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Ecchi_Lover Man
This game was boring as hell! straight booty cheeks!! don't recommend at all
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The Sentinel is semi 1st person, horror, survival, hide and seek, escape, limited interaction night based game where character is accidently struck on North Sentinal Island and he needs to escape from Sentinelese amid narror mountain passages. Actually, North Sentinal Island is located south west of Andaman Nicobar Island, administered by Indian Government & entry to island is prohibited with severe punishment on violation, if the person survive the retaliation by natives. These r last original aborigines of the Andaman Island left untouched around 400-500 people max. Secretly who visit there without permission generally gets killed. This is last of untouched aborigine island on Earth. We should respect their privacy. Nice work by developer giving info. to people about existence of such people. Music and sounds exist. Graphics and detailing is fine. Camera, cursor needs fixing. 1 gb small installation. Game runs smooth. Overall, I rate it ⭐⭐⭐and half.