jew media
I can appreciate the indie effort.
But if you dont have the big studio bucks for teh most powerful graphics and a team of programmers, you have to be gimmicky IMO.
Like D3 does.
One word,
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Sad Gamer
That is such a trash opinion.
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Mu Gu
The problem with your comment is that in my opinion, your opinion about someone else's opinion being trash, is trash to me.
See where I'm going with this? So what's your opinion now, of my opinion about your opinion on someone else's opinion then? because this is a thought and opinion platform and not a comment and remark platform.
Blue Bomber
SoulCalibur wannabe? nope...
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Mu Gu
Putting "GTX 1060" on the thumbnail for a game like this is like showing up to race a child with a bike on a car. It's not something that is okay, and just looks wrong. It makes nVidia and Windows OS look embarassingly misrepresented in any form or manner.