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where do i download the patch without steam?
Does this already have the dlc installed?
If not, how do i install it w/out having to deal with steam
suicidal thought 4 today
guardian of asses.
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Asses to Asses
Porn to porny
We know this one's for the fappy
Just another top down game full of porn
free 18+ DLC
Wow, what a generous developer, giving us 18 and more DLCs.
played the game
Wait... ooh... oh!

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Frank Miranda
how download the dlc from steam.
well, the game is decent, controls are fine so far.
Luis David Palacios
So how's the h content?
komo cakeps
steam reviews are saying the controls are a bit clunky so maybe pass. they're really trying to tap into the VN market. hybrids rarely work for me personally since if I wanted gameplay I'll go somewhere else and if story then just VNs.
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kamidori alchemy meister is a good hybrid, love that game tbh
Dat title image... (o.o)
The game itself looks quite decent, though. I will test it.
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Vincent Chandra
Oh no they are evolving...
its not like i complaining
but more like support it
maybe tommorow they will evolving into AAA games
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komo cakeps
and then be the next Actiblizzard and EA? yikes
the gameplay makes me didnt believe this is porn game, well i guess now porn games has become big industry.
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😈Crazy Minority 😘
Man this trump-guy.....🤔🤢
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i still cant believe that some idiots did this when he said that
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😈Crazy Minority 😘
I dont wanna go into politics,but i think you agree when i say this mans behaviour did cost alot people lives.I also would not believe it if i wouldnt watch alot of u.s. night talkshows(from there i get enough infos about him).🤔 Just disastrous this guy.
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No One
honestly for being dumb enough to try it they deserved it sure if its children that are too young its bad but others good riddance
Just shows with how much shit you can get away with as a politician, especially of certain parties. A normal person could literally drink bleach to kill themselves after having done so much shit, as their career and most likely even (public) life would be over.
I'm so glad not to live in a country where such scum is in power and has still not been removed. Of cause this doesn't mean that we don't have enough idiots here too, but at least (for now) they are far from getting voted in (plus not having gerrymandering and so on).
Iale Idioma
The links got you
Blue Bomber
hmm, nice banner this game has
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Wow, it actually doesn't look too bad.
It reminds me of the Torchlight games, which I really loved.
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That's why I just thought while watching some of the gameplay. It seems to lack the loot though.
The more equipment slots and loot the better and sadly many (J)RPGs are getting it wrong and might actually be more enjoyable with more equipment upgrade options. Even many of these so called "Loot Shooters" are getting it wrong. caugh Destiny caugh
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very meh gameplay
but well its obvious why https://zandronum.com/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif
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Haha your life must be fucking boring man all day and night i see you go through these type of games just to talk shit to people hahaha are you a 4chan member or something like you really sound like something happened in your life and now you're just mad at the world for whatever reasons ...
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i never enter 4chan site so no
and my life, well kiddo, its getting a little bored thanks to this quarantine, my job still in suspension until august and who knows, looking at the deaths poll it looks like this will keep going
i have to manage my savings very carefully
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Hey honey, you're still confined or you resumed working?
Lockdown is lifted in France, not like it changes anything for me, though. ha ha
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😈Crazy Minority 😘
I guess we are the "lucky" ones,here(North-Germany,Hamburg).We haven´t had a lockdown at all,but of course strong reglementations(shopping malls/centers had to close but only to change and to make it more secure).
And the people actually paid and stayed attentive,kept/keep their distances,shopping only with mask and controlleurs checking.
Slowly turning to Normality.😷🤔
i have to say i was surprised how well we hamburgers managed it.
I mean its a big city(ca.1,8million)only above 100-200(cant remember the exact rate) something died.🤔
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Yeah, I've heard that Germany took the right decisions right away, with mass-testing. In France, we were much much slower and didn't even have any masks, hence the very strict restrictions during 2 months.
So far, it seems to turn normal too here, slowly but surely.
Restaurants will finally open on June 2th. I wonder how many meters will be between each table, though. ha ha
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😈Crazy Minority 😘
Yes exactly,i wonder,too hihihi.Here same,slowly startin to open restaurants.😁
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with +100k deaths hell no
the country still confined but theres a lot of morons who dont a give a shit to die
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Hmmm what the hell is wrong with USA?
You guys always have the biggest problems. lol
Also, they talk about USA on TV today and they showed that some morons randomly cough on people in the street or in shops, and use it as a "weapon" to make people go away.
lol No offense, but your country is really messed up. Gee, even here, we don't have such people.
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😈Crazy Minority 😘
As i said wrote earlier,I like watchin U.S TalkShow,the Night ones. Like Jimmel Kimmel,and oh Miss Lily,unbelievable what this President is up to.He has alot Blood on his hands(Corona in U.S. killed more than the number of Americans killed in the Vietnam and Korean wars combined)...I have u.s-friends who really suffer from his poor(actually stupid and anti-people)decisions...
😈Crazy Minority 😘
Here the youngsters/older Teens didnt take it seriously(at the beginning).But then they(the "governour,Mayor) brought laws(mostly fees to pay) to prevent uncivil behaviors like on purpose coughing to people(Our teens here did this shit,so stupid)und of course much more rules 😂
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the more new gens they are, the sooner they die
¯_(⌣̯̀ ⌣́)_/¯
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😈Crazy Minority 😘
hihoho,Yes exactly like that 😂
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and they say they are the future of the world
best joke ever
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Nikolai Tesla
This too shall pass though, let's hope less people have to suffer.
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without a cure i doubt it
but seems they dont give a shit to die
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Unfortunately, Eushully is the only company that makes porn games with worthwhile gameplay, I recommend Kamidori Alchemy Meister.
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Yarielist Yggdrasil
It seems only one Eushully game get translated ...
Haven't seen other get decent translation ...
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It's either two or three that got translated.
The issue is that Eushully games have a LOT of text, but worse of all, because the engine isn't a simple VN Engine, it's a pain in the ass translate it.
Victor Tan
Thx, that's actually a decent recomendation.
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nah i pass
if i want porn i go to pornhub and done
no need to download porn games
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i didnt play kamidori for the porn tho, i actually really enjoyed the game mechanics, i dont even, usually, like porn in VN since they derail so much from the main point most times.its a game i usually recomend as VN hybrids
Luis David Palacios
It's alright, we all have our standards. Some do not even have any and would settle for anything