Good RTS Game. Fairly straightforward, and a big story-based campaign!
Gameplay Video (English Commentary)
Abhisek Ekka
is there any account login problem to play offline skirmish
Got this. Any solutions? Thanks in advance
David Tael Dvorak
Link http://Mega.nz: is a badly Upload, is there ( Artificial.Extinction-CODEX.part2 .rar )
901.9 MB
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Dark Sorceress
try google
Blue Bomber
it looks like warcraft, nice graphics, smooth gameplay, casual, just dont forget to heal your allies
Murder McSlaughterson
I played the Early Access, and it was really bad.
Feels very amateurish, despite it being made by quite a big game developer. I know this is their first foray into developing RTS games, but that doesn't excuse the terrible graphics, sound effects, voice overs and writing.
Also, the game is pretty SJW-ish :

  • the human race are predominantly black with Arabic aesthetics
  • the two main characters are a stronk black woman paladin and a white-looking male mage
  • said woman paladin is "pure good" while the male mage is "descending into darkness" ala Arthas
    I don't mind sifting through SJW-ism as long as the story/gameplay is good, but most SJW products are terrible because they just can't stop preaching their ideology at the expense of everything else. This game is no different.
    TL;DR, it's shit.
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The fact that at no point in human history have the majority of the human population been white males isn't an ideology. For example, you might not see how weird it looks that there's only one racial minority in the original Star Wars trilogy but, most of the human race does and they know what that says about society (white men).
You guys have no idea how much you accidentally reveal about yourselves every time you open your mouths.
Me: This game isn't that good.
You:Yeah. And look at all the brown people. WTF?
Me: ...
If the whole race thing flies over your head then ask yourself, "Where were all the red-blooded, heterosexual, white males when George Lucas released a trilogy with almost no women in it?". Rey "Skywalker" is a horrible character but, the OG trilogy is a gay man's fantasy. Do you think that just because anti-SJW's can't notice that, no one else can see it either? The fantasy universes that people escape to are a windows to their subconscious minds.
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Murder McSlaughterson
You're being disingenuous, like every single one of your kind.
I merely pointed out how the game is obviously pandering the the dieversity crowd. And I said I don't mind sifting through SJW-ism, but somehow to you that means I'm hating this game because I hate brown people. Here's a protip : I'm not white. I'm brown myself, and I'm sick and tired of this forced dieversity bullcrap.
You being disingenuous the first time around means there's no need for further discussion, since you'll do the same shit over and over again.
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You're a living, breathing "I'm not racist but..." statement.
In your head you actually thought that the rest of the world gave a shit about how many minorities were in this game. That's YOUR concern. That's where YOUR brain goes. And your mad that somebody noticed. Let me tell you a secret: A lot of people notice.
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Murder McSlaughterson
"Oh, you hate dieversity, so that means you're a racist!"
You missed the part that I'm brown, once again being disingenuous. I told you you'd keep doing the same shit over and over again. You filthy SJWs are all alike.
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so nothing good was lost i see
.oh well moving on and lets leave this game to rest in peace
Ok, thanks, i just need to read the end.
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i only see comments about this game have been abandoned and its dead
did someone already played this when it was early access?
alepiu saja
A nice graphic honestly but somehow looks like Warcraft.
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lol exactly what I thought
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alepiu saja
But Warcraft Reforged is a joke of the century. :p
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and seems this game its following the same path too ;s
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alepiu saja
Lol. That sucks
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There is no reforged, only refunded.
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alepiu saja