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I thought it is a roblox game?
jew media
Well I couldn't do that.
Somebody put some effort into creating it.
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Sir Bjorn
this is an asset from the unity asset store, you can just buy it and say it's your and then sell it on steam, there are at least two other games that are exactly the same.
the one I remember is called LGBT BATTLEGROUNDS, it seems to be taken off of steam by now, google it and Comarch the footage.
Gavin C.S
anjay indo
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hmmm the title fits perfectly for this game
sniff sniff I smell an asset fliiiiiiip! Guns of bullshit is right
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Sir Bjorn
this is not even an asset flip, this is literary buying a completed game off of unity asset store and saying it is yours.
Google LGBT BATTLEGROUNDS and compare the footage from that game to this.
exactly the same, because these two guys bought and used the same "asset" form the unity asset store.
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That's exactly what an asset flip is. they go into the asset store, buy assets(sometimes even complete games because the asset store sells those as example projects) and then re sell them with very little to no change.I believe they're all using an Unreal Engine sample game called UnitZ. also LGBT BATTLEGROUNDS isn't even on steam anymore, least i couldn't find the store page for it
Nathaniel Medford
It's actually really good. It's a top seller on steam
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Doesn't make it any less of an asset flip
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Nathaniel Medford
That's true, but it doesn't make the game bad. Many people can program, but can't make assets.
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Sir Bjorn
there is a huge difference from using assets, and using only assets.
think about this way, if you use assets for audio, programming, models, level geometry, and pretty much anything else, are you really making a game? or are you putting together a jigsaw?
also, even if he used multiple assets it would be more fine, but this one is just one single asset from the unity asset store, one asset, nothing changed, google LGBT BATTLEGROUNDS and compare the two games. they used the same, single, asset.
You don't have to make assets, just change the default ones. that's what an asset flip is, you making money selling something that someone else made while not putting in any effort of your own. The game is only good because it uses assets and most likely mechanics you can just outright buy on the unity engine store
More like 'ass'et, amIrite?