It was better to not make this game in English. That way the uneducated Deplorables would have absolutely no idea it is making fun of their Supreme Leader.
Damn, either you have certain prejudice about muslim men being desperate for pussy or you actually want them to be that way cause you are a closet homosexual
can't help but think that the CCP is trying to infiltrate the right wing gamers sphere and soon enough they'll claim they've been on our side the whole time. it's a fact that trump hated the chinese in general or at least has a lot of flak to them. I don't even know what to think anymore. it wouldn't even be a stretch to say the chinese have a hand with the riots
Given that Trump gets half his ideas from stuff the CCP already does, I'd say the "hatred" Trump has for China is all just for show. The actions they both actually take makes them seem like BFFs to me. In that it takes to close the TikTok deal, how many more American manufacturing jobs will be moved over there?
It's possible to completely hate a country and everything in it, yet still act like them in many ways. Hitler and Stalin hated each other's guts, had no qualms about doing the most brutal shit to the enemy's people. While their economies were very different, both were power-mad rulers with absolute power, secret police, propaganda, etc.
You gotta be insane to defend one of the worst presidents in US history. I'm not saying Biden is a great option, but Trump? hell no. He's only a rich bigot who doesn't have a single political bone in his body and got there only because he is the last hope of a desperate and delusional conservative right that still believes in the red menace. It's so ridiculous that the fact he has a chance to win a re-election is a sad example of the terrible state of politics nowadays.
You know there is no hope for humanity when a narcissist like Trump have as much support as he do. It somehow seem to work, repeating the same lie over and over brainwashes people to think its the truth. Although no doubt the propaganda channel in the states help him a lot too, be like listening to North korean news channel to listen to fox news, people in general are so dumb they fall for it, even in my country too.
I'm going to pass on this one. President Trump's presidency has been good for my family and friends, so I won't disrespect him. You can play this game and hold whatever opinions you like, but please don;t carry your distaste for him into the real world. There's been enough political violence this year.
Did i need to ask you to remember he is the one who attack iranian for no reason and almost open war with them?how can u say avoiding war when he clearly isnt i cant agree with you about that topinion you have,sorry
Fuck off, that Iranian attack was justified. It was one of the few times he actually listened to his advisors. Personally I think Trump's a massive narcissist and possibly a sociopath or psychopath, whose biggest ability is being able to so easily mess with everyone's mind in the most blatantly obvious ways and yet actually gain support by doing that. And he's obviously willing to do pretty much anything to maintain power. But that guy in Iran - he needed to be taken down.
Yes and No. Trump did dat in the name of ZIONIST JUDEA. Iraq all those LIES.. and now International (JEW) Judea is after IRAN, using and abusing US, butt it won't be easy against those brown Persians. However, it was a terrorist crime and the blood is on Trump's hands
I'm curious, how are we ruining this country? before the coronavirus, we had a booming economy and relatively peaceful times. Trump was the first president in decades to avoid starting wars, he is bringing troops home. Aside from saying mean words, what has Trump (or the rest of us) done to incur such hatred?
Hi, this is a gaming website. Maybe you don't care, but Trump has systematically profited off of his presidency by appointing obviously corrupt persons to cabinet leadership positions in "acting" roles, circumventing oversight, as blatant favors. In doing so, he's gutted the capability of many bureaus which normally provide oversight and support to state-level organizations. There's no plausible reason to appoint someone to leadership of the EPA who has a clearly-documented financial interest in rolling back environmental protection policies and zero experience in environmental policies, practices, or compliance. He put a wacky doctor, celebrated for his insanity, in charge of housing administration. Housing. It's one thing to say he's "avoided starting wars" or "is bringing troops home," but he's certainly done much more than say "mean words." Trump has, more than any other president, turned our accountability as a governed state into a practical joke. Exploiting loopholes and packing the justice department with cronies, the very least of anyone's plausible concern is that he's been over-visiting his own properties and charging the Secret Service millions of dollars for their mandatory attendance and protection of him during his stays. If any other president went this far, you'd probably be mad about it. Trump's organization has been hard-on emphasizing that attacks on his behavior are purely partisan for so long that folks like you are just swallowing whatever comes up as "nothing-burger" nonsense. He isn't getting away with it. They just keep saying that over and over. Everything's been documented.
The world used to follow, fear and admire the US of A. But now the world shuns, mistrusts and holds in contempt this country. MAGA : Made America Go Away. What a fantastic job !
I don't live there, and if I did I would probably be afraid that he will win again. But since I don't live there, part of me wants him to win because that will be even funnier than last time. And last time left-wingers across the USA went into some kind of perpetual meltdown which they still haven't recovered from, so I'm interested to see how batshit crazy things can get.
I wonder if this is actually a Chinese dev. Liberals are instigator cowards who HABITUALLY false flag and DESPERATELY need to start a fight between us and somebody else to change the subject from themselves. But China is not the problem. Russia is not the problem. Its not the Muslims or Mexico or anybody else. Its the liberals. Every problem always spreading from liberals outwards. Tell me who runs liberalism. Who's criminal culture is that? Who runs liberal New York, the liberal media, and murderous coward liberalism. Ask them why they wont admit that they do. Ask them why they wont take any credit for liberalism. Just keep blaming it on Donald Trump.
I agree that the left needs to calm down and fix themselves up, I;m a trump supporting republican. I hold the left in low esteem. that said, I don't think the way you posted this is doing our side any favors. A lot of what you said is true, but you need to frame it in a less angry way if you want others to listen.
That. I probably would disagree with you on a lot of things, but on the way to frame arguments I agree one hundred percent. Thanks for still being sane.
As you can see, the tide is turning against democratic meritocracy towards "strong"-man autocracy. Worryingly, this isn't just an American trend: it's a global one.
WHAT "Meritocracy" out of liberals? Name one attribute that you've ever done for anybody. EVERY problem in THE WORLD, from here to the middle east, is instigated and spreading from liberals outwards. What attribute or merit do you have at all? You're not smart. You dont pay taxes. You run up bills living off taxes. And then hide behind the police. What have you done to earn a vote? What have you got to run on? Other then blaming everything spreading from you outwards on Donald Trump. But it not Donald Trump. You've been getting everybody killed around you for 50 years. You and biden and obo DID THE SAME THING YOUR DOING NOW, while you got EVERYTHING YOUR WAY for 8 years. THATS why we voted against you. Thats why nobody likes you. Thats why you have to buy friends. It IS world wide. You have used America as the platform to commit your crimes around the world, and we're going to put a stop to that. And you're not going to have any place left to out-wander your reputation this time.
You really believe in that we/good them/bad view ? I'm not gonna argue over your points - you're obviously too far down the road for me - but still I'd really like to know if you really believe things are so simple. Us/always good & Them/always bad. And by such a large margin, I mean it's obviously the Holy Order vs The Forces of Evil here. Are you really sure that's how the world works ?
Yeah, but you would not be allowed to say it's shit or even hear about the shit. Everybody would be so officially content, all the time and by law. Guys in heavy flak jackets would make sure of it. You'd know your friends and family watch over you all the time. And getting rid of someone would just be an anonymous phone call away. Isn't fascism just the best ever ?
Yeah, well, it still hasn't, and the world still doesn't. Goes to show. Also, you serious dude quoting that guy ? You know he was a mass murdering junkie psycho right ? Probably not the best role model. Also, why must I be a liberal ? Never heard of the Lincoln Project ?
I sincerely doubt that. I'd put Trump's reelection chances at 60-70% at least. People like Trump's unorthodox methods and attitudes. Meanwhile, Biden is coming across as extremely weak. Thus, I will not be surprised if Trump wins a second term and gets installed as president for life after that.
Actually after the failure Town Hall yesterday Donald Trump is coming off as an uneducated idiot while Joe Biden has come off as a educated great speaker.
Higher than 60-70. The more present the president's getting the less present Biden's getting. Fact is Biden's fighting this like a loser, failing to duck and weave, hands at his sides. Trump's throwing and landing John Wayne punches because with this opponent he easily can.
No. I would not put it higher than 60-70 currently. There are people who hate Trump very much, and there are those who worship Trump like a God. It's a messy election.
Obvious satirical game pirated without spending a dollar spawns heated conflict about moral values and the possible threat of corruption from either major political spectrum... ....Alexa; where can I buy a bulk of squeaky red noses?
Nah! Politics and morality are easy to figure out. Just follow the Bible like it is the greatest book ever made and go on an epic crusade against deviants and we should be back to normal in no time!
if you oculdnt tell from the screenies, this is a shit post made in China. how well do you think CHina's views on the rest of the world are? if a usa bloke made a game about how China's leader looks liek winnie the pooh, they'd shit their pants into a storm. it's the same as any political bullshit. last elcton itwasputin and trump, this year it's china and trump. nothign has changed
That's the new norm, my dude. If you're not boasting about how they're trying to take your guns, or on the flipside, how defunding the police is a "good idea" AND you somehow seamlessly implement it into entertainment with the mastery of Edward Scissorhands changing a newborn baby during an off-the-charts record earthquake....well... you're just living life poorly.
I like how irl you basically have Communists vs Trump for the last 4 or so months and then you have this. Honestly though, if Trump would tweet something along the lines of "I'm a commie", it would end this push for communism across the western world.
the push of communism across the western countries would stop once people realize that communism doesnt work simply because true communism would mean that every single person would be happy with what they have, which is basically against the human nature to seek more than what they have, in the end democracy doesnt work either since if you look at what democracy would mean it's not how modern democracies work again simply because in a country with millions a true democratic state would not work, politics are a mess, i'm just adding my opinion altho i do not think this is a good place to have these talks since in the end this is a game and has to be taken as that
"capitalism", "communism", "socialism" and "fascism" are all just words to suit the agenda of whoever is using them. In the end it all comes down to power: who has it, and how much of it.
We need Social Democracy. It's not communism, please don't be misinformed. look it up social democracy is kinda what we have already with foodstamps and such but we need to better implement it.
wtf who would even install a trump game made by the chinese? woudn't be surprised if it had viruses/trojans. this is pretty much ccp brainwashing material. lol
I really don't mind both things, but I must say it was a bit of excessive from the part of Jerry to date a 14yo. People like to pretend that women magically become ripe after turning 18. It is not how that works, being a man is constantly imposing moral constraints while being a woman is just pretending and acting like you have no agency whatsoever.
That's current societal standards for you. Step out of line and you become the villain. Hell, existing is considered a problem to some. But there way I see it if there are handicaps and hurdles placed down, there's a bit of understanding that who they're doing that to is considered superior in their eyes. They've already lost the battle. The ones they despise live rent free in their heads.
Notice how crazy Trump makes people.....want to know why. Trump is playing a Matrix like game in which he is the only real person. We are all NPC's in this game, and half us of are programmed to hate him so he can have a decent challenge. That being said, Trump 2020 ;-)
Welp, I'll give you one thing: that a billionaire television celebrity -- who as made the swamp even bigger an smellier than ever by appointing his millionaire friends, who ask their lobbyist pals to "call me at home" so they don't have to go on record taking kick-backs -- has somehow convinced people that he is for the "average American"... is proof that we live in a machine.
You know, when Hillary Clinton said "you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables..." "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it", you guys had the chance to say "no, we are just average Americans". Instead you got all victimized and went full-in on calling yourselves "deplorables". Meaning that you are either severely mentally retarded and can't understand the English language, or you really are a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic dupes.
And yet when people these days say: "No, I'm not racist, sexist, X-phobic or anything like that", the lunatics unironically answer with shit like: "Hah, that's exactly what a racist, sexist, X-phobe would say!" There is no point in trying to argue and prove your innocence to the people who will do anything to try to ruin you no matter what you say.
No, but you are proving my point that half the country is either illiterate morons, or else admit freely and openly (admittedly only so they can whine about how "victimized" they are) that they are, in fact, racists/homophobes etc. when they choose to call themselves "deplorable". In that very same speech Clinton says " but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change." This refers to the "other" basket of Trump supporters which, ironically given your complaint *ADAMANTLY CLAIM THEY AREN'T". Any time, every time, you whine about being insulted when this speech comes up, you are admitting to being in the evil basket and not the "just an average American" basket. Because your victimhood is being manipulated.
In all fairness, I think that everybody is at least a little bit racist. What actually matters is whether we choose to acknowledge it, and what we do with that knowledge.
If you don't ban politics it's gonna creep up on games with topics like this. And IGG is kind of a unique place where both sides can have at it with some kind of ... restraint ? More or less. So please don't ban it. Just ... it does make your task probably harder. And you know it's gonna get worse before it gets better (50 days of worse in fact).
The real hidden joke is that America, China, and Russia -though are considered the bad guys to most- are deeply rooted business constituents. Again (I'm afraid) it's all about the money and power, friends.
Dunno about that. It might be a dumb place, but much like the [specified sickness censored], it's VERY infectious. A trip to Twitter and one can clearly see that the ideologies, though first originated in America, has found its way all over. And that's all you need. One infected journalist and then it's the T-Virus epidemic all over again!!!
Except we got smart people claiming other smart people are dumb people. Who's actually smart? Those who took the red pill or those who took the blue pill?
This is actually an asian-ish little girl. Are you trying to say something smart ironically or just missed the mark and being a moron ? Wait. Don't answer. I think I know.
someppl still thought he said to drink bleach, retards like you, actually :3 not my leader, but for fuck'ssake, you yankees sure got a wonderful way of making your entire country look retarded ot the world by insulting your curretn POTUS.
Pretty sure there was only a single reported case of somebody drinking that and it turned out that:
It was a certain woman's husband... who she poisoned with it.
The woman claimed to have been a faithful Fox-watching MAGA-lady... and it was found out that she absolutely lied and she was a registered Democrat or something like that. Ultimately, it seemed like a case of: "Crazy woman wanted to kill her husband and chose to use the topical at the time conversation to try and push a political agenda against her hated politician while doing the killing".
Yea because there were literal studies showing that it COULD help, and besides he literally never told anyone to do it, there's a diference between telling someone to do it and suggesting it
yeah i know, people are definitely stupid if they don't believe russia, the Soviet Union's successor state, our main rival for 70+ years, is meddling with our elections.
That can be true, but it doesn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians, as you learnt from the Mueller Report. Besides, Hillary's campaign was behind the steele dossier, so you if you want to claim collusion, you ought to investigate Hillary. And I'm all for stopping election meddling. So how about we stop the ridiculous push for mail-in voting? Oh? Is that where your standards for voting integrity ends?
I knew Trump was a communist all along as this clearly proves and he deliberately spread Covid 19 into America to destroy the country. At least Kamala is an American and she will save us.
I really like how Trump treats women he's not a mangina/simp! If you ask me Trump is really a black man. Trump is a alpha male doesn't pander to women and not a simp! this is why I will be voting for Trump again
You're so bad at this. Make it less obvious dude. This is only gonna work on twelve year olds or so. Need help ? Check here. Sharpen your pencil, then come back and try again. Practice makes perfect.
so after all great big talk about no races and freedom, and yet here we are again black and white blad blad blad. I'm immigrant, i seen a lot and lived in few different country. and for all respect i think Mr. Obama is a respectful leader, at least he doing something that US is lose to see in century " affordable healthcare" while other country been practice for decade like Australia for example. i don't mind to save few hundred buck. and for god sake enough politic already. this website is piracy game and you guy are no better anyone under whatever circumstance so stop decorate gold in you face
LOL what does that have to do with anything?so let me get this straight because I steal video games I'm poor I steal video games because I'm a thief not because I can't pay for them
yeah enjoy blaming white people because black women cant take care of black men, thats reasons you all end up as thugs blaming whites for all of your problems. I was adopted by a white family and I have a huge amount of respect for white people.
that's cool that you were adopted by a white family but calling every black man a thug just because they didn't have a father in their life isn't going to get you points with anyone which is the same thing your "boy" is doing. Many black people and white people who don't have fathers go on to become successful in life.And also I'm not black, im native american, shows how bias your family has made you.
LOL, look at the retards giving a down vote, while being too cheap to pay for games and support their country. Great patriotism trumptards! Now go to sleep and dream of sucking Donald's old wrinkly micro penis!
So it's finally official. China supports Trump's re election. And the propaganda is even spreading to games. Not surprising - but slightly disturbing. On many levels.
Take it easy, dude. This game is not even made for Americans to play. It's always funny to see that Americans think everything from China is propaganda. It's used to be Americans making fun with China, then chineses took it so srsly and fought with each other. I never thought it would turn around one day. The whole thing is, Trump hates China, but he is dividing American society which benefit China. Therefore, people made a joke about how he is a spy of CCP. There was a same joke when Obama was the president, but you didn't give a shit back then. I am wondering why. It is interesting to read all those comments tho. Someone even blame on jews, lmao. You are disturbed just because you are not used to be the one who are made fun of, and you didn't need to make America great AGAIN either. Again, Take it easy. This game is not even made for Americans to play.
Umm...I think the whole game is meant to be interpreted as a sarcastic, satirical joke. But what do I know? Politics have always been about corrupted officials versus corrupted officials, and it won't ever change. Just make sure to flee the country once Civil War breaks out because corrupted officials won't give up power.
Poorly worded but very good point. I went a little overboard there. The political climate is just ... grating. I think it gets on my nerve. And try checking the other comments dude. I'm not the only one. Still, my bad. I shouldn't mistake a tree for a forest.
Yeah, well, for the race to see who's the biggest baddest totalitarianest country I'd say all bets are off. Russia VS China VS USA triple threat match, who's gonna win ? (spoiler alert : everybody loses in the end especially little people like us). Jews got nothing to do with it - just us stupid humans being stupid idiots. And blaming others for our own problems won't solve them by the way.
This is a game made to vilify Trump. China's Internet is full of anti-Trump public opinion orientation. Even in the steam comment area of this game, the Chinese comments you see are repeating various Trump jokes made up by Chinese internet commentators. For Trump, all Chinese people are entertaining and mentally handicapped. impression. If you directly translate some texts of the game, it seems to support Trump's re-election, but in Chinese, it uses irony. Not only does it mean no support, but also malicious ridicule.
So you're saying it's basically a parody to make fun of the T man and not to support him ? It's not obvious from the way they present the thing to be fair. "This is a hymn of loyalty" comes to mind ... And sarcasm is overly difficult to grasp in writing - especially when it comes from another culture entirely. I'm still dubious about the intent but given your user name you must understand it far better than I do I guess. Thanks for the info. I'll dig around to get a better picture.
The release date of this game is 911. The Chinese version of twitter (weibo) that day was applauded for 911. By the way, there are too many deaths from the epidemic in the United States, and the air of freedom is so sweet. I think the political opinions of this game have been spread out, and no American should defend it. Let me put it more seriously. It is very possible that the release of this game will be behind the scenes of the Chinese public opinion management agency. What you see to make things fair actually comes from a free and open game platform. The game pretends in the introduction to say that it does not represent your own position, but whether you think the game is for Trump or against Trump, it’s not without it. Position, is this fair? The anti-Trump media on the Internet in our country is already very rampant. I can't laugh or cry when I see this view of the situation in China here.
The release date of this game is 911. The Chinese version of twitter (weibo) that day was applauded for 911. By the way, there are too many deaths from the epidemic in the United States, and the air of freedom is so sweet. I think the political opinions of this game have been spread out, and no American should defend it. Let me put it more seriously. It is very possible that the release of this game will be behind the scenes of the Chinese public opinion management agency. What you see to make things fair actually comes from a free and open game platform. The game pretends in the introduction to say that it does not represent your own position, but whether you think the game is for Trump or against Trump, it’s not without it. Position, is this fair? The anti-Trump media on the Internet in our country is already very rampant. I can't laugh or cry when I see this view of the situation in China here.
Hard to communicate with Google translate, but I think I kind of get your point. Maybe. So, you're saying this game could be funded by the CCPPD behind the scene, but officially it's just a funny parody game. And that maybe it seems and says it's not political but it is in the end, and anyway it's anti American and was released to "commemorate" 911 but not in a nice way. And that the media in China is mostly against Trump. That's what I understand, but I could be wrong. If that's what you're saying ... Holy shit.
You are blinded by the way this game is presented. If you can play this game in Chinese, you will understand it right away. Put it this way, many of the inner meanings of our Chinese can only be understood by the natives, and grammar is not even needed to be ironic. On the Chinese Internet, everyone will be continuously pushed negative information about the United States. There is a trend in the comments below, saying how free the United States is and I love the air of democracy. The meaning of the expression is actually the opposite, but if you directly translate the literal meaning, you won’t feel anything. Needless to say, this game directly quoted the ugly Trump name (Chuan Jianguo) which is very popular in China. I can’t translate it into English. I can only make you understand that Trump is a spy sent by the Chinese Communist government. A song of loyalty (words and sentences is similar to a red song, a red song means praise to the red regime) is also sung for the Chinese Communist Party, not for Trump. All the ridicule here is very intuitive in the eyes of the Chinese. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the Chinese review of this game and it will blossom for him. On China's largest video site, you can search for Trump to see only negative information. Since Trump took office, the Chinese have made up a lot of Trump jokes. Compared to the attitude towards Obama, do you still think China supports Trump?
MAGA 2020 =)
it's a fact that trump hated the chinese in general or at least has a lot of flak to them. I don't even know what to think anymore. it wouldn't even be a stretch to say the chinese have a hand with the riots
In that it takes to close the TikTok deal, how many more American manufacturing jobs will be moved over there?
Hitler and Stalin hated each other's guts, had no qualms about doing the most brutal shit to the enemy's people. While their economies were very different, both were power-mad rulers with absolute power, secret police, propaganda, etc.
He's only a rich bigot who doesn't have a single political bone in his body and got there only because he is the last hope of a desperate and delusional conservative right that still believes in the red menace.
It's so ridiculous that the fact he has a chance to win a re-election is a sad example of the terrible state of politics nowadays.
Read the username
oh, ofc ahahahahah
Personally I think Trump's a massive narcissist and possibly a sociopath or psychopath, whose biggest ability is being able to so easily mess with everyone's mind in the most blatantly obvious ways and yet actually gain support by doing that.
And he's obviously willing to do pretty much anything to maintain power.
But that guy in Iran - he needed to be taken down.
Trump did dat in the name of ZIONIST JUDEA.
Iraq all those LIES.. and now International (JEW) Judea is after IRAN, using and abusing US, butt it won't be easy against those brown Persians.
However, it was a terrorist crime and the blood is on Trump's hands
Maybe you don't care, but Trump has systematically profited off of his presidency by appointing obviously corrupt persons to cabinet leadership positions in "acting" roles, circumventing oversight, as blatant favors.
In doing so, he's gutted the capability of many bureaus which normally provide oversight and support to state-level organizations. There's no plausible reason to appoint someone to leadership of the EPA who has a clearly-documented financial interest in rolling back environmental protection policies and zero experience in environmental policies, practices, or compliance.
He put a wacky doctor, celebrated for his insanity, in charge of housing administration. Housing.
It's one thing to say he's "avoided starting wars" or "is bringing troops home," but he's certainly done much more than say "mean words."
Trump has, more than any other president, turned our accountability as a governed state into a practical joke. Exploiting loopholes and packing the justice department with cronies, the very least of anyone's plausible concern is that he's been over-visiting his own properties and charging the Secret Service millions of dollars for their mandatory attendance and protection of him during his stays.
If any other president went this far, you'd probably be mad about it. Trump's organization has been hard-on emphasizing that attacks on his behavior are purely partisan for so long that folks like you are just swallowing whatever comes up as "nothing-burger" nonsense.
He isn't getting away with it. They just keep saying that over and over. Everything's been documented.
MAGA : Made America Go Away. What a fantastic job !
But since I don't live there, part of me wants him to win because that will be even funnier than last time. And last time left-wingers across the USA went into some kind of perpetual meltdown which they still haven't recovered from, so I'm interested to see how batshit crazy things can get.
Liberals are instigator cowards who HABITUALLY false flag and DESPERATELY need to start a fight between us and somebody else to change the subject from themselves.
But China is not the problem.
Russia is not the problem.
Its not the Muslims or Mexico or anybody else.
Its the liberals.
Every problem always spreading from liberals outwards.
Tell me who runs liberalism.
Who's criminal culture is that?
Who runs liberal New York, the liberal media,
and murderous coward liberalism.
Ask them why they wont admit that they do.
Ask them why they wont take any credit for liberalism.
Just keep blaming it on Donald Trump.
and murderous coward liberalism.
The ЈЁW, ethnic JЁWs aka Dual Citizen.
A fact.
Name one attribute that you've ever done for anybody.
EVERY problem in THE WORLD, from here to the middle east,
is instigated and spreading from liberals outwards.
What attribute or merit do you have at all?
You're not smart.
You dont pay taxes.
You run up bills living off taxes.
And then hide behind the police.
What have you done to earn a vote? What have you got to run on?
Other then blaming everything spreading from you outwards on Donald Trump.
But it not Donald Trump.
You've been getting everybody killed around you for 50 years.
You and biden and obo DID THE SAME THING YOUR DOING NOW,
while you got EVERYTHING YOUR WAY for 8 years.
THATS why we voted against you.
Thats why nobody likes you.
Thats why you have to buy friends.
It IS world wide.
You have used America as the platform to commit your crimes around the world, and we're going to put a stop to that.
And you're not going to have any place left to out-wander your reputation this time.
Are you really sure that's how the world works ?
Isn't fascism just the best ever ?
On the end it is Trump fault.
....Alexa; where can I buy a bulk of squeaky red noses?
how well do you think CHina's views on the rest of the world are?
if a usa bloke made a game about how China's leader looks liek winnie the pooh, they'd shit their pants into a storm.
it's the same as any political bullshit.
last elcton itwasputin and trump, this year it's china and trump.
nothign has changed
Honestly though, if Trump would tweet something along the lines of "I'm a commie", it would end this push for communism across the western world.
I worked hard getting that card....
But there way I see it if there are handicaps and hurdles placed down, there's a bit of understanding that who they're doing that to is considered superior in their eyes. They've already lost the battle. The ones they despise live rent free in their heads.
Trump is playing a Matrix like game in which he is the only real person. We are all NPC's in this game, and half us of are programmed to hate him so he can have a decent challenge.
That being said, Trump 2020 ;-)
s base how convenient you left out Gropey Joe
s support of known k.k.k. members like Sen. Robert Byrd .....Instead you got all victimized and went full-in on calling yourselves "deplorables". Meaning that you are either severely mentally retarded and can't understand the English language, or you really are a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic dupes.
There is no point in trying to argue and prove your innocence to the people who will do anything to try to ruin you no matter what you say.
In that very same speech Clinton says " but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change." This refers to the "other" basket of Trump supporters which, ironically given your complaint *ADAMANTLY CLAIM THEY AREN'T".
Any time, every time, you whine about being insulted when this speech comes up, you are admitting to being in the evil basket and not the "just an average American" basket. Because your victimhood is being manipulated.
man it
s CHy---NahI'm looking foward for when US become the Idiocracy, like the movie.
And that's all you need. One infected journalist and then it's the T-Virus epidemic all over again!!!
Those who took the yellow pill.
this is the smallest dick in the world
also lol at Comrade Trump x----D
Are there really still idiots out there that believe the russia hoax?! Nobody can possibly be that stupid.
not my leader, but for fuck'ssake, you yankees sure got a wonderful way of making your entire country look retarded ot the world by insulting your curretn POTUS.
dude did you replied to the wrong guy?
you know what i mean
Ultimately, it seemed like a case of: "Crazy woman wanted to kill her husband and chose to use the topical at the time conversation to try and push a political agenda against her hated politician while doing the killing".
trump 20/20
And I'm all for stopping election meddling. So how about we stop the ridiculous push for mail-in voting? Oh? Is that where your standards for voting integrity ends?
The delusional psychos of the World of Darkness, they hear voices and see stuff that isn't there. Checks out.
no comments
Sharpen your pencil, then come back and try again. Practice makes perfect.
and for god sake enough politic already. this website is piracy game and you guy are no better anyone under whatever circumstance so stop decorate gold in you face
Now go to sleep and dream of sucking Donald's old wrinkly micro penis!
Yes, show me that you read and got angered!
The whole thing is, Trump hates China, but he is dividing American society which benefit China. Therefore, people made a joke about how he is a spy of CCP. There was a same joke when Obama was the president, but you didn't give a shit back then. I am wondering why.
It is interesting to read all those comments tho. Someone even blame on jews, lmao. You are disturbed just because you are not used to be the one who are made fun of, and you didn't need to make America great AGAIN either. Again, Take it easy. This game is not even made for Americans to play.
Jews got nothing to do with it - just us stupid humans being stupid idiots. And blaming others for our own problems won't solve them by the way.
If you directly translate some texts of the game, it seems to support Trump's re-election, but in Chinese, it uses irony. Not only does it mean no support, but also malicious ridicule.
And sarcasm is overly difficult to grasp in writing - especially when it comes from another culture entirely. I'm still dubious about the intent but given your user name you must understand it far better than I do I guess.
Thanks for the info. I'll dig around to get a better picture.
I think the political opinions of this game have been spread out, and no American should defend it.
Let me put it more seriously. It is very possible that the release of this game will be behind the scenes of the Chinese public opinion management agency.
What you see to make things fair actually comes from a free and open game platform. The game pretends in the introduction to say that it does not represent your own position, but whether you think the game is for Trump or against Trump, it’s not without it. Position, is this fair?
The anti-Trump media on the Internet in our country is already very rampant. I can't laugh or cry when I see this view of the situation in China here.
I think the political opinions of this game have been spread out, and no American should defend it.
Let me put it more seriously. It is very possible that the release of this game will be behind the scenes of the Chinese public opinion management agency.
What you see to make things fair actually comes from a free and open game platform. The game pretends in the introduction to say that it does not represent your own position, but whether you think the game is for Trump or against Trump, it’s not without it. Position, is this fair?
The anti-Trump media on the Internet in our country is already very rampant. I can't laugh or cry when I see this view of the situation in China here.
That's what I understand, but I could be wrong. If that's what you're saying ... Holy shit.
Put it this way, many of the inner meanings of our Chinese can only be understood by the natives, and grammar is not even needed to be ironic. On the Chinese Internet, everyone will be continuously pushed negative information about the United States. There is a trend in the comments below, saying how free the United States is and I love the air of democracy. The meaning of the expression is actually the opposite, but if you directly translate the literal meaning, you won’t feel anything.
Needless to say, this game directly quoted the ugly Trump name (Chuan Jianguo) which is very popular in China. I can’t translate it into English. I can only make you understand that Trump is a spy sent by the Chinese Communist government. A song of loyalty (words and sentences is similar to a red song, a red song means praise to the red regime) is also sung for the Chinese Communist Party, not for Trump.
All the ridicule here is very intuitive in the eyes of the Chinese. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the Chinese review of this game and it will blossom for him.
On China's largest video site, you can search for Trump to see only negative information. Since Trump took office, the Chinese have made up a lot of Trump jokes. Compared to the attitude towards Obama, do you still think China supports Trump?