Game collection from 1993 requires 64 bit operating system???
Confusion 333%
The game doesnt show any text when i open it
Patriarchy Pete
I have come to state that Showdown 4 is the greatest Showdown of them all. End.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Huh that's strange...
They already released https://igg-games.com/samurai-shodown-v-special-free-download.html in 2019.
So, we don't need it anymore?
This one is the full compilation of 90s Samurai Shodown games?
Edit : I do agree with below comments that if you're fine with emulators, then you obviously don't need this.
Edit #2 : My bad, the other Samurai Shodown V was apparently ported by another team, and it's a superior port too.
Comment from Steam : "As of now, the Code Mystics port is still the better way to play 5sp. You can adjust input delay before starting a match, you have ping indicators, and rematches take a lot less time."
By the way, you guys should get ALL https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Code%20Mystics ports, cos they ARE superior to the original games.
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the only code mystics games that really worth are kof98 and kof2002
everything else meh
Jash Laker (SURParamour)
What is with this useless ports that weigh much more than all the originals combined, without any worthwhile additions? This, SF 30th, and they never port the ones that are not playable anymore, like Neo Geo 64 games.
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Dark Sorceress
oh man i remember playing this on my game gear back in the 90s in the walmart parking lot
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This is a worthless port. Play fightcade.
Now all we need is the new one cracked, then it's a party!
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seems they added some bullshit similar to blizzard that you need to be stay connected with epic to play
quite a smart move
Nabiel Faiz
what about multiplayer/online battle?
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Armando Salgado
I have the game(Epic games gave it free), the netcode is just plain shit, one of the worst online experiences that I've had.
There is a new update, but i don't know if the online improved.
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knowing snk probably has a terrible netcode like most of their pc releases
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a man of culture
Nabiel Faiz
already claim on EGS
can i inject to EGS?
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Patriarchy Pete
You'd probably want to inject that into this one, given that it was updated on EGS recently.
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you can play this with the neoragex emulator or online if you dont have a toaster
Ahmed Aldaghistani
This is 2D Fighting game .series .
Blue Bomber
this is free game on epicgames last week
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aint nomore afaik... so for the late comers, a perfect pre.. lol ..nfo says its protection was: Steam, Epic + Custom(gimme a break!)
hehe yes that "gimme a break" reads also in .nfo
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It's free here too.
Edit: And will forever be not just 1 week
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Patriarchy Pete
Not to mention you have to be online to play the EGS version.
Blue Bomber
haha.... true sir...