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This has been already uploaded, and I feel like I left a review before. Here's a quick summary; don't bother. It's a pretty uninspired and uninteresting action platformer with more tedium than 'challenge', from what I recall. If you want a "real" S&S game, play 7 (VII), which I believe is the last one with the usual pit fighting mechanics and turn-based combat. It also has some almost-good dungeon dwelling, that is used to pad out almost 80% of the actual game, so be aware of that.
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britannia's corpse exhumed
Lmao, I peeped at that game and the art style is so fucking weird.
This is why I'm only playing everything from the OG Swords and Sandals to Tavern Quest and the Tactics one. The cartoon-ish Flash game art style was an endearing selling point to me.
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Yeah, that style is so unique and... lovably dorky? I'm not even sure how to put it into words precisely, but it gives me the same feeling the weird doodles kids/teens do when they're bored in class, y'know? And man, Tavern Quest, haven't thought about that game in so long! I'm gonna have to replay it, infuriating RNG be damned! Hahahah
DæmIan Amendølara
this is trash not real sword and sandals
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Jash Laker (SURParamour)
What do you mean?
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Jash Laker (SURParamour)
Is this here? I'm currently downloading all the S&S games that are.
NVM, I think it's the classic collection.
Pablo Raho
Can we buy swords and sandals?
Mom: We have swords and sandals at home
Swords and sandals at home:
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I was going to say that it's not bad for early access, but it's a full release.
Forget it.
nanda tsuk
not sword sandals usually we want
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wasnt this already uploaded long ago?
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All i see is one from today.
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hmm he remove it
britannia's corpse exhumed
Stopped caring once those mf's made Swords and Sandals V a crappy MMO.
Just give us back another Swords and Sandals game, even if it's Swords and Sandals: Tavern Quest 2. Please.
Pablo Raho
So heartbreaking.
Enma Hikaru
This... Is not the Swords and Sandals that i knew of...
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google flashpoint. There is like a 300GB+ flash games+loader repository.
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Enma Hikaru
I know and i actually have Sword's and Sandals in my drive. Just that i feel a little bit sad since the game change and grow into something i didn't recognize...