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Ecchi_Lover Man
cs.rin is a fucking joke of a site! how the hell i was able to get games like this much easier but yet when i go to the other site people have them deleted off for no fucking reason!
This is why IGG will always be the best!
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Great little game. Has a good vibe to it and "charismatic" graphics.
For-Twitch Ok
they want 11 quid for this troll fest? (if it wasnt currently free on Epic)
Blue Bomber
hello my friend, why you keep reposting if someone comment after you?
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Why not?
they not hurting anyone leave them alone n mind ur own business
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Blue Bomber
yes You are right my friend. my mistake. sorry for the incovenience...
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he made a mistake i guess
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Blue Bomber
yeah maybe
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Blue Bomber
exclusive not means always good games :(
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it means "greed is good"
Blue Bomber
open world FPS about spraying walls. I dont met any objectives or waypoint yet in 11 Minutes Gameplay. Jumping, met people, talk to them
Temmie Plays!
LIAR! you call this gameplay? XD
this game is so anti-game
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Blue Bomber
hello brother, with who you are commenting to?
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Temmie Plays!
sister, and to you.
it ws a joke. bc the game is hardly a game, imo.
this is why it;s free for a year lol.
Temmie Plays!
this is free for a year on epic game store, not sure why anyone needs t o pirate unless they hate Epic that much lol
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Holy Diver
you know that there are people who just don't bother with Epic Games because they've gotten used to Steam, not because they have some religious hate for them?
good for them that they put out this game for free, it doesn't change the fact that people just don't always know about these sorts of things.
but then again, some people just don't want to make a whole new account on a different gaming platform just to get a free game.
my point is, get off people's backs with such comments, not everyone is as "knowledgeable" in what games are free for a limited time on a gaming platform. everyone just thinks that its a safer bet to just look it up here or somewhere else.
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LOL....I'm still hate them although I got the GTA5 free
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i'm not particularly fond of EGS but gotta get them free games u know
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and i am sure theres a lot including pirates who hate those assholes
i am one of them
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Temmie Plays!
I don't mind it. the competition is good, and if there's a way to save money, imma do that.
I don't really need the steam community to enjoy a game, usually you enjoy them better when yu don't read those youtube-level commment sections, but I don get why ppl hate EGS so much.
My take is simple : indie dev team? that's fine. Ppl shouldn't be so rude, it's hard to make a mark as an indie, and Epic is not inly helping indies out, it's been awarding indie teams that dont even publish to the EGS with grants, JUSt to help ppl make awesome games.
I do not agree with esclsuivity sniping, or when you get the rug pulled out from under you liek with shenmue 3, borderlands 3, or metro.
but indie teams/ eh, let em have the epic dosh - they earned it.
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We can't blame indie devs for making themselves some shmoney they deserve it
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i dont approve steam neither, but they are less assholes with their customers than epic
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Temmie Plays!
steam buries indie devs under a literal mountain of asset flip shit, Epic curates it's store front liek GOG so you actually can FIND real games, and not see 400000000 " Buzzword of the month games " liek HENTAI - anything ( in the title ) or Corona games now.
Also steam guts your profit before you even make a single sale.
EGS is paying indie devs to host their games there, lol.
Actually getting income is nice.
Now liek I said, when big companies sign off- it's BS.
Liek Super MEatBoy Forever is 100% being pirated by me, I refuse pt pay for that shit. the idiot making it Tommy, is runing Ed's good name by doing this deal on a shitty game, and " it's a no brainer "
google that shit with super meatboy forever, haha.
THOSE devs are slimy shitbags.
Devs making stuff leik Atomicrops, being publkished by RAW FURY, but not developed by any inhouse teams - is fine.
Theyre ridiculously small, and the EGS money helped them produce the game, and make a Switch port.