I can finally experience second base. thanks igg!
Penetrator God
Please update.
Ml Anhem
new ver pls
Ml Anhem
new ver pls
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is this full version?
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Waqar Mughal
please upload the newer version of this game
Version:21.1 PLEASE
I played the game, and yes it is really hard even with cheat, i cant even get pass the part where you have to gather evidence so you won't get kicked out of your job, 2 days straight on playing on this game and i decided to drop it because of that.
Horror: "I hate to be that guy but what kinda of crazy guys likes being scared in the confines of their own home and look at characters being killed and at blood and brains all over the place? Sounds like the creators are psychopaths in waiting. For me any art involved is ruined by games like this."
FPS: "I hate to be that guy but what kinda of weird person likes shooting others and pretending liek they are military and or police? Sounds like the creators are little children playing cops and robbers and should just enroll in the military for shooting others. For me any art involved is ruined by games like this."
Civ games: "I hate to be that guy but what kinda of weird person likes building small cities and looking at numbers go up all day? Sounds like the creators are in need of go to city planning school and make some actual cities. For me any art involved is ruined by games like this."
Sims (or god-games in general): "I hate to be that guy but what kinda of sociopath likes tormenting little persons in their magic box? Sounds like creators just want to torture other people like sickos. For me any art involved is ruined by games like this."
Racing games: "I hate to be that guy but what kinda of child who never drive car likes pretending to drive cars when you don't get anywhere after you drive the car? Sounds like creators should get drivers license and drive to places. For me any art involved is ruined by games like this."
RPG: "I hate to be that guy but what kinda of child who never drive car likes pretending to drive cars when you don't get anywhere after you drive the car? Sounds like creators should get drivers license and drive to places. For me any art involved is ruined by games like this."
And on and on and on...
Hopefully this shows why your post is completely dumb. Also, if you were actually interested in offering feedback for a "site that [you]ve used for years" as in that reply you would be offering it elsewhere not on the page where people who like this genre roam to check things out. Putting it here is nothing but troll bait since it's obvious they'll be offended by stupid comments like yours.
Essentially what you're doing is referred to as "gatekeeping" and it's a pretty disgusting practice. "This type of game shouldn't even be a game because my personal definition of what a game should be are offended" is what you're essentially saying.
People like what they like but just in case you are seriously unable to see why people like dating simulators, let me enlighten you: some people LIKE not having to go out and get into messy relationships just to get a quick buzz of satisfaction.
Some people LIKE getting to understand a character's motivations, quirks and personality without having to maintain a personal relationship with them or have to endure the negatives that come with that.
Some people LIKE being able to interact with potentially unstable characters without being put at risk as per what real life is like.
Some people LIKE staying at home and having fun with a little game for a few hours instead of the often huge amount of effort and expenditure going into starting even a simple one-night relationship with another person and would just prefer to get their jollies on and move to something else.
Some people LIKE jerking off and that's not a bad thing as long as nothing illegal takes place.
Not everyone likes what you like but if you wield your ignorance and inability to see basic things like the ones I mentioned in order to make fun of what other people like, don't expect being taken seriously.
Rant over, I'm done feeding the trolls. Take care and stop being so willfully ignorant. If you know you're gonna be that guy, stop being that guy as Kodoku Pierrot suggested.
Cold Zone
Normal people have sex often believe it or not. I get a feeling that you're actually a virgin
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
nobody :
Not even I love you:
Plasmatic : i'M MaRrIeD No tHaNkS, i hAvE A FuLl tImE JoB.
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Just a reminder
Comparing your life with virtual dating sim is PITIFUL attempt of finding value in your life
suicidal thought 4 today
The game artist need some serious lesson in anatomy and prespective.
Kodoku Pierrot
If you hate to be that guy then... why not just keep that shit to yourself?
István János
You've seen nothing. Have a look the adult section how many garbage coming out day by day!
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You've got a unique style of trolling, I'll give you that, my dude.
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István János
he is "i love my girlfriend" brother lol
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or his gayfriend :P
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István János
haha, there is some connection
István János
i think "i love my girlfriend" user is your brother...
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or his gay lover :P
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"I love you". We know it's you.
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maybe its the virus side effects they turn them into retards before killing them
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Makes me feel like you're a scumbag human beeing for boasting about something thats natural XD. Or are you so lonely that you make things up to make you feel important? :P
Cold Zone
anyone asked you about your life story? no? it means nobody cares
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István János
I've seen this game more than a year ago, it could be good, but it's still a grindfest.
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not really interested on it tbh
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so you travel all the time
that means you have the zombie virus
oh well enjoy your last moments
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No one cares, why even bother mentioning that. Or even posting it.
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to see if someone get annoyed
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Holy fucking shit this game is complex... to complex
you may need this if you are planning on completing the game
and this
feels like homework yet?
Go to the living room in your house and input the following: Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A. After that there is a cheat menu on your right action bar
and this is the last paid version 20.3.5
if you are planning on completing it i applaud you brave soul, because i wont to much shit i'm going to replay space paws
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thank you for your kind contribution comrade
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too much just to fap
just go to pornhub
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Too much hasstle just to fap. In that regard Summertime Saga is perfect. You have to work for the porn, but not enough to get bored.
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Lewd Her
isn't that one the milf and shota one?
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There's much more than milfs. But i don't think it qualifies as shota
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The "gardener"
this is the free/public demo version or full version?
Yarielist Yggdrasil
unfinished game ... still in development ...
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Jason Bowen
Way too many of those get posted on here.
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Would love some guy in this kind of simulation game while we still played girl instead of a guy :(
Lewd Her
this seem good?
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i think not :VV