Illusion choice, force you to become detective(required for some ending), stats just confuse and hard to keep track, wast few hours to start over cuz some choice required you have to balance on stats(not going to becuse writing to medicore),
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I dont know personally, I always enjoy medieval genre but this one. I dont know what to say. I seen better.
can anyone recommend me nice cyoa games? it doesn't need to be from choice of games or hosted games. Thank you.
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Well Raintales recommended all the good ones. If you love medieval fantasy check War For The West its one of my favorites.
Wayhaven Chronicles 1 & 2 (there are 5 more books to come) are excellent if you enjoy romance stuff, comes with a compelling story (imho) as well & is all about your choices and roleplay, not about stats.
Tin Star is one of the oldest Choice of Games but it is also one of the best, Wild West setting, top notch writing, interesting characters and lots of choices to shape your story.
Breach: The Archangel Job is extremely long (can take like 20hs for one playthrough), has a very interesting story and compelling characters. Comes with the drawback of your decisions rarely ever being of any meaning, but it has a very cool style of writing if one can enjoy slapstick (though it is the grim type of slapstick as well, not just nice and sweet). Also just the first book in a series that may or may not be completed in the future.
There was a time when i had recommended Samurai of Hyuga as well, but those books turned in a very odd direction after the 2nd installment, not sure if that was what the author had in mind from the beginning, as it kinda felt very weird to me. Also i am absolutely not into that sort of bdsm psycho shit that is main plot of book 4 and also a large part of 3. Before that you felt like playing a badass ronin, for no apparent reason you just become the...victim...of another character after that. I did not really like it, but the writing is very good on a technical level. Not sure if the author understands the concept of choose your OWN adventure, though.
Another noteworthy entry is the "Heroes Rise..." Series, but that also fell apart after the 2nd book, sadly, providing only very shallow endings that feel rushed, forced or completely out of character. The author then decided to go for another trilogy in that "universe" but completely tossed aside any form of real player interaction and turned the books into blatant preaching for nonsense politics, fails to even make the player feel there is a reason for that stuff in the world he created, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to play the game in a different way than the author deemed to be the correct one, meaning you can't even really start the game because you instantly loose the moment you dare to stop being a clown preaching about social issues that are not even really existent in the story.
Personally I really enjoyed Fog knows your name, which I won't say much about to not take away anything from the story, but it is well written, has mostly compelling characters and actually succeeds in creating a convincing horror mystery, so to say.
There's also the Sabres of Infinity / Guns of Infinity series that is still being written, the author is closing in on finishing the 3rd book. Those are a special entry for different reasons, you'll see if you give them a try, i can promise that.
Less choice when creating a character, but a very well thought-through world with close ties to actual history of ours, mixed with light fantasy (so far) and a lot of surprises down the road, making for an superb cyoa game (especially from book 2 onwards)
Aside from all those Choice of Game games:
Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood is a really, really good CYOA. I might be biased a little because i loved the myth of robin hood since my childhood, and are generally into medieval stuff, but this one...wow. Excellent writing, you have a lot of control about major aspects even of how the story is told, meaning your decisions can change the type of story completely, from a light-hearted fairytale with some actual magic in it to a more or less realistic, bloody, medieval struggle against brutal tyrants. (I am 90% sure on that but i did not yet finish multiple playthroughs, i just started another and went for the darker options when making decisions, leading to the atmosphere changing dramatically, the author seems to have taken great care of adding vastly differently flavored variants of scenes, depending on your choices.
I also recommend playing Love is Strange if you enjoyed Life is Strange or, like me, couldn't 100% enjoy it because of the depressing tone (i honestly never could finish it, as it became an increasingly unpleasant experience down the line. I play games to get distracted from the world around me and all it's tragedy, not to be thrown into situations even far worse than what i have to deal with e.g. at my job), with Love is Strange taking place in, kinda, an alternate version of their world with none of the gruesome stuff happening. They're just "normal" young adults in a normal, small town.
The game is obviously very focused on the possible romances between Max and the other girls of the Life is Strange cosm, but it is also very well written by fans who clearly adore the universe it is seated in, as an added bonus the game is obviously for free since it is a fan project.
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You sir, are amazing.
Nice, thank you for the recommendation
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You're welcome!
Rivan Faetheda
can we play it in mobile? we found in mobile version but its not full ver.
Nameless Person
Is the game fun guys? I have to thank OAG for letting me know this website exists, though I hope it's not virus.
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This site is safe. but be careful not to download ADs
Sadly this is another really mediocre (at best) entry in the Choice of Games library. It isn't horrible, but rather tedious, makes little sense and feels shallow most of the time.
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Pepe VonPepeFroggerson
Precisely correct my friend, this "developer" creates one of these "text-based adventure" games every single week it seems. What I'm curious about is, does he actually make money off it? Does he outsource a 5000 word "game" for pennies, then flip it on to Steam for pure profit?
I remember people make absolutely bank off Amazon eBooks back in the day with a similar method, but Amazon quickly slashed their monetization because so many people were publishing short thirty-page books for 99 cents each and making crazy profit.
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That is, funnily enough, something i was musing about a lot in the last months, since - generally speaking - i can enjoy these interactive e-books when they are done well. But their quality has been declining over the last years. How exactly this stuff makes money - given the low price at e.g. steam, the fact that the genre is, as far as i can tell, not that relevant to most people anyway and the increasingly hollow products they release - is beyond me. My guess is that the authors themselves probably do not get much of the money the games make when released or, maybe, Choice of Games is more like supporting people releasing their games and it is more like someone side-project and does not have to generate much money at all.
Most of the games of this type i happened to really enjoy lately were published under the "Hosted Games" Segment of the same Publisher/Company (i am not really sure what exactly i should call Choice of Games) despite those ending up there, as far as i know, for being deemed not promising/good enough for the main label. (But this could be a misconception on my part, i didn't delve into the specifics)
But those ended up being more imaginative, thought-through & just technically superior (writing wise) as well.
A lot of those short 80.000 - 200.000 word books from Choice of Games (like this one, or that horrendous wizard school poliitics-no-one-cares-about lecture) are just soulless and absolutely no fun in any way shape or form, making me wonder how on earth flooding the market with this nonsense makes for a business plan.
praise the sun,, been waiting someting like this
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Azenpai Tv
What is the winrar encryption password of this game?
i can't extract it
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Iale Idioma
might want to redownload pretty sure there's no password on this one
Chvck Price
"Non-binary squire". Yeah, I'm fairly doubtful there were many of those running around in medieval times.
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Artyom Reaper
Theophilus Pedophilus
Smart person "Chvck Price" skipped the "fantasy" part of the game's description because they were obsessed with their idea that non-binary people do not exist.
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So, non binary is a fantasy? I knew it!
Chvck Price
Well, you kinda got me there, though not "obsessed". I'd say there's also a distinction between fantasy and delusion, but I hope you got your SJW brownie points.
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Random CIS
ElvinGearMaster Irma
Non binary people did exist back then. The modern term for them just didn't exist yet. Just as gay people existed, trans people etc.
I dunno why you're getting your knickers in a twist though?? Like?? Did a non binary person piss in your mouth or something in the past??
Just enjoy the game.
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"Bro trust me, I, as a man who has never ever seen and much less read a book about medieval times and it's history, knows much more than you, a man who likes that period of time, do and will ever do, so you MUST listen to my opinion as it is the one and only truth, and if you don't, you are clearly an evil nazi who should be executed in this exact place and moment."
See that? That's you.
And I'm pretty sure people at the time were way too preoccupied by other, more important things, like, you know, having enough to eat and just surviving the day in general. No time to be a mentally retarded snowflake and complain about anything and everything all day long. Besides, Twatter didn't exist back then, so the few who maybe were indeed mentally challenged like that were probably all burned at the cross or something. Good times...
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Mr Penguin (EleroGames)
10 iq peasant declares that he is not a 1 or 0. Transgenders, and homosexuals existed, but non-binary is some weird fad.
Artyom Reaper
Lmao sure.
Chvck Price
I don't own any knickers. I own boxers. They're not in a twist. Your comment is rather disgusting. I seem to be the only one not crying about this. I was just cracking a joke... and here come all you snowflakes.
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ElvinGearMaster Irma
If that was a joke, man your jokes suck mate. Like gritty mud.
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Chvck Price
Way to necro a dead thread, loser.
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ElvinGearMaster Irma
I prefer to let people think they're done with it before I pop back up to annoy the shit out of you!
Because you deserve it in this case.
Stop whining about inclusivity, you manchild, and just choose your own gender to play as.
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Chvck Price
Or maybe you could get a life, and mind your own business instead of trying to virtue signal on a three-month-old discussion as though it's going to somehow make you a superior being. Clearly, you're pretty below the bar. Only an idiot such as yourself would insult someone else's opinion, then dare to preach about "inclusivity". Next you'll be telling me I should be more inclusive with pedophiles. There is no "inclusivity" in this subject matter, only degeneracy.
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ElvinGearMaster Irma
Oooh! The slippery slope argument! Never seen that one before. Truly groundbreaking.
"Or maybe you could get a life"
Bold words. Now take your own idea into account and stop complaining about gender inclusivity and.... Get a life.
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Chvck Price
Apparently, it is ground-breaking for people like you that aren't capable of critical thinking. Also, I never complained about anything. I made statements. It's a shame you're a fascist, and can't tolerate other people's opinions. Lastly, I made those statements over three months ago. Clearly, I've had other things to since then because I have a life. Clearly, you do not. You're beyond pathetic. You can keep coming back, and insulting me as often as you like. I'll still just put you in your place: the dumpster where trash like you belongs.
It might be due to the fact that every choice of games upload has someone whining about their being a non binary choice.
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I think that says more about those games than it does about the commenters.
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What does that say exactly?
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maybe people just can't keep their own thoughts in their head and always looking for the right moment to blast everything they hate instead of just moving along and doing something better with their time. i mean that's what i do when i don't like something and maybe they should learn a thing or two
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Dunno about that, it kind of seems to me like you hate people who complain about this stuff quite a bit and yet here you are, not ignoring them, not moving along and not doing 'something better' with your time.
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I don't like pineapples in my pizza. So i say that everytime someone brings up the topic. That doesn't mean i don't like pineapples in general, i just like to point out that i don't like them in pizza.
That's... wrong? I don't like a game that's located in medieval times that have things that DON'T belong in medieval times. I can play it, yeah, and maybe enjoy it a little bit, but that will always bug me. So i'll just post it with a joke, so everyone can understand that i don't like that but also laugh a little bit.
And then people say that i ABSOLUTELY hate trans people and non-binary ones.
That makes sense to you, Monkay, Karsh?
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ElvinGearMaster Irma
Gender was more complex in medieval times than a binary.
Gender was always complex!
Their sexuality was even more complex. So yea, trans people existing in a medieval game is fine.
Us referring to medieval gender norms with a modern lens was fine when we did it with binary. It's fine when we do it with trans people and non binary people.
Okay? Nobody opens a medieval game to be slapped in the face with a scholarly academic approach. They do it for dragons.
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Literally haven't yet seen on this site a single comment which would say that they 'hated trans people' (forget about "ABSOLUTELY").
I did, however see quite a bit of, surprise surprise, comments from people who don't like 'trans-stuff' in games too much and so they joke about them in all sorts of ways.
I really do think that you're probably the type who (maybe even somewhat subconsciously) actively looks for 'transphobes' to get offended by to then virtue signal by calling them all sorts of bad names and to feel better about yourself and about how righteous you are for doing that and for "protecting the transsexuals".
I'd suggest you stop demonizing people who like their pizzas pineapple-less. It's a rather popular opinion to hold and you'll likely gain more enemies than allies by doing that. The pineapple pizza-making companies aren't your friends, just so you know.
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What? Actually what? I... i don't even know what to say. I don't care about trans people. They have their own lives and beliefs, and if a man thinks he's a woman and wants to be called like that then i'll refer to her as a woman. That's all.
And the pineapple thing was an example. I just don't like pineapple in pizza, but if someone in front of me it's eating it then i will say nothing, because they have different likings just like me. And if that person it's a friend of mine then i'll just ask them in a joking way how he can eat that.
Personally i don't mind gay people or the LGBTQ community, and i think a lot of people think like that (Please correct me if I'm wrong).
The things is, a medieval world it's something else. It's a different culture where people can be killed just because they think differently. You expect me to believe that, in a world where you can and probably be killed because you said something against the Church, you can be a man and like other men without repercussions at all?
I didn't come here to fight or something.

I really do think that you're probably the type who (maybe even somewhat subconsciously) actively looks for 'transphobes' to get offended by to then virtue signal by calling them all sorts of bad names and to feel better about yourself and about how righteous you are for doing that and for "protecting the transsexuals".
And that was... something?
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Trannies must hang
I know my english is not perfect but....
I really have trouble reading the story...... am I the only one?
I read it as "A squirrel's Tale" and now I'm dissapointed
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Iale Idioma
remind me of overgrowth