Charda Eben Haezer
Better than TLOU2
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Artyom Reaper
Definitely lmao. Just about anything at this point is better than that garbage.
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its a fekkin insult to the first game, if it was a game on its own then it would be a meh game but since it came after tlou 1, its just trash, i couldnt even finish the game so i wached a gameplay of it
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Artyom Reaper
I threw my copy away. I wish I had broken that shit to oblivion though. Fuck Naughty Dog and Fuck Cuckman.
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Will Smith
I still cant figure out why this "tlou2 is bad" meme started, other than people being bandwagoning sheep, I bet neither of you even know anything about the game.
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Artyom Reaper
Man if you think I'm bad, you gotta look in the mirror. Haha what's worse people whose opinions are that the game is shite or people that think that opinions are stupid? I think we both know what side of that spectrum you are. Remember man the only thing worse than a dumbass like me, is someone so weak that can't take differing views.
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Git gud
If you can't figure out why the meme started then clearly you don't know anything about the game :D
People are allowed to think the game is shit, bro. I didn't like the writing, thought the way Joel conveniently gave away his name to strangers was stupid, didn't need to see Abby taking three pumps from behind, and didn't want to play half the game as Joel's killer. Even if you disagree, it's not that hard to understand why people hated it.
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Will Smith
It's funny how obvious it is retards like artyom didn't play the game, and the game is bad because of some nitpicking and playing as the "villan"? Yep totally not regurgitating the general opinion and pretending it's something you came up with yourself, for sure
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Artyom Reaper
Yeah I'm the retard because I said the game is garbage. I didn't even say why and you're already assuming I didn't play the game. Man you people are like children. Some of us will NOT like the game, that's how life works. To get so mad over someone random on the internet not liking the game, man you got mental issues. Fucking pathetic.
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Will Smith
I'm not mad at people having opinions, I get mad at people pretending to when they are actually mindlessly parroting the general consensus because...(???) Why do you do this exactly?
And then you write this comment that dances around the issue of having not played the game while implying you MAY have played it but couldn't outright lie and just say you did, then misinterpreting what I said as "being mad somebody didn't like the game" as if my point wasn't clear... What is this?
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Artyom Reaper
Lmao you assume all of us that poke fun at it and say it's garbage haven't played the game. I played 2/3 through it and then tried to return it, but big woop, I couldn't. I sold my copy for 20 bucks. The story feels so desolate. Ellie feels like a robot on a mission that doesn't even mean anything by the end. I get no reconciliation between Joel and Ellie before he even croaks in the worst way possible. No flashbacks help that. I dislike the game. It's garbage to me. Even if someone else hasn't played it but watched it online, they can still have an opinion on it. Stop being such a little girl and getting your panties tangled over some stupid game. People WILL dislike it, that's just how it is. Will there be those that dislike it just to do it or for their own agenda? Yes, same as there are people that like it just because or because they like it because it furthers their agenda. Maybe you're not bashing people for having opinions, but that's sure how it seems when you come off as so emotional and desperate in attacking people that dislike it. The game is awful to half of the series' fanbase. That's just the way it is - not because of some sheep hive mind type of thinking, but because most of just genuinely dislike it. That's all there is to it. Anything beyond that is just you wanting to argue.
Artyom Reaper
Is it with 18+ dlc?
holy shit this game blows hard
wat.. give gameplay ss lol, not just gallery. its 3rd person shooter game right xD
Rin Franz
1st pic: 3rd one reminds me of a character in GE 3 since they kinda look similar
And yeah, don't give a dam- about good gameplay/graphics...they killed Joel man...J O E L!!! best part???? HE WAS STUPID!!! Literally another person than the one in part 1
Artyom Reaper
I can already tell that if I downloaded this I'd have much more fun than I did with the actual garbage ass game.
Otoha Yosuke
He again? Fucking hell.
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Damn, that's kinda hot
i like how they draw that arrow to give us some clues xD
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now i have seen everything
excuse me for a second i have to clean my eyes after watching this
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Rin Franz
Mind sparing an extra? Not for this game but just to be ready
Zero Kurapika
Won't the vagoo and the mouth be connected for hentai style action ?
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In reality, most will order the "phallic" model...
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
I order futa version, problem?
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Yuu Kannagi
yes if all waifus are gone they'll just make some futuristic android like this irl
This kind of games are so trashy, cheap and just a waste of time and memory that I feel insulted even to pirate them
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This website is interesting...
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hmm, can we call them expert?
ok。。。now i Invincible
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Did I ended up with murdered male protagonist? Or do I date a girl that I kill anyway later?
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lol anime stranding
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oh i forgot this
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this dev again using this cheap tactic
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Blue Bomber
LoL... ^^ the power of bikini + waifu
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i dont get caught for this things however
pornhub gives you what you want and they are not fictional :p
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Artyom Reaper
I'd rather have people jerkin it to drawn shit than going and forcing it cause they can't get it.
some people prefer hentai. Usually its because what they actually want is jail bait porn but they also dont want to go to jail or hurt anyone so they just want hentai and i suspect a lasrge portion of them dont even know they are doing that mental gymnastic. others like the guy who replied want other more interesting taboos. although there are sone really good live action full blooded twins who do porn that are really cute. i also enjoy hentia that does the whole "onichan oh my i wanna f my brother" and the live action is real garbage in that area lol
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that or they are gynophobics
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
But I don't like step-sibling acting, I prefer actual forbidden love. :p
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for you every kind of love is forbiden and will never happen - sorry, must tell you the truth.
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Have we ever met? You died before me and my sister born, dad. Come back will you? We demand mom's alimony!
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hell no i dont watch those cheap actings
Blue Bomber
TLOU: Waifu Edition ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I'm gonna have to donwload it only to rip the map music. It's so chill!
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3D Model is So BAD. Player's model is just... HOLY HELL.
Ryoga Hibiki
[ insert TLOU 2 joke here ]
.....Is there a golfing minigame in there?
Temmie Plays!
game shows no screenshots bc it's identical to the other 40
games " this lazy asset flipping retard has " made "
it's gameguru, you play as that ONE anime girl with the fused together boobs and shoot random assets the dev decided to plop into this one.
maybe it's aliens, maybe it';s russianpolitical leadrs, maybe he doesnt care?
any gae with hentai or anime ( seirously, he sells one called liek anime memes or some shit ) all the same shitty game, no sexual content - just a really shitty free to use anime girl that might be naked. and some stlen Pixiv art, can't forget that
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so no precious for our dear smeagols
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Temmie Plays!
i mean if you liek that ONE anime girl that usually has cat ears, then BOY are you in for a treat. bc it's just a shitty third person shoote.
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not even 0.1%
with anime girls as bait neither
i have my own shooter with me and it totally make most fps like batshit jokes
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first thing first, lgbt+?
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sorry it not.
"Key Features:
-third-person shooter..."
Well, they didn't specify what we're gonna be shooting.
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Nabiel Faiz
her womb lmao
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not happening mate. it lazy than that.