Most site income is spent on getting more games, And keeping the site alive, The admins hardly benefits from it, Don't be ungrateful fam, The least you could do is show some gratitude. A simple thank you is enough to show some love to the people providing us free games, Let them know the community is appreciating what they do.
i agree on that to still show gratitude towards site as seems you have some v good scene connections that you get em so fast after release... maybe u have to pay for this service to some scene site or something, i dont know and im not meant to know ;) but yes OFC SAY THANKS for IGG no matter, also remember to be thankfull for the scene groups spendin money and time getting em from steam and crackin em!! We downloaders should be thankfull to both and if you download, its nice to say atlleast simple "Thankyou" to both scene and IGG crews!
hmm Adam i just dont get this " Most site income is spent on getting more games" AS ITS SCENE groups who buy em and release for free, ofc not meant for public so do you like have some pay2leech scene ftp u get these or what? ...really made me wonder, as yeah, its these groups who are spendin their own money to buy game to crack em
Who are you talking to? im not adam and welcome to pirate site they buy geames and crack em and post it to their site. also, dont mind me, im just a wandering guy.
no they dont buy MOST OF EM AT ALL.. u dont seem to know how it pirate groups who MOSTLY buy these games and crack them! You even know what scene is? Seems u dont... eg this site dont buy anygame that says -DARKSiDERS or -CODEX or -DARKZER0 in the download name... its those scene groups who have bought and cracked em!
well, i DONT KNOW EXACLY THEY DOING IT, since im not a part of them, but based on what im seeing this site has been once threatened by people like codex or anything, but this site survive because they prove that they got all the game by buy them and donated. YES, i dont know how they crack the game... but if you think using your brain... maybe they have a connection to darksiders or codex or anything to crack the game freely or anything and listen here IM NOT THE MOD if you want some detail why dont you ask the mod directly you mister know everything. i dont know why you asking me and if they do download it from darksiders and upload it in their own website, people will start to attack this site and accusing that this site is stealing games from other website which is happened in years ago and... igg won and alive, and there you are asking the same question to the stranger who not the part of igg.
Well ok its clear, you dont know shit... CODEX etc dont maybe even know about this site... but they dont want releases to get public but what can they do as theres always someone in that "closed circle" called scene who will leak... And i might soon ask some mod to enlighten you as seems you dont believe me.. but then again, what use it is? you can life ur life in in ignorance and think how its done, even its wrong, i bet it wont affect ur life that much anyways, aint i right? :) Also no hate or nothin, just tried to get u todo research on ur own about how scene works etc etc... :)
Yes, that's what i said from start, i dont know nothing, i just wandering guy in the comment section, also im too lazy to do some research, why would i? Also, i know somebody like you, he just like you when i first met, he told me how igg works and how he get banned when this site in chaos. also, good luck for finding the truth behind all of this and try to not get the admin piss or your disqus account banned(doesnt matter, you can create another one). also yes, no hate, i just wonder why you asking me from nowhere, i never seen you before in this site, so i think you're just another kids who trying to finding a justice over a pirates website xp.
Yeaah groups who do this without gettin any money, p2p ppl leakin from scene to sites like this things they dont want even here... ohwell im not complainin, just stating :)
So sad to see otome game not popular like BL game.
Most site income is spent on getting more games" AS ITS SCENE groups who buy em and release for free, ofc not meant for public so do you like have some pay2leech scene ftp u get these or what? ...really made me wonder, as yeah, its these groups who are spendin their own money to buy game to crack em
thanks !