be released on 15 Oct
How Its out here?????????
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It's not time traveling nor magic, It was obtained by the same old way.
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Mesaki BoB
this will cause them to lose more money then if the sell it on market
OR wait a sec, this is sus
there is imposter among them....
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Mesaki BoB
I mean how did the get the game
Or this is the demo???
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i no know maybe is...

but is the "full" game (I no longer dare to say what is a full game in this era)
Ryoga Hibiki
That's true. Guess I'm thinking along the lines of games like Candy Crush being bigger than Bejeweled because it's more recent thus becoming more popular to this era. Kinda a cop-out. But hell, I always give beat-em-ups a pass so it's a moot point, heh.
Oh shit bomber crew in space
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Sad Char
Just play SS13 or Faster than Light
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Aww you mentioned SS13...♡
those were the best, most complex and memorable times back then.
nowadays people are hyping Among Us,
which only contains about 1% of this classic.
Mesaki BoB
Soo, how can someone play SS13??
also i heard there is many modified versions of that game, which is the best to play?
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Sad Char
Every version has their advantages and disadvantages, but /tg/station is my objective favorite
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Sad Char
If you ever join, you can occasionally find me on Manuel as Evan Knapp
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Mesaki BoB
would u provide me the link to the game
and/or if there is guide on how to play it???
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Sad Char
Aye, one moment
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Sad Char
https://tgstation13.org/ Is the server, Manuel is preferred.
https://secure.byond.com/download/ Is the SS13 launcher, install that and every server should work.
https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Guides Is every official guide for that mod of the game
https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Starter_guide Is a good place to start when you get started.
If you decide to join, DM me on discord at Just Kris.#5302 and I'll walk you through setup
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Mesaki BoB
thank you, once i finsh my exams on sat. i'am going to play this with my brother
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Sad Char
Yep, just send me a friend request on discord when you have the chance
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David Lad
so no 1 should make this type of genre now ? gatekeeper
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Ryoga Hibiki
Well, no one with nothing new to bring to the party.
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David Lad
yeah but even then people will not get better at the genre without working at it and learning techniques , if they never try they will never be able to innovate moving forward just hate seeing those comments listen to this instead of this watch this instead of this play this instead of this , game dev is constant hurdles of learning new techniques and getting proper feedback is key before hollowknight was hollowknight it was a mediocre game jam game hah trials and tribulations
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Ryoga Hibiki
Yes, I can understand that learning the aspects of well known games which will bolster the knowledge greatly. There's tons of aspiring devs who do that. That's cool. Whatever helps. However when they start asking for money for their result from all thier work referencing existing work almost verbatim, then it becomes a different playing ground primed for critiquing. And that's understandable cause they are paying for that product. It's just a lot less for us cause ...well... we're not paying for it, heh.
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Thx for SS13