Haoshouku Haki
Key feature :
LGBTQA+ cast
lmao, such importance xD
DæmIan Amendølara
"LGBTQA+ cast" is this necesary? do games have to be made tumblr friendly now?
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It's a fast way to make people stop being tolerant. When you try and shove your views, constantly, down others throats, they stop listening to you. And THAT is exactly why the LGBTQA+ crowd is getting hatred. Because they're SHOVING it down people's throats instead of just presenting their views.
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DæmIan Amendølara
thats exactly what im poiting out,its really necesary to make all games tumblr friendly and mark it as key feature?and if you criticize it you get shamed on twiiter or something :3
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Let me ask you another question. Is it mandatory that NO GAME EVER appeals to other communities just bc you're not in it? I don't see that as 'tumblr friendly', I see it as a way to other people [who I may not know but won't impact in my life whatsoever] feel more CONNECTED to a game which provides A LARGER AUDIENCE with CHOICES. Furthermore, how will you know said game gives you such freedom if not from advertising? How will you know if a game is an RPG if it doesn't say it's an RPG? or strategy? or shooter? you get my point. The advertising is there to inform people what they can do in a game and bring in more players. Increasing options means more options for you too! you're not forced to be part of the lgbt+ community! Being LGBTQ+ INCLUSIVE does not mean it is anti-straight or anti-cis! In fact, it means everyone can play the way they want to!
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They actually did this to themselves. "Inclusive" has become synonym of average/below average product; and this goes for any type of media (games, movies, comics and so on). Now i'm not saying that it's because the idea of inclusivity. I'm saying that,so far, a lot of pieces of media using "inclusivity" as a focus point were ok at best.
Diversity for the sake of it is just tokenism, especially when it applies to a character who is just there because of it ( Hi Rose Tico). A great product doesn't need diversity point (look at DoS II, Mass Effect Trilogy, DA:O etc...) they do allow diversity without making a fuss about it because it's irrelevant. But it just is as much irrelevant to push it than to smear it.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is necessary. Games are for everyone, so don't bitch when one game caters for groups other than straight, white men and/or women, which is what you get 95% of the time. And still people complain, it blows my fucking mind.
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it's weird cuz i like visual novels that have romantic situations but i actually like how this has a no-romance route. i never knew i needed it, i was too focused on the story to care about the options/routes LOL.
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
This looks cool and all 5 chapters are here! Thanks a lot, I'll check this out!
Anyone else have a problem with the codex? :( It only shows a bit about jousting, nothing else for me
Atika Prameswari
Thank you for the update! :D
Rarepair hoe
Thank you for the update hfff
Atika Prameswari
If anyone want the update game, please go to the request page
Link: https://igg-games.com/pc-game-046235489-request.html
Just makes sure to follow the rules.
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I think ch 5 is out now. Can you update?
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I believe Chapter 5 came out 8 days ago.
Thank you for sharing the game! Can't wait for the Chapter 5 update.
some beech
Well i loved when the night comes demo , does anyone know where I could get the full version for free? Since that was lit this should be too
Atika Prameswari
Thank you for updating! :)
Alan da Cruz
Loved the art. Gonna try it.
I'm here in quest to search for obligatory gollum poster, yet I found none. This is discrimination against rainbow people
I appreciate the inclusive nature of this game and I salute the courage of the development team. This is so much more pioneering than the bigoted Tell Me Why which did nothing to address the real issues transgender people face.
I was so disgusted that Tell Me Why featured a strapping young white stereotypical heteronormative transman while the reality of the transgender community involves six feet tall muscular black tennis players and sexy lingerie. Lunaris Games deserve a full rainbow flag for their efforts of appealing to the transgender community in brazen ways.
At least games are no longer aimed at teenage boys obsessed with Tifa's or Lara Croft's bra size and the audience has matured.
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Woah so stunning, so brave!
oh, it's from the developers of When The Night Comes. I enjoyed that and I'm gonna check this one too.
Shame it's early acces though. :( I hope it will be finished someday.
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The dev team might be too busy with pleasures of the flesh to ever finish this.
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The Outsider
surprised a sexy vn in early access got on here, irrelevant of anything else.
i feel like all these EA titles are indicative of a deeper problem, but maybe i'm looking at it too deeply...
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Jehsu Ben Israel
Early Access?! Soo this visual novel is unfinished?
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The Outsider
scroll down. apparently it has no actual sexual content though.
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Jehsu Ben Israel
no sexual content, lame 😒
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Alison Singer
Thanks for uploading! Really enjoyed When The Night Comes and am looking forward to this one too <3
As for the people whining in the comments...........you can play a straight white male character if you really want to, like you can in 99% of media, so idk why you're so mad about there being other options that don't exist just to serve you? 🤔
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Ryoga Hibiki
Alright, without making this a wall, let's take out the genders and sexual preferences from the sales pitch.

Errant Kingdom is a high-fantasy episodic visual novel brought to you by Lunaris Games, a tiny team of five indie developers. Our first game, supernatural murder mystery.

The Kingdom of Novus has been thrown into disarray, and it’s up to you to decide if you’ll help to bring peace, or if you’ll stoke the fires of chaos. Enter a high fantasy world steeped in political intrigue; where magic touches the land and blood turns the wheels unseen. Dishonor & betrayal. Hope & despair. Pick a side.

Errant Kingdom is a story with darker elements at play. As a denizen of the kingdom of Novus, you’re at the heart of watching history unfold before your eyes. Whether you see its rise or fall, however, is up to you. There are those who will help you in your endeavors along the way, though, it is also possible to earn their ire should your plans be devious. Only you will influence how the story evolves, and the most important moves to make are yours, and yours alone.
Sounds pretty neat. Definitely something for fantasy fans. And it doesn't look like adding in those parts I took out would take away its luster outside signaling to a demographic and annoying some who just want to be entertained. It can still have the option for that, and some games do without pointing it out. Regardless, it's not a crucial part unless the plot demands it. Did you know that Skyrim has that option in there? Outside of a charismatic Khajiit dropping hints, you would have to test the waters to find that you could. .....And you can marry a lizard! Now that's progressive!
...Also, do without the tired trope that only straight white males are the only ones who are mad about this... I find that funny since there are TONS of straight white males who side with those who blindly bash them daily. It's not a good look. Don't do that to yourself...
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Toasty Toast
hey, uh do you have a fucking life? do you spend your days on an irrelevant chat platform typing paragraphs for maybe 2 people to read?
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Ryoga Hibiki
If I get replies like these from folks with ab-so-lute-ly no chill, it's well worth it. But thanks for reading. :)
plz dislike and stalk more
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Jehsu Ben Israel
Just ignore him/her, he/she has no profile pic 😒. We are better than him/her. I for one enjoyed your review. Keep on showing these no profile pic peasants that we are cut from a different cloth and our intellects can never be tamed by the likes of them 🧐.
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Ryoga Hibiki
LOL true. Still, sometimes when someone starts something, you gotta be the one to end it...with a rusty nail hammered in with a steamroller sometimes. Regardless, you're right. Onto the next game to crack jokes about.
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Toasty Toast
Because pirates are bigots too lazy to get jobs and would rather go to church than work. Then they wonder why the LGBT+ people are taking over.
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Finally I can play as an A+ student.
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Well, thank fuck it's LGBTQA+, can't have enough of those. Apparently.
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Why are you so mad?
Let's create an hipothetical situation: You like orange juice. Someone [who doesn't know you] offers you apple juice,orange juice and strawberry juice. Would you be offended? Having more options,even though they're not FORCING you to choose them,makes you uncomfortable? Why?
It's the same with inclusive games. They don't know you. They don't know the person who is playing the game. So, their way of thinking is "if I'm not sure who they are,why not give them an option to CHOOSE? why not create a game EVERYONE can enjoy?"
You see, having more options is not a bad thing, it just means you have more options!!!
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jack hyde
I have been waiting for this <3 thanks!
Thank you for the upload <3
Ryoga Hibiki
Errant Kingdom is a queer, high-fantasy episodic visual novelWoah! Right out of the gate, that's the first thing you want to lead on describing your game? I meant, there's nothing wrong with it, but that just makes this game seem like nothing about it is interesting except the dating aspects which I'm pretty sure this game has-
Six individual romances & two polyamorous romancesThere it is! Why don't you just say that this is a dating/romance fantasy then? I don't understa-
Option to pursue romances without sexual content, or to play without romancing anyone at all.....What? Then what's the point of mentioning sexual preferences/pronouns at the forefront when there's an option to ignore it all together? How about focusing on the storyline?
I'm trying to understand you, game! Help me help you! Help me - help you.
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Changing a couple words on texts to include more than one pronoun/sexuality is hardly "impacting the storyline". In fact, it's so easy that most games could do it with minimum effort. If you don't like this or other inclusive games bc of the 'plot',you can bet it has nothing to do with it being inclusive.
The point in mentioning it is advertising, my friend. How would you know a game if it doesn't talk about the game? how would you know a RPG from a shooter from an adventure game? bc of the description. Telling what you can do in a game also helps with engagement [more people will play if they have something relatable with it].
For most people, it's even a plus; If you can't choose your protagonist,you're stuck with them for the rest of the story, so the devs are promoting a positive and 'progressive' thing in their game by letting you be whoever you WANT bc most games don't even care for it.
Therefore, they're not promissing anything they didn't do,so what's the problem?
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Ryoga Hibiki
Simply put, Advertising vs. Marketing. Anyone can advertise, but the real results come from the way it's marketed to the public and what numbers come from it.
What can be understood about this story through presences and identity? A start of a person description, surely. But what is after that? What can we do with this information in the grand scheme of the overall story? If you were to play a straight white male as your first/main description it wouldn't do much as far as his existence in the world much like any other identity/preference. What if no gender were given at all and one must rely on the character of the...uh.. character? There's no real need to place such a thing as a sales point. It must have a reason of being there since this is the short description.
You put your best foot forward, describing the very best of you work and leave the features and the end once you get the possible buyer on the hook. If the first thing the buyer takes is more options on the character select screen then it doesn't sound promising onward. People aren't sold on identity on representation. Otherwise, a poorly drawn picture with your flavor of gender could easily do the job. They are sold on the story.
Taking that it's downright hilarious to talk about dollars and cents taking where we are, in a regular setting it's best to be sure that all potential buyers are willing to cash in. One can't say they're doing it so everyone can enjoy their endeavors. They put a price tag on this roller coaster ride. They expect to be paid for the experience. With that said, a few words can make (or break) the difference. And with this...progression being as subtle as a flash bomb filled with glitter thrown by clowns who just so happen to have a problem controlling the volume of their voice... it's very much a touch and-go-situation. Taken that this is indie it can be excused for the way they set it up. Normally PR would be a best fit to iron out would-be alienation. ....I... Look, I'm trying not to say "get woke, go broke" cause that's rude, alright?
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I guess none of us have a degree in marketing to say what is and what is not plausible for sells, I'm just telling common sense about the basics of advertising
also,it's not "the first thing" buyers see when purchasing. They only mention lgbtq+ once,and it's one of the last things you see,as it describes the story and context first.
And yes,players pay for the experience. And,as it is a game of choices,why not offer the players a choice to choose who they are? It's not that hard. You make ppl think it's all about being gay or being trans or whatever when the main story is affected by nothing of that.
"subtle as a flash bomb"? what do you think this is, a propaganda about what a wonderful thing it is to be lgbtq+? when it's visibly hated on just for offering more options?
that's all it is,options. I don't know why there are so many people afraid of it. It's like it makes y'all question your sexuallity or something.
it's a game as any other and you're trying to divert people to think the main point of the game is about lgbtq+ people. It's not. And if you don't like being offered options that's on you,but no need to hate on a game just bc of it.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Unless you can find where I said I hate this game, it's all lies and you should feel bad for lying.... Or not. Makes no matter.
What many of those who didn't catch on, I'm questioning the pitch and where it falls apart with this game. Story takes a backseat to personal validity. All the while the tables turn on the oppressed doing the oppressing. I'm amused by all of this though saddened at the same time that no one's hearing the other out. Instead, it's leaning to full blown anger at this point. Normally I'd find this funny, but enough is enough.
I still haven't heard a valid reason why this must be expressed to get people on board. Does every game who seek out the minority vote need to have a marquee saying "we got some trans in the B" now? If this for the sake of normalizing, why put it up on a pedestal? Why not make it just thing and keep it movin'? I'm starting to think that it was never about being bland and normal like the rest of us hetero scrubs.
Regardless, the game description said it itself that you could be one or the other, bang or not, be evil or good, avoid love or have an orgy. The fact that you could play the thing like a normie just breaks the whole thing where throwing in that "we got some trans in the B" is purely for the sake of luring in the real audience. Sneaky as hell.....but it's fine; something I shown only confusion and intrigue from the start.
Imagine that.
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Ok I misunderstood. I thought you genuinely wanted to understand why it said what it does. My words clearly don't reach you and there's sadly nothing I can do about it. You're just ranting about "oh this game doesnt only show what i want to see so it's opressing me!"
For the last time,for other people who are reading this,they're not opressing straight/cis people. they didn't exclude them of the game. As I've said before, the story is not about lgbt being opressed or lgbt this or lgbt that, lgbtq people just EXIST, like in real life, not forcing anyone to join a cult or something.
I'm not saying you need to be an activist, I'm saying you don't need to be a hater.
Yes, it means it is inclusive, original and progressive.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Everyone likes using that quote...
I swear I've seen stories like this when I used to trek around Tumblr back when it was popular, so it's not that original. As far as the progressive part, it's arguable, but sure I can give you that. A majority of games are inclusive if you think about it. "A game for everyone." There's even a game rating for it, heh. There would be no need to point out that it's especially for a certain demographic. But they did, specifically to signal. And it's working.
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Games "for everyone" usually means that game is for all ages,not necessarily including more than one ethnicity or gender or sexual orientation [so they're not really "for everyone"]. The game giving you more options and making you aware of that is hardly "picking and chosing" demographics, in fact, they are expanding it. Now, BESIDES cis/straight folk, LGBTQ+ also are included, so that's great, bc everybody can play and relate to it!!
As I've said before, the point in promoting diversity in a game is to attract MORE players. more as in "MORE THAN CIS/STRAIGHT PEOPLE", and not as in "ONLY LGBTQ+ PEOPLE", do you see the difference?
If only LGBTQ+ ppl play this game is bc they're the only open minded ones around here, they're only minding their own bussiness and grateful for the [scarce] representation that we're only seeing now in games.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Heh, I know I know. I was reaching for that games rating thing. Still funny to me for some reason.
Eh? We can't enjoy things that we can't relate with anymore? Is representation that necessary if the game is simply good on it's own merits? What about those who like to be a hot dude when they enjoy being a girl IRL? Why a stout guido who dines on questionable mushrooms beloved by numerous and different walks of life when he scarcely represents anyone?
Entertainment... GOOD entertainment immerses you, not represent you. It's the actions and values that go so much deeper than who they appeal to. It's the heart, the actions done that resonates to all. Timeless and understood without context.
You're not hearing what I'm telling you. Games have never been about gatekeeping...outside of gitting guud...which is a must. Those who tried has expired quickly through the passage of time and through ridicule while those that are just absolutely amazing rises to the top. They never had a hidden agendas (outside of wanting you to buy into their franchise) and it was a given that anyone could enjoy it. It's just now with everything must belong to whomever who feel wronged before it could taken in that it's even good. I said it previously that it sounds neat and I simply question who thought that was a good marketing point.
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You have your take in games and everybody has their's. I'm not saying games should ALWAYS represent you,I'm saying it's not a bad thing when they do.
Just as I said, the game only mentions lgbtq+ once. It's not an agenda and no company would do that just for "acceptance of tumblr ppl xoxo" bc most people are still lgbtphobic. Just let people be happy, it's not hurting anyone or promoting hate.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Duly noted. Always nice to promote universal peace.
But here's the thing...it has nothing to do with my statement.
Unless this is admittedly just for the sake of a certain niche, the description needs to see the teacher after class. Regardless if the intentions were good, this can and will cause a rift. Just look at the page, there's pirate-on-pirate action over here, and not in a good way.
......Gonna have to Google that for later, but anyway...
Noted I'm no marketing guru...or even intermediate, but I do know when things can and will get awkward on a business level. If they're in it for the income, the just lost a chunk trying to incorporate other lifestyles, like no other dating-fantasy game has ever thought of that. Just a few words and a good editor could've make or break the possible public response, marketing, and just why in general. That's - it.
I'm sure that this will lead to more back and forth, but I think I'll pass on that. By all means, defend what you hold dear. I respect anyone doing that. But my gripe had no semblance of hate. Simply questions of why such a move that is possibly made to be controversial. And from what I've seen, maybe that's the whole point. PR, even if it's bad, is still good PR. And even here, that name will spread to othe- ...Woah! I just answered the question I was asking the whole time... Damn, it worked.
Ay look. No hard feelings and all that. But now that I get why it came off like it does, it makes sense thus satisfying my inquiries. Still wouldn't download it, but that's fricken clever... Anyway, enjoyed the chat! See you at the next controversial game.
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Ikr? "Have fun getting agenda shoved in your face and paying us money to do so". Can't wait for the return of proper writing and stories.
It is because this kind of game is a statement and propaganda rather a real game. Because, they don't explain what it is about this game. A sim dating game? or what? Even the trailer explains so nothing.
But at least it has some pictures on it.
IMHO, it is the reason why I don't like LBGT and hentai games, because they are not games but an excuse for pron.
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Well, there are some good porn games out there. I've played a few. And some that don't even beat around the bush. Where its not really a game so much as a porn movie of sorts. I'm looking at those VN that have like 3 choices in the whole game.
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It's so funny bc all the intro of the game talks about is THE GAME and not anything else. If you payed a little more attention you'd see that they mention you can romance [platonically or non-platonically] plenty of folks or,if you prefer,none.
This is hardly "lgbt hentai" bc,as I've said before, the game is much more about the plot than anything else [based on the description]. The lgbtq+ part is a bonus.
Sorry that you can't grasp the meaning of high culture.
Ryoga Hibiki
I mean... of course! What else could there be? It's quite obvious with their goal is. Much like it was quite obvious why everyone left Tumblr. The agenda isn't very subtle. But from the arguments I've had on this site AND DEFINITELY ON TWITTER, staying on neutral ground and pointing out things that do not make sense leads to less time arguing..... buuuut we both know that won't stop some folks.
I have to be clear about one thing, folks are going to have agendas. That's fine. But don't be sneaky about it. Virtue signal till you're blue in the face. DON'T force it upon others though. And DON'T play the victim just so you have a reason to push it on others. That's some door-to-door salesman kind of junk. And you don't want to be those kind of people that I constantly have intimidate by means of opening the door with a bloody hockey mask on my face, spooking the hell out of em so I can enjoy peace for another year.... do ya guys?
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And fun fact, they hate gamers, because they also want to push another agenda (bullsh* in the media). 🤷‍♂️
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Ryoga Hibiki
Oh, gawd. That woman. She's not gonna be happy til the whole world burns and she's raking in the cash from the remains. Seriously, even if she's right, what employer stashes the dough, goes overseas for a convention while their company is in the red, Instagrams their fine dining and newly-bought attire, all the while ignoring their workers who are forced to find employment at places like Walmart to make ends meet? And folks defend her for "reasons".
We definitely live in a society...