Why are we discussing about how people who hate gay people are bad but they can hate gay people cuz its within their right and we should just leave them alone cuz by hating them it create a hate cycle and they hate gay people even more, and that they using insults in a public forum is bad... here, on a random game, in a pirate site?
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Souta Syn
true so many in lgbt nowadays are war freaks. They are fighting against discrimination and racism but they are doing it too, so sad.
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Where's the pope?
Got hella confused before I scrolled down, I expected someone to say something positive about the game, not that.
thx gif you're doing your job.
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Sarah A.
I just wanted to know if the game is good D:
Is this a romance visual novel?
Why can't people just ignore games like these instead of commenting how much they hate such genre? Let people enjoy things jfc.
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Nikos Ganos
@Chromefox This is true. However, it becomes a problem when the rotten homophobes use abusive insults in a public forum.
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Nikos Ganos
So many worthless failed abortions disliked this post, lol.
Don't fall for their BS. You not speaking up won't change someone's mind. The world needs MLK's and unfortunately we need Malcolm X's as well.
jew media
Its got style.
Thanks for uploading, it looks interesting and i'm craving some mystery :P
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Nikos Ganos
Cue the worthless homophobes that need to be murdered on sight.
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That kind of wording and feeling is not going to positively affect anybody. I understand that point of view and that you're trying to help people in your own way, but one can't clean blood with blood. If I can offer you my advice, be as respectful as you would like everyone to be, and inspire people to do the same
Anyways FYI: homophobes = people that have a PHOBIA, so they are people with some mental sickness or problem and they need our CARING and UNDERSTANDING.
For example, I suffer arachnophobia, phobias to spiders. 🕷
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The majority of words that end with "phobia" do translate to the fear of something,but not all of them,like the word homophobia. Casually speaking, it means irrational anger/repulsion towards gay people. I do agree that they need our understanding and empathy, but so does the LGBT+ community that are attacked for no reason at all. It is not right to unleash your personal problems into other people, and this goes both ways.
Psychopathy = A person that does not know what is right or bad, it lacks of moral.
Sociopath = A person that used to know what is right or bad but changed it for a new set of fake-morality.
For example, if you kill somebody and you don't know why is it bad, then you are a psychopath. Otherwise, if you ask to kill somebody and you knew that it was bad but you are justifying with a false morality, then you are a sociopath.
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Nikos Ganos
Spouting some shit you googled moments before you posted this does nothing for me. Why the fuck is Ahad Mohammad still breathing? He's one of the ones that came to mind when I wrote this in the damn first place.
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Nikos Ganos
Might be because Ahad Mohammad is from a country that is known for executing gay and bi people and mistreating women and children. So of COURSE he's a hateful bastard.
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Uhh, if they don't like people who are gay, it's within their right to do so, just as it's within your right to dislike them as well- but wishing death on them? You don't see the circular logic in this. You want them dead for not liking gay people and they see this and dislike you even more, so you want them dead even more... It's tiresome. Just leave each other be. They don't need to accept gay people and you don't need their acceptance.
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False equivalence. Homophobia causes gay people to be thrown off of buildings. Hatred towards homophobes causes... nothing, really.
I hope you spend time lecturing homophobes on their faulty logic, but I'm a pessimist and I suspect you don't.
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There are a lot of morons who want to force everyone to like gay ppl , I guess nobody understands that u are free to like and dislike whatever the fuck u want and they can't handle it either.
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There's a distinct line between disliking and disrespecting. I for one don't like tomatoes,but I don't go around saying that all tomatoes are bad,insulting them and saying that they should be banned so that nobody gets to eat them. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody, we leave it be, in peace. Learning to respect other people and their preferences it's not the same as being forced to like them.
SJW and such movements, are a cult that follow no deity but it is still a cult, and a dangerous one.
So, I feel no empathy for such people to force their viewpoint.
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Nikos Ganos
What a stupid thing to say. What about the haters who force people to hate people who are gay?
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Well said!
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Nikos Ganos
Shut up, cunt.
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Typical response from a neanderthal...
Quite pointless arguing with those type of people.
*Tip: Don't put people that dislike something for a reason with tards who hate/dislike violently in the same bucket and wishing death ur even worse than them and try talking like a normal person instead of raging like a little kid.
Evelynn's Left Boob
It is within everyone's rights to dislike whatever they want, sure, but disliking a group of people that are not inherently bad for no logical reason is simply irrational, unless you're biased because you had a few bad experiences with said group of people.
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Nah m8 I'll dislike whatever the feck I want , disliking doesn't mean I want them dead or something bad happening to them despite them being harmless , I'll dislike them as I find what they do simply weird or makes me uncomfortable and of course they have the right to dislike me too and we simply continue our lives without interfering/insulting or fighting each other.
Hating something for no reason doesn't make sense , deep down it is a reason no matter how tiny or simple it is , and everybody has the right to do so without them then being called all kinds of hateful words.
Don't associate me and others here with some morons who jump on a hate train acting violent and insulting or assaulting the person they "dislike"
End of the story.
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Nicolescu Ion Tismăneanu
I like how Ahad Mohammad, aka the BIGGEST homophobe on here likes all of these comments. What a shitbag.
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Well if the lad enjoys doing that and agrees with something he is free to vote I mean... that's why there is a vote system both likes and dislikes I for one don't really care or even pay attention to the voting stuff anyways.
And dunno why he is a homophobe or a shitbag as I never really seen him doing things that match those insults actually i don't think I have seen him write at all , so dunno why are ye so worked up about someone voting...¯_(ツ)_/¯
jew media
Murdered for what?
Nobody owes you to like what you like.