Temmie Plays!
Not often in this life do you witness such amazing works of art. This game has changed my life.
Fortnite? no ty
Fall guys? pass.
CSGO? how about CS no.
this is the only game I will ever need to play for the rest of my life.
The developers should be put in jail for the inevitable market crash of the industry, because nobody will ever have to buy another game.
Be a part of history.
play puzzle bear.
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you forgot "among us"
that crap is becoming a fucking cancer ¬_¬
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Temmie Plays!
you mean town of salem with pointless tasks?
hells yah ! sign me up for the over populated kiddie fest lol.
at least fall guys thinned out the kidde crowds fast with all the sweaty players grinning so hard to win.