For anyone wondering about transfering their savefiles to the new version...

You need to start a new legacy on the updated version (backup the previous one if you want), skip tutorial, surrender, and exit the game.
Now that the game has made a new save profile, go to the usual savefile location:

(%USERPROFILE% \AppData\LocalLow\Cellar Door Games\RogueLegacy2\Saves\Steam)

Check the "date created" on both folders, and paste the older one's contents into the newest one.

[Might want to paste this info in the game description for others to see, since I didn't see anyone sharing this solution, just found out by trial and error.]
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I know this is late but thanks bro
To carry your save over from a previous version to newer 1.0 update, go to \AppData\LocalLow\Cellar Door Games\Rogue Legacy 2\Saves\Steam you'll see two folders there, one being the old version and one the new version, just look at the date modified to see the older and newer and copy over the contents of the old version to the new one.
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ty so much u just made my day
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Could you tell me how to transfer my save from v1 to v1.0.2, your method doesnt seem to work.

Ill appreciate the help.
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Could you tell me how to transfer my save from v1 to v1.0.2, your method doesnt seem to work.

Ill appreciate the help.
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when will v1.0 will be updated?
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Updated to v1.0, you can download it now, enjoy ;)
already requested an update, we're going to have to be patient.
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Didn't see it in the list
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Updated to v1.0, you can download it now, enjoy ;)
The original game was good and this is a decent sequel for it.
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Anyone know how to transfer save from v1.0.0 to this one?
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I just posted the solution above, but I don't know if it's been published. If you need it ask me, I'll save a copypaste of it in a .txt for a few days
I Love it Game thx IGG <3
Ryoga Hibiki
Updates are slow going still. There's a rebalance with classes; Barbarians got nerfed, Cooks are now OP, Valkyries make you forget that Knights exist, and Duelists are...alright. They also rolled out a perma-method where every run you make will no longer be for naught in hopes of a sign of progression. Fast traveling is now implemented. .....Not as useful currently, but it's there. Also, the only accessible biome is complete with their own boss...es.
Story-wise there's more lore which does have more root to the first game. However, unlike the first game, following the story is as convoluted as obtaining them outside of the castle.
That said, traversing can be hard as nails and the basic procedurally generated mapping doesn't do you any favors. The castle, not so much, but the Far Shores...oh man. Better start gitting guud on your platforming cause the layouts will be unforgiving at times. It's a single long ass stage, so relying on flipping from room to room to reset the mob's position/aggro won't work outside of a few secret rooms you come across; 3 in all if I'm not mistaken.
With the Far Shores update, personally speaking, it's enough if you wanna test it out to see what it's like. Definitely not enough to get invested in (paying or not) unless you like this company or love rogue-likes. Regardless, I wouldn't get too caught up in it anyway since the devs might reset your progress again with the next big update as they meddle with the mechanics once more.
.......Probably to nerf the Barbarians a second time, the jerks.
Here's the current roadmap for those who are interested:
Alright. Gonna go back and contemplate why vegan pacifists exist in a rougelike game.
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How can you transfer save files from version 1.00 to 1.01?
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Is there a release for the 1.01 Update out there ?
😈 Crazy Minority 🤖
Thanks IGG for this great Rogue-Lite,damn love it.
Dying over and over again with(or without)Style is FUN!😂
I have to admit,much more enjoyable than RL1,at least for me.
thanks IGG for updating :)
I just played for a while n I have to say ''nice game''
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Rogue Legacy 2 feels like a bad attempt to mimic the first one, rather than an improvement over it. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, as it's in Early Access, but this doesn't look good.
There's a huge amount of effort put into the assets of it; the graphics look great, the music's good, everything's flashy and polished... Which actually makes me feel worse about this game! Why did they spend so much time on something so completely unnecessary for an EA game instead of working on the core gameplay mechanics, content, balance, etc!? It feels like they're just desperately trying to sell the game by making it pretty and appealing, to hide how much they're struggling to make a competent sequel under the hood.
Let's break this down point by point. The basic movement is quite good, though it suffers from issues with occasionally unresponsive controls; your character can miss inputs and simply not perform the action you want it to, which is awful considering how much precise platforming certain sections require. The Downstrike seems to suffer the most from this. Then, there's the Dash. It's been "remade" compared to the first game, and it seems like it's a step down overall. For instance, you've got controls bound to "dash left" and "dash right", like in the first game, but THEY DON'T WORK. Dashing is always done in the direction you're facing. This would even be fine... if they didn't have the controls there clearly showing there's something wrong! It doesn't use up a rune anymore, which also means no double/triple/quad dashes. The way you acquire it (and other permanent passive abilities) is also rather stupid, where it forces you through a long, pointless "tutorial" challenge that shoe-horns you into situations where you need/should use it, instead of letting you learn that yourself.
Hitboxes are also an issue, Rogue Legacy 1 had some wonky hitboxes, and the sequel seems to have made no effort to improve them, hell, they might actually be worse. Spikes and similar hazards can hit you from the sides and without actually making contact with your character (or by grazing certain zones of it, but ignoring others), certain enemies, attacks and projectiles have out of whack hitboxes or they stay active for too long (you can get hit by the trail of an attack!), and even your own attacks often have messed up hitboxes; you can hit enemies farther away than you should, but then you have some attacks where the visual effect clearly connects with the enemy, but it doesn't do anything. This is super noticeable with the 'upgraded' downstrike you get in certain heirs, that has a much smaller hitbox than its VFX indicates.
Gear progression is still pretty shitty, with your pieces of equipment being unlocked by finding completely random blueprints, and upgrading being locked behind finding the same blueprint multiple times. It was a bad system in RG1, it's an even worse system now, 7 fucking years later. Runes are still tied to Fairy chests, which have "challenges" ranging from easy to "this is either not possible or it requires a very specific combination of traits, classes, talents and/or items", with many of them being also immediately failed if you happen to dash or jump as soon as you enter the room (not knowing it's a FC room). You also seem to no longer be able to equip multiple identical runes, even though the UI leads you to believe you can, and the runes themselves are poorly balanced and generally very shitty. The only mildly useful one I found was a speed increase, and there's a gold increase one that I got way too late in the game for it to be relevant.
In this regard, it feels like there was no intention to improve upon the previous game, and their attempt to simply mimic it was flawed and turned out even worse.
The completely stupid contact damage on all enemies is still there, the ridiculous Castlevania 1 knockback is still there (oh but now there's a shitty "air recovery" that is only useful to exploit as a movement mechanic), the balance between different classes and different enemies is bad, the boss is pretty awful (it's a total sponge and its only difficulty is the high damage on all of its attacks), etc, etc. I've personally also never been a big fan of how the economy/meta-progression works, or how much it is a focus and a crutch to progress, but in that sense it doesn't seem like they've royally fucked anything up in particular, and it's also simply too early to tell for sure.
Overall, it feels like they tried to make "Rogue Legacy 1 but newer and prettier and we swear it's definitely worth buying", and they ended up with an inferior copy. Only time will tell, but to be honest, I'm not very confident in this one. Cellar Door Games, I hope you get your shit together and pull this one through. I would really like a solid sequel of Rogue Legacy.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Okay. I'm gonna do a wall o' text. Hope the Orange Man notice since he loves walls being erected.
Taken that Rogue Legacy 1 was THE game that launched their company name to popularity, the hype to make a sequel was like the timeline to the launch of No Man's Sky on a much smaller and less hyped scale. Playing through the first game, the devs give the player a sneak peek in what it was like before they made the game that eventually became hot. Most of their stuff was lukewarm at best. My First Quantum Translocator was alright; it was like you ate the portal gun and now have to deal with your new life. Don't Shit Your Pants got some light but only cause almost every famous gaming YouTuber played it for that quick YouTube money for reacting like a loon. Regardless, Cellar Door Games quite possibly tripped over themselves since this game was the only game that was a hit. I'm fairly certain they're gonna end up typecasting themselves as "the dev team who did the game that had phobias in it or something" because of their track record.
That aside, the game itself is alright. Not stellar, just alright. Prettier, flashier, more classes (meaning just 1), more moves...kinda. And....that's it so far. The controls are off-putting but are in no way as horrid as you've mentioned. But then again, I paid for this game (for once) and it's gone through 5 patches from the launch up to now (27th of August, 2020). So there's no tellin' if the chaps here have updated this thing since I mentioned about it JUST going though yet another patch after the original upload. If so, and you're able to still play it like a champ, I commend your efforts. Regardless, the thing about dashing has always been affixed to the trigger buttons since RL1. Otherwise there's no way you could even take out the optional scenario bosses and their cheap as hell situations that you'll have to tackle.So your statement is either untrue or it wasn't patched in this current pirated version. I'm a positive bloke so I'm gonna say it's NOT shenanigans. Other than that, I personally saw no real changes......OUTSIDE THE BARBARIANS! HOOOOLY SHEEEEIT!!! Just use them! No one else!
The one thing that grind my gears is the new Downstrike that is... I'm happy that they made it a button, but at the same time... "DUDE, WHY? ESPECIALLY that one heirloom level! You KNOW which one!"
Equipment, upgrades, how you obtain them, and the like are still much the same as you said, not gonna lie. I found the explanation with equipping/expanding them could've been better. Definitely don't like the new "taxation" mechanic for building onto your skill tree by taking more of your precious gold away. If the money mech was rough on the first one, this one told it to hold its ale.
The positives of this new installment? The sprite work takes the center stage. Definitely can see some of the dedication from the devs, much like Streets of Rage 4 devs did. Nice lil details when it comes to lighting. One time, while fighting off some creepy spooky skele-mages, one got close to the a fireplace, the sprite had an amber glow on its rattled bones. Little details get to me at times. Other than that, lots of scenic points with some bits of lore sprinkled in. Taken the crux of this game is about the map being randomly generated, some rooms look nicely placed in and not as tossed around...except for the bookshelves. They are content being through the floor and in a separate plane of existence. Outside of that, obviously this was my fave part about the game. I'm all about dat lore.
The sound is a lil better. Not much to say about it... except here's my thing... I don't want to know what a dying floating eyeball of BS sounds like. It's faint, real faint, but I can hear it. Nitpicky, yeah, but once you notice it.... and then you notice that EVERY MOB has their own death grunt... Yeah....
I've taken out the only boss available in the main content of the game; Estuary Lamech. If you ever beaten RL1, the fight is similar to the final boss fight there outside of a few pattern added or taken away. Not that original, but still tough taken that it's been a while since I played the first one plus I was packing with the Scholar Set, Hyperion's Ring, and 1 Siphon, 1 Vampire Relic on my scrubby Barbarian. Got the job done though. There IS one other boss area that you can fight, but it requires you to take out the first/only boss so far reason being is it's the same boss, but 2 of em and they are a tad beefier. And beating them gives you the secret ending...of being in a spike room of obvious death... Not gonna lie, dick move, but I chuckled.
For a discounted price I'm okay with it just as long as they keep churning out the content as promised. No immediate buyer's remorse like I had for Streets of Rage 4. It'll be over a month before the new biome is unlocked, so there's no need to really download this game right now for those who are on the fence. Come back in 50+ days and bark at the IGG crew to get the new patch going if anyone is still interested.
Now I'm off to make Akane Tendo on Honey Select 2.
.......Don't judge me.
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You mean the broken dash has been fixed? I hope so, cause that would be absolutely embarrassing, the issues with the downstrike are already bad enough. I wasn't even sure of it being a bug, dashing in either direction was a staple of RL1 indeed but in 2 it certainly felt like there could've been a dumb last minute decision to scrap that, with them then forgetting to change the controls. Besides those two (quite big but quite fixable) things, the movement in itself is alright, and the only clear, if small, step-up in terms of gameplay that I felt.
It certainly is a big undertaking to do the sequel of your most important and studio-defining game; that doesn't excuse their seemingly bad aim when it comes to designing it. I understand wanting to rebuild the game visually from the ground up, but that needs to come after building a good game. We've learned this already from the endless iterations of shitty sequels over the years that aped the original and only offered "better" graphics, it's not a new mistake and it's not one you'd expect from an indie dev of all places! They could've stuck with the same level of graphics and focused on refining, elevating or pushing the game into a new direction and it feels like they instead tried their hardest to slim it down, make it flashier, prettier, more streamlined and more sellable, without actually making it truly better. I don't think 'sellable' is an actual word but fuck it hahahah
I definitely agree the game looks good, even the now-3D main character has been done well, but that is ultimately pointless. I don't know how many people will keep playing the game "just because it's pretty", particularly those who've played the original already, so fingers crossed they're not banking on that. I'll slightly disagree about the placement; it feels pretty haphazard to me, with only a handful of moments where it feels like it 'works' in some sort of logical or simply visually harmonic way. The rooms themselves also range from visually interesting to "this is just a run-run jump-jump spike room don't pay attention to anything else". Not that that was a strongpoint of the original either, and not that I find it important in the end. It's very difficult to make heavily randomly generated maps look good: it's the reason most roguelikes (as in the proper rogue-inspired RPGs) had pre-made maps for places like towns, castles, thronerooms or boss arenas, where aesthetics or general visual design were an important factor.
Also, yeah, the Barbarian is pretty hefty. I ended up using it for the majority of my playtime, though I still hate how his shout talent is a super expensive, super spammable mana hog, instead of a cheap talent on a sizeable cooldown. And the vampirism rune is pretty pitiful, probably because rune stacking doesn't seem to be implemented.
The boss was a letdown, and it feels like a completely stupid choice if they truly go with it as a "first" boss. It's way too complex to be the first one, and when it comes down to it, it's just boring and tanky with really obvious windows of opportunity and minimal tactics on a completely barren arena. It seems like a lot of people didn't like the choice either, as it's ridiculous to put newbies up against it, and their way of "fixing" the issue was to give it two phases... No comments on the 'secret' boss, it's clearly tacked on to appease the "hardcore 1337 gamurs" who want something to bust a nut to, it'll be wiped once they have an actual boss.
I hope it ends up being worth the price, honestly. I'm glad at least you are enjoying it, and thanks for the reply. I'll have to cross my fingers and come look at it again once they release the last update and hopefully have at least a good game, if not a good sequel. Not that it's bad, but as you put it, it's just 'alright'.
Anyways, have a nice day mate, and... uh... enjoy err... enjoy "playing" with your virtual girlfriend? Nice family friendly stuff? Right? ;P
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nruto the gamer review
omg why all this review , ,follow me ' nruto the gamer review ' to learn how to do a real review
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I bow down to your superior review-jutsu, Nruto-sama! Please, teach me your ancient Gamer Ninja ways!!
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
The good news about everything you say is that it's definitely fixable with future updates, hopefully.
The only thing I disagree with is the gear progression. It never felt frustrating to me. 🤔
But I definitely do agree that overall, besides the few broken mechanics in this early access version, it feels almost like the exact same game without the pixel art.
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Yeah, I really hope they fix it up, there's been no good substitute for the original so far (and it would be very sad if even them failed to make one LOL).
The gear progression is more of a chore than a frustration: if you had to buy the blueprints and upgrade the smithy to access higher level ones, it would work a lot better, allowing you to unlock the sets or specific gear pieces you want. If the game allows for decently robust modding, that's definitely something waiting to be modded.
Let's hope CDG spend that time left in the oven wisely, and manage to do something that is at least better, if not different, than the original.
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Can't leave Enchantress hut menu in 1.2 version (you need to kill the game), a bug they fixed soon after release apparently
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Hey man, in the meantime you can grab the 1.1.1 version off KA or something and your savegame seems to transfer no problem. Enchantress bug doesn't happen.
It's not just you, the game is currently unplayable. Amazing.
Not touching this game again until some major DLC comes out. I've progressed to the point where I can't upgrade anything anymore unless I complete those damn scar challenges, and they're way too hard 😬
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Failed to load momo. What can I do about it?
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Patch v1.0.2 came out today, it would be great to include it here!
my question is
do I have to play the first game to understand the story? or should i just play this one?
A challenging title that was fully released.
I find it interesting that our character dies permanently and we continue our adventure with his descendants.
Gameplay --> https://youtu.be/aZuuQvMlvOE
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the dragon vow update pretty pls with sugar on top
Well, as of 0.5 update, I'm of the opinion it's better, and currently has more content to it, than the original.
Also, the update resets aren't an outright "start from scratch" situation. You get your cash back, just have to reassign your upgrades. Figured that's worth a mention, in case the comments here mentioning that mislead someone into not playing it, just because they think they'd have to start over every update.
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Николай Алексеев
I'm excited about new big 0.4.0 update, not sure if i should wait for crack or buy it. previous patch was so good
Envellet x
Yesterday it has been released the 1° Content Update!
My save file location was in users/locallow/appdata/cellardoorgames theres a lot of profiles and other files so im a lil confused which is which. but im just gonna transfer all of it to the steam folder.
UPDATE: Buying the game fixed the controller issue.
Okay so DS4windows you can rebind all the controller keys to keyboard/mouse buttons. It works ok, but enter rarely works and its a slightly janky. So hope an update fixes it. The keyboard IS WAYYYYY worse, so I'd highly suggest doing this.
It looks amazing but it's an EA. Also, it's way harder than the first one.
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I sucked at the first one so I guess not for me
Taha Spiteri
Why is the torrent 63 Gb ?
Andy Agusta Putra
I thought Level-5 Make Rogue Galaxy 2, damn
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You're talking about the PS2 classic, right? I thought you were talking about Rebel Galaxy 2 hahahahahah
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Before even delving into Terraria, Rogue Legacy was the first addictive indie game I spent hundreds of hours in... I don't want this to happen again. 😂 (And yeah, I know it came out later, but I discovered Terraria after this one)
Well, according to what I read on Steam, this is VERY early access, though, and very far from completion. You might as well wait instead of spoiling the experience.
Anyone able to get PS4 controller to work? Mine's worked for every other game and I tried DS4windows but still didn't work.
Even though it's on early access I gotta try it, thanks IGG!
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OH, YE...
No, wait. It's still early access...
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Thanx, I asked for it :)
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Guess we must start asking for actual game, so many early access nowadays.
But eh... I'm not paying anyway, what a hypocrite I am
Ryoga Hibiki
Hope this is current cause it JUST got another update to allow D-pad usage (thank gawd). I happily paid for this one (currently 10% off, 20% if you got the first game). So far it's great! Rough, but I'm enjoying it.
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Artyom Reaper
Yeah I got the first one on the Vita. It's a pain in the arse but it's fun forsures.
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no need to ask but GOD WHY EA
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Blue Bomber
The world of EA, LoL...
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it boils my blood when i see good titles being early access
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John Doe
Should I play it now and risk spoiling a future good game by knowing too much and being tired of it before release
Should I wait for months/years/eons/ever for it to be finished and lose patience and/or interest in the process ?
The EA conundrum. With you on that one.
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risk of rain 2, undermine, factorio says hi after being full release recently
and 2 of them got lots of players than the early access
so what do you think? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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John Doe
True. But I still ask myself that question for every EA game there is. Phoenix Point being a good example : not EA per se, but should I play it now or should I wait for the full experience with all DLCs and balancing ?
I still don't know. I usually stay away from EA for fear of spoiling the "true" full experience. But it's so tempting ...
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Saiyan Scum
I like going and playing games that have been out for a year or more now so it has all of the DLC's, all the updates, and a large mod library. Playing day 1 on Skyrim vs playing a year after, I played day one and it was okay...and just okay. A lot had changed from Oblivion and a lot of features were over simplified etc and the base games range of armor/weapon materials was beyond boring, so I ended up giving it up after MAYBE a month. But then going back after a year or so, I downloaded 100-110+/- mods with all kinds of new weapons, armors, traits, etc and played it foreverrr after that. No offense to Bethesda, because they diddd give us the masterpiece that was Oblivion beforehand and developed the engine and everything for Skyrim...There just wasn't enough to it to keep my attention. So to sum it up, I would watch trailers for it and just wait until it is finished and a little after that even for a more stable and enjoyable experience. Playing in Early Access ALWAYS ruins a game for me when it actually comes out. Especially if it was in EA for a long time and was completely playable. The gaming industry has NO idea what they are doing anymore it seems.... Paid DLC and P2W already ruined gaming, let's let everyone play our unfinished game the whole time we are developing it! Lollll. I can see for MOBA's and such, where all that will be added are maps and characters etc but not tooooo many game mechanic changes. But playing RPG's and stuff? That is just stupid... IMO of course. Sorry, not sorry.
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John Doe
Overly long way to say it but : my point exactly (1st part about Skyrim).
About the early access, paid DLCs and P2W : never forget that it's kind of "our" fault too. I mean, some people want to have a taste of the game in development and are willing to pay for it : early access. Some want to have more of the same and adding an overpriced chunk of a game is okay for them : paid DLCs. And some wanna be better, faster, stronger (lack of time, bragging rights or whatever) : P2W.
Never forget that whatever a corp is pushing is usually what some people want and they just fulfill a (profitable) need.
No excuses for loot boxes though, the scummiest way to pervert gaming with gambling addiction.
NOTE: I of course forego all nuance to make my point. EA works, DLCs can be good and fairly priced and P2W is a shortcut to enjoy a game minus the grind.
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You would think that some want it, but it is an artificially created desire, how? They pay streamers and reviewers to review their game while giving the game for free for a lot of others so they get to propagandize to you what the game isn't, few of those who get into the program are allowed to be honest because it is a contract.
Anyway, the merging between Youtube and gaming created some aberrations that are working against itself and towards its own destruction. Just take a look at how gaming was enjoying a honeymoon with its supporters before 2012 and how it is now, how gamers today see developers and publishers.
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J. Blayne Greiner
The crux of the issue is that people keep spending money on practices that hurt the consumer. It is fully the consumer's fault for enabling these practices. While more and more people have had enough of them, there are so many other's that throw their money at these companies that they have absolutely no incentive to stop. People just hating a company doesn't hurt their bottom line. At some point, consumers as a whole have to put an end to it or else it will just keep happening.
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The problem is that we don't have consumers anymore, we have coomsumers. People who cry at the new Star Wars announcement. Who write gay fanfic about characters who are friends and who draw baby Yoda porn. Everything is merged. It didn't matter if I packed my PS3 and threw into the basement and refused to buy a PS4, because others are doing all of that you mentioned. You're right.
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not really
that company are more like a joke around the internet
Armor Blanche
I wonder if its just me, but whenever a sequel of a game comes out, I'm compelled to go back to the previous game and actually 'finish' it before playing the next part.
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Saiyan Scum
It's the same with movies. Who wants to watch "Paranormal Activity:The Marked Ones/The Ghost Dimension" before they see the first 4 movies, or Saw 8 but not 1-7. The story will be all kinds of confusing.
Scott MacFarland
Same, its the only way I ever finish games.
😈Crazy Minority 😘
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starting to hate to death that fucking blue tag
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Well, devs learned that they can sell 25% of a game for full price to retards, so basically every game goes into EA.
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J. Blayne Greiner
I don't know what you are smoking. I spent about half the price, on average, than others for the EA games I bought. Hades, Risk of Rain 2, Gunfire Reborn, and a few others are all great games. EA can be just fine if you pay attention to the frequency of updates and developer interaction before jumping the gun on them. I have never had buyer's remorse on an EA title thanks to a little patience.
You clearly don't understand how Early Access works...
A game that is in early access is incomplete, and people are willing to buy the game at a CHEAPER PRICE than the final product, to support it.
If this game is $20 for early access, then chances are it will be $30 - $40 upon actual release. Seems like a good trade off to me.
I remember buying an early access game for $5 back years ago, that game just came out last year and it was $20 upon leaving early access.
75% off seems like a good deal to me for being an early adopter of that game.
If you're wondering what game it was, it was a game called Staxel.
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Saiyan Scum
I bought Minecraft for like....$5-10 when Notch first put it out for Early Access supporters in 2009. Then when it finally launched in 2011 the price skyrocketeddd.
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Many have faith to support small indie, but this shit ruin it all
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a lot of random devs abuse the tag to scam people thats for sure
but i doubt that will happen to this
This may be early access but has A LOT of content. It's not like your typical early access
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ea its ea
and i dont like to download unfinished things no matter if they have a lot of content
the same case was with risk of rain 2 and undermine
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Artyom Reaper
Lmao now you're just being sensitive. Look bro, if you don't want to play EA games, I understand, but why do you gotta make such a big deal of it? It's like ea games are the end of all things good and holy to you lmao. It's a little over-dramatic.
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a good smoke helped so now i am ok
that game can take all the time it wants to be finished, meanwhile i have this 2
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Artyom Reaper
I get it man. I understand how unfinished games can be anger-inducing, but at least we have something to look forward to the future and thankfully we're getting more quality games like Horizon Zero Dawn (even given its bad port), it's a start.
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Says the guy on a fucking website where you pirate games. Just don't play it and stfu.
so don't download it, wait 2-3 years for it to be finished, and THEN buy it/pirate it. No one is forcing you to download this but it is nice that it is here for people that WANT to try it.
I don't see the reason for complaining.
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Just a bunch of babies whining.
“Our current roadmap pegs the launch of the complete game approximately one year after the Early Access release, sometime in 2021"
Koray Yalçınoglu
man if youre not downloading risk of rain 2 just because its ea then maybe roguelike isnt your thing
looks like skul the hero slayer just with 8 gb of ram rq wtf
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Saiyan Scum
That 8gb ram rq can'ttttt be serious.... It's gotta be a mistype or something! Hahaha. That is ridiculous. Like, why? A million on screen particle effects is the only thing I could imagine needing it for, but why even put that much detail into a non-high-end graphics game and run up the ram?
Lance The Gunner
skul the hero slayer look just like rogue legacy 1 but shittier wtf?
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much better than the house of dead remake who got released the same day that this game got 1.0 release.
totally worth it