Dimas Dwi M
for anyone who fail download this Game
his Actually a NOOB lol
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Claude Eckel
... says the one with the main school spelling. But calling others noobs. 'HIS' quite a noob himself in far more important aspects of life, but that's obviously why he has no trouble recognising his own kind so easily, eh? 🤡👺
Don't forget to also install the updates for the game or you'll miss out on crucial game functionionalities (e.g. deployment on 3D maps etc.). You get the updates here: http://graviteam.com/patches.html
Download it. I downloaded it all for all versions mentioned there but first tried the "Only for non-Gamersgate/non-Steam versions". Maybe the "Only for GamersGate version (not Steam!)" version would work as well. Dunno.
Run the patch.exe first or the ingame updater won't recognise the second patch file which comes as ".gt2extension" file. After the .exe has patched the game to version 1.05 (or whatever that was), the updater should pop up automatically. Then navigate to the "sabow_apr15_dvd_patch_int.gt2extension" file and run it from within the updater (you gotta click on 'install' first in the empty updater, though there's nothing to install, only then a window pops up to navigate to the respective files you want to install. Odd mechanics). After that the game should be fully functionally like it was from the re-release on in 2015.
Edit: Easier: look for "Steel Armor: Basra 86" download. Though it's a DLC, it contains the base game as well. Hence you don't need to download this outdated version. "Steel Armor: Basra 86" is a steam version patched up to game version 5.81. That#s what you need. Awesome stuff. All the campaigns + plus the extra Basra operation Kabala 4. All missions, training missions, map functions etc.
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Daniel Mendes
Hey, I didn't understood very well, should I download this and the "
Steel Armor: Basra 86"or just that one?
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Sorry if this is years late but I think they meant that the Steel Armor Basra 86 which can also be found in this site contains the base game as well and much more updated than this one.
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Claude Eckel
Then read and reread again until you understand. What haven't you understood when I said "you don't need to download this" or "That's what you need."? I can't explain it in other words you're more familiar with because I don't understand it myself in any other words that you're more familiar with.
Yang Alex
"Error 001" whenever I try to start a battle.
bro, i cant play the tanks i can only play the tactics move-to-click game, how can i play the T-62 and M60
hey all the links are down
if possible can you send it to me through e mail