Blue Bomber
when there are so many Butterflies perched on the table and other furnitures. im getting "scary"..
George Washington (Mebeover)
His inentional misrepresentation of people with depression as just "whinny teens" is harmful and false. And the assumption that "fac(ing) the real world" would solve anything only helps to build a stigma against people who need help and support. Thinking you know better about an individual's circumstances than the individual themselves is arrgoance to the extreme.
If someone claims to have depression, why not just believe them? It does no harm to you or them, and in the worst case scenario you've jsut shown a random stranger empathy. And people with depression are much less likely to do something about it, simply because thats what depression does. Societal acceptance has absolutely nothing to do with it
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the cure is hard work, pain, endurance, open mindedness. saying you have clinical depression is easier to give in and give up dont do it kings just keep looking even if you a desperate crazed lunatic, do your best to find the good things in life
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I can't even imagine being a teenager in this day and age. What man wouldn't have a warped mind? High school was a pain in the neck when I was growing up, so I imagine it must be like going into hell now. Maybe that's what this game is trying to state.
Indeed pew pew. But pew pew is a problem that we need to solve and social media is largely and unequivocally responsible for. I can look at my generation and this one and see many issues that might eventually turn into a powder keg. Well, we are kind of seeing that now, aren't we.
I feel for the young men of today. If fapping to anime girls keeps you sane and content, then by all means do it. Enjoy yourselves, life is very short.
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Dre Day
fucking snowflake
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Were you fucking snowflakes as you were writing this or something?
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You got anything else? I've talked men out of suicide before. It is real in these streets.
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eventually everyone will realize the depth of beauty of life cannot be digitally recreated and making more holes by using empty soul calories like porn only exacerbates the problems declining health and society
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Sir, that's a pipe dream. And I'm not about to debate with the anti-porn crew. There's not even scientific evidence of the soul, we're talking about psychology here, not woo.
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the last part
thats more depressive if you ask me
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Not entirely. It's bringing a lot of people into the age of artificial relationships (which is kind of funny as several of them are) in the form of robotics, advanced VR, augmented reality and holograms. I like when Elon Musk said that humans secretly want to fuck their phones, because he's dead on. More people care about these devices than their own partners, or even their own children. So it makes sense that romantic relationships between the human and the machine the next step in that process. And anime or anime girls are very much the idealized face of that.
C, you have always been one for hot takes and sarcasm; but judging from the progress I've seen in the field (and please keep in mind that I know several individuals who are working in these fields, whether that be AI or robots themselves) I really don't think this is going to stop anytime soon. It might not even be foolish to consider that many of these people will simply partner up with something that resembles an anime character and have a baby through an artificial womb. Might be time to crack open a few of those futuristic dystopian novels. There's no guarantee that this goes the way humanity wants it to, but that cat is not going back in the bag.
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ooook, i think we should better end this conversation
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Well, I'm immediately getting the impression that you are an older man. It's the older generation that bites back at these kinds of things, they will largely be against robot marriage and other digisexual relations. There's nothing wrong with that, as older generations were always against the dating trends of the new. Once again, I have already seen how just an AI chatbot can affect these young men, so if you make that kind of move around a little bit, that's going to leave many of these guys content.
After all, the prime incel argument is not sex, it's being in a relationship with a pretty girl. Not having this makes them feel inadequate and that leads to violence. So if we can't actually make the real thing happen for these men due to changes in female behavior following social media, we can sure as hell emulate it and that's what you are going to start seeing, especially from 2025 forward. I'd like to see more content men, rather than the frustrated killers we have seen lately. Let's not forget about the recent Canadian attack that happened during the lockdown. It's going to be ten times worse than that after the lockdown has ended.
And once again, this is all a single biproduct of social media. I've seen the effects in real time with people I cared about and have known almost my whole life. Social media destroyed the world in ways we cannot begin to describe yet and the damage will be far-reaching.
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Oh, no. You're not getting out of this that easily. I'm a content creator so I address this shit all the fucking time. The new trend among black pillers is to ban all porn, hentai and all this other shit while doing no-fap and pretending they're kings. Yes, these young men have lost it and I think that 2021 is going to be one hell of a year in the states once the lockdown ends.
George Washington (Mebeover)
This is categorically false. You wouldn't tell a cancer patient to will the cancer away, why would you tell someone with depression to just change the way you think? It's brain chemistry, it fundamentally determines HOW you think.
You also fail to understand the depth and scope of depression. Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? Have you ever hated every moment of existence? Worried yourself into a panic attack over simply going outside? No, and your lack of critical thinking is showing. Try to imagine that things are different for other people. Have some goddamn humulty for fucks sake. Other people ahve problems outside your comprehension, but you could at least TRY to understand them rather than dismiss them.
consider this: why are you happy, or motivated, or sad? What would it be like if you felt these things at different times, or not at all?
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a bad pew pew
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Hal Emmerich
Anyone get stuck the game when the character is in the bathroom sink?
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yeah, got a "LowLevelFatalError D3D Device Being Lost" crash when the character is in the sink.
Can anyone please share his first savestate after this scene or send it to: whathappened@existiert.net (trashmail) so we can work around this bug?
Thank you in advance
Iale Idioma
indded what happened
jew media
" ...a teenage boy suffering from acute anxiety and depression."
Your fired.
Your playing victim existence is the terror of teh world around you.
Your not teh victim, the world around you is.
Adrian Veidt
Everybody is self proclaimed with depression these days.
That's what being addicted to social media "personalities" gets you, you'll think life is some kind of a fary tail. The real world is as cruel as possible, but whinny teens prefer to think otherwise. Just face the real world for a change.
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George Washington (Mebeover)
You live in a fairy tale (it's tale btw, not tail), and think people couldn't possibly be different or have troubles outside your comprehension. Wake the fuck up, asshole, in the real world people have mental illness. And it's a LOT more common than you think, due in no small part to people exactly like you, people with dismissive attitudes and a general lack of empathy who go around belittling people who are suffering. You aren't the victim, have some fucking compassion for once in your life, some humility to imagine that other people have it tougher than you. These people aren't just sad, and facing reality is often a major contributor to depression. What kind of scumbag must you be to face the cruel world everyday and not feel overwhelming sorrow for all the misery in the world? Oh right, you probably don't care, because your empathy is as non-existant as your self-awareness. Your deluded fantasy where you think you know what other people experience will eventually harm someone, if it hasn't already. Think before you speak, because there are people out there suffering who don't need your ignorant self spouting shit from both ends and trying to make their existence harder than it already is
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Adrian Veidt
Looks like you tried to say something there, but it got lost in that much of bvllsh1t.
But nevermind, that's just my opinion. Ignore it. ^^
Years ago, it was rare to find a bi-polar person but right now, everybody is a bi-polar, so it is impossible to empathy with the insanely amount of crazy people around everywhere.
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George Washington (Mebeover)
So your problem is that people are no longer being as marginalised and ignored, and are more likely and able to access treatment and care? wow....
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So your problem is that people
Displacement? It's not MY problem it's their problem.
Anyways the conclusion is simple: if you are a sane teen then you are a rarity and you need special attention, otherwise you are part of the bunch and you deserve the bunch-treatment: cheap pills, generic counselor, a pat in the back and a participation medal.
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Live a life with actual BI-Polar disorder, diagnosed 11 years ago after getting off heroin and still havent found the right combination of meds to be functional.I know I will never be free or my minds rollercoaster that controls my life.I know that many are diagnosed as bipolar when they dont fit anything else, those that are should seek out other opinions so I agree there.theres a difference between sad and having MDD, when you slice away your arms where your cutting into existing scars because you run out of room.Take anything to escape yourself...I hate my mind,my life and only live for those around me. Yet I dont harm others,not on purpose.I help friends with there problems..I dont know where I'm getting at, was originally gonna thank George Washington ^^ for what he said..Stigma around bipolar people so stfu before you call them crazy.....even tho I admit I am, 6 forced psych stays kinda say it for me
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George Washington (Mebeover)
I see you, I understand, and I'm proud of you. Other people have it easy, their lives laid out for them with no real challenges to overcome because they have the tools to deal with them, and don't have to fight against themselves
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i was bi polar and was fed all the bullshit about how its a chemical imbalance, the pills only either dulled me or just made me feel sick so i said fuck that, and i made some life choices, namely to stop lying and feeling sorry for myself, and wallah cured. still have plenty of issues but mental illness is just an error in belief and sadly some are more severe than others having been created and ingrained at younger ages n such but cancer vs mental illness id say the same thing to both: find the cure. i enjoy stories of radical cancer remission and even cured in scenarios of near 100% chances of death. the survivors always make the hardest changes to what they eat, believe, and the way they live. truth is you have to work hard for miracles like that and in all honesty its way fucking easier to believe that nothing could ever get better, its just something thats always going to control you forever. but that is the victim mentality and its very isolating, and charged by self loathing. its not healthy or happy for you or anyone around you. its not a "hey you are living in a shitty way, fix it" it should be from a loved one more like "hey i want you to be happy so lets make a small change and see what we can do to make life better" you will fail plenty and give up plenty but keep going because all the failures are not reasons for defeat, but reasons for you to be proud that you are trying and you are not starting over from zero you are starting over with experience. youll get there, otherwise youll hate /kill yourself.
I'm a heroin addict who's parents just committed suicide does my depression count?
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Adrian Veidt
Learn to f*** read... I didn't say it doesn't exist, I said people use they "sad daily normal stuff" to say they're depressed now. It's just trend among stup1d kids, that's what I mean.
But aswering your question... No, for me it makes no difference at all. Because I don't know who you are, so I don't care about you. This must sound cold, but that's just the truth about human nature, but no one have the courage to tell you. I would say it's a fvcked up situation, but I don't really care, cause there's worst happening right now, so who am I suppose to care and be sorry for?
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Hal Emmerich
Do you need help, my friend?
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teenager, school, horror scenes
why this is so familiar?
Scott MacFarland
Sure see a lot of teenage boys fighting depression. In our warped society its no wonder.
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Unfortunately social media has changed the world in an incredibly short amount of time, and not for the better.
As for this game, i'm a bit of a coward with horror games, but i'm going to try this because of the subject matter.
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can't denied now social media getting very easy on kids hand...polluted the pure of minds...
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just dont end getting crazy and start a school massacre :P
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Doctor Boot
you think children being killed is funny? sounds like you need therapy. probably an incel too.
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George Washington (Mebeover)
@doctor boot you are what's wrong with the world. I wish I lacked ciritcal thinking skills like you, you look so happy being ignorant of just how retarded you are
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and you need a new brain, cuz i never said that was funny ¬_¬
Artyom Reaper
Teenagers have it hard. At least when I grew up I knew there were people I could look up to, but nowadays it feels like every great figure is having a rope tied to them and tried to be taken down, whether they're here or they've passed. It's sad, so I can understand how the youth have this disillusion with their identities. That's been a hard point in any youth from any generation, but now it's recently been even harder. Things have been too riled up in our society; it's a travesty. May things get better for everyone, or may hell freeze over.
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Hal Emmerich