Nifft Batuff
My grand-ma told me once that he met Adolf and joked about his little penis.
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Dark Sorceress
good or bad we all have dreams and goals we want to achieve and as much as people talk bad about Hitler he did one thing most people would never do he started working towards his
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Say what you will about the guy, at least he killed Hitler.
jew media
Under-rated IMO.
Who's word are we taking for Hitler.
For what he did, or didn't do,
and what where his accomplishments.
The new york times?
But who's word are we taking for teh new york times?
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Dark Sorceress
yep im a huge Hitler fan and i love ww2 history
And, for better or worse, he managed to rebuild Germany's military, industry, economy, and national pride. Not bad for someone who started their political career in a beer hall, even I have to admit.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
It makes me think of Vladimir Putin.
Everybody in the west hates him, but that's exactly what he did.
He's restoring Russia to its original glory.
But since you admire Germany, maybe you're not too happy about Russia becoming stronger? 😄
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I never said I admired Nazi Germany, I just saying that what Hitler did was pretty impressive.
Mu Gu
My grandfather's dog lived longer than his entire Reich,(regime in Germany January 1933 to May 1945) It doesn't matter if you build the greatest castle of cards, if you just sneeze at the end and fuck it all up because you didn't know when to fucking stop, you undo everything you did, but without undoing the death and damages. Once it's all said and done, he ended up no better than that beer hall in terms of his 'dreams and aspirations'. You should save your praise for the people who picked up the pieces and actually steered the germany he left in the 'proper' direction.
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Dark Sorceress
it sure wouldnt be merkel , shes a joke and has ruined Germany with her embrace of refugees , remember the cologne incident ?
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
In the future, let's make SURE that somebody like Hitler doesn't come back, though. Because, when you think about it, isn't he responsible for all of this mess in Europe?
Liberals are using this part of history to make people feel guilty and rejecting every idea that looks even remotely to what Hitler could have said.(although I don't think he would necessarily agree to what current conservatives say)
What we need now is true conservatives who protect our borders, economy, and culture. What we don't need is somebody invading Poland again.
But I'm not too worried. Look at what's happening all over Europe. Conservatives are taking over very fast now. Soon, liberalism will be destroyed, hopefully.
And we Europeans should make friends with the East.
The Last Day of The Dev's Career. There fixed your title.
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Mu Gu
More like The Last Decade of Good Games. Amirite?
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Unknown Soldier
no, more like Bore: Ragnarok
Iale Idioma
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Mu Gu