Draco Wynd
Contains Trojan virus
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JaymeSplendid✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵘᶰᵗ
You must be new in the piracy/cracking scene. Its extremely easy to detect whats a false positive and what isn't just by checking out the file and see what it does with out actually running it. Cracks work by tricking the system/software which kinda mimics how a "virus" may operate. Many AVS now no longer flag cracks.
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false positive from the crack files
Sektor Reven Azhat
All links down and torrent no seeds, can reupload?
Was pulled from Steam huh? Lmao
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Due to the publisher (Nacon) being complete assholes. So Frogwares took down the game from Steam, Xbox Store, PSN Store and Epic Games Store.
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All of the links are dead. Please, re-up.
Neressa Capuno
Help, X3DAudio1_7.dll was not found. what can I do?
Can't launch the game:
Using TSC game-Win64-Shipping.exe --> fatal error "Please launch the game using EGS launcher"
Using TSC game -->error: "couldn't start..."
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same problem for me. how did you managed to get trought this?
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Don't run the iso. Open it (right click), find the crack files and copy/paste them in the game folder.
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I don't get it. How am I supposed to extract the files from the iso without running it?
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OK. Mount the iso. You get "The Sinking City Necronomicon Ed" in your virtual drive.

  1. Double click to install your game (that's what you already did) and check where it is installed.
  2. Go back to "The Sinking City Necronomicon Ed" in your virtual drive. Right click, use "open". Search the folder named "CODEX", double click, you'll find a folder called "TSCGame" double click, you'll find a folder called "Binaries", double click, you'll find a folder called "Win64", double click, select everything that you'll find, copy it, then paste it in "Win64" of your installed game (For me it's C>Programs(x86)>The Sinking City Necronomicon Edition>TSCGame>Binaries>Win64). That's it!
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ooooooh okay it worked. thank you so much dude. you saved me, i gave up, but you helped me. have a great day!
My bad. Hadn't checked the files in the mounted iso...
Please stop spamming ur own videos, thank u
Blue Bomber
This game is categorized as Horror Game. You play as Detective in the Modern World with People just like in Skyrim : Human-Ape, Human-Fish with the God named "Kay"
The Graphics is Good, Smooth, Every Conversation has Voice Acting.
Blue Bomber
play as Detective in the Modern World with People just like in Skyrim : Human-Ape, Human-Fish with the God named "Kay"
The Graphics is Good, Smooth, Every Conversation has Voice Acting.
Misafir Oyuncu
Thanks you so for sharing..
First Look video:
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After install it says; couldn't start, blahblahblah CreateProcess () returned 2e4. huh?
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Never mind, this problem solved by using another exe file in the binaries.
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all that money and cant defeat a flu
Doctor Boot
basically your opinion is somehow factually correct and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong...very much like how lovecraft saw others....yet you're too dumb to see the hypocrisy. keep up the embarrassing posts. and no, i'm not gonna bother getting into some petty internet shit-fight with you. not worth my time.
Doctor Boot
you're edgy and must be fun at parties, if you've ever been invited to one.
Sorry to bother you guys, and I know this is just a simple question. Do I dl all of the parts or just 1 part only?
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István János
There is a "How to install game" section.
Very simple to find it.
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John Doe
You need all of them mate. And unzip from the 1st.
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John Doe
I wanna say butthurt but I hate internet slang so I'll settle for don't be a sore loser.
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I'm pretty sure Plasmatic won that one.. All he did was state an opinion, and you had to insult him.. Not just that, but you did it in a totally neckbeardy way, lmao.. Then, he came back, and honestly, from my perspective, made a fool out of you with almost no effort...
Sorry dude, LOL.
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John Doe
I was referring to a previous chat we had with "intellectually superior", or whatever his account name is nowadays.
It's just the continuity of an earlier discussion we had and not really meant for anyone else but him.
I'm still being an a-hole, but with context.
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Thud Thorgi
When he makes a claim like everyone who likes lovecraft stories are psychopath certainly comes across like a mentally unstable person. Regardless of who won, I'm just glad I don't look at the world the way Plasmatic does. Cynical beyond logic and reason. Hateful because It's easy to do on the internet. You can win all you want online. It's your real life that I feel bad for. If I believed in God I'd pray for you. I'll just settle for good luck and keep your chin up buddy. You'll find love someday.
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John Doe
I'm not sure I understand exactly to whom your wishing well words are meant to go to - me or the other guy ? I'm confused.
Nevertheless, I was the aggressor here and you were right to point it out. However justified my feelings towards him from past encounters - here and now I was just being an edgy ass over nothing.
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John Doe
I think the woosh was pretty self explanatory wasn't it ?
We tried sparring already remember ? It did not go well.
I actually felt kind of bad for you afterwards. Kind of.
And winning without a challenge is not satisfying.
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John Doe
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John Doe
The guy was a racist antisemitic white supremacist paranoid who didn't understand the world he lived in and thus feared and hated everything. Today he would probably be an overweight bearded dude living in a basement.
You know what I mean.
But he could write - so he turned his anger into stories instead of trolling people on the net with useless statements like "this is garbage".
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All of those things made him based and correct.
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John Doe
All those things made him probably nuts ! At the very least delusional. Still, great storyteller.
Artyom Reaper
garbage person, great works.
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Precisely. Sometimes, if the medium is good enough, you just have to separate the art from the artist and appreciate the creation on its own, the creator be damned. Mind you, it helps when the person is dead, IMO...😏
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John Doe
And it's even harder with guys like him - L.Ron Hubbard comes to mind too - because their beliefs permeate through their art.
The danger often comes from the dark skinned man or the jew in Lovercraft's books. And his descriptions of other cultures were often pretty strongly biased.
But I agree with your statement word for word. Separate the artist from his art.
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and again
you are not very intellectually superior
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It's so hard to find good H.P Lovecraft inspired video games. The best we had so far was Bloodborne and the original Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
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John Doe
Darkest Dungeon is maybe one of the best lovecraftian themed world in video games. But it's not Lovecraft canon - just heavily inspired by it. There is no truly good and faithful recent game in the Lovecraft universe yet - Dark Corners was good but it's almost 15 years old !
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Imagine thinking Bloodborne is lovecraft. Guess u never actually read any book?
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bloodborne is pure lovecraft inspired... what are you even talking about
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John Doe
Bloodborne happens in a lovecraftian world - but not in Lovecraft's world itself.
There is no Miskatonic University, Arkham or the Necronomicon in Bloodborne ? But there is probably same-ish stuff.
Same could be said about Darkest Dungeon ? Heavily inspired but not officially Lovecraft canon.
Still pretty close though.
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And no one said it happens in Lovecraft's world, just that it's heavily inspired by it. And yes, Bloodborne does have a university where the research into the Old Blood was done and i guess you can say Yarnham is like Arkham. There's no Necronomicon book analogue though as far as i remember
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John Doe
Old Blood for Old Ones, Yarnham for Arkham, full of cosmic horrors, madness and deception ... It's Lovecraftian all right.
But like any fantasy related setting becomes "Tolkenian", every philosophical SF universe becomes "Herbertian" and any cosmic horror is somewhat "Lovecraftian".
Privilege of being the first, or the best.
Not purely. Miyazaki mentioned several times he was also heavily inspired by the Berserk Manga
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as all of the souls games are since Miyazaki is such a huge fan of berserk and Miura (i think even sekiro is..) maybe "pure" was a bit too much but to say that this is not inspired by lovecraft in a big way is wrong.
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You're clearly retarded...
Excuse me? Bloodborne is 1000% Lovecraft inspired, the fuck are you even talking about
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i wonder whats new
this game doesnt seems to be good ;/
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Checked that on the day of release (crack:)
That Version is available from day ONE.
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Curtis Newton
is this an update ?
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Look Up :)
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your comment doesn't help explain anything
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dude are you blind?
its in the title
Oh wow, advertising a different site. yo mods, aint this against the rules?
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When I run the game it instantly says ''Run it from Epic Games Store''. How can I fix this?
Please help
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Artyom Reaper
The crack wasn't applied(dot)(dot)(dot)
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Curtis Newton
if you dont apply the crack...
does this containt the DLC Worshippers of necronomicon?
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looks like it doesnt from what i can see after installing it
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Lucas Fernandez
Not a game for everyone for sure,
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Curtis Newton
why ? it's just a game
now of course if you prefer hentai crap....
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Because the loop is ultra-repetitive and the game quickly falls into the "Activate the tower to uncover the map" routine. Quests are for the most part "run there, monsters spawn, kill monsters, run back".
It's enjoyable, but quickly loses steam. Plus - shows the scary stuff too soon and doesn't make sense in many parts (like how the protagonist puts on the diving suit singlehandedly and gets down and up into the water)
Emiliano Porro
he says it because its much more enjoyable if you have read some lovecraft, not because its a bad game
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If the detective can talk louder or more energetic it will be fun, else he look like he is sick or something...(he actually is sick)
There are two options with install.
"do not create uninstaller and do not write any specific system info"
"copy contents of codex directory to installdir"
But what do these options do exactly? Please help me understand these enough to make these two decisions.
Does this game install in a self contained way where it all goes into a single directory and you could even move it to another system and have it still work?
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jonsilva silva
Hahaha...:D:D good series of posts on this coment
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Curtis Newton
are you mentally challenged ? is it not explicit enough ?
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maybe this is your first time installing a cracked game... :/
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just check the GODDAMNNNNN 2nd option !!! xD
the first option is useless, the second option automatically cracks the game. without cracking the game you cant play it.
if you already installed it you can crack it manually by copying the contents inside codex and pasting them in the game directory (they will tell you "the files already exist", be sure to replace them).
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So whether the first option is checked or not doesn't actually change anything? And one can only play with the second option checked? (unless you do what you were talking about) I don't get what you mean by copying the contents inside codex, because I don't know what you mean by "codex". You mean the file codex.nfo? But you said to open that and that's not a zip file that I can tell.
Is the game self contained when cracked where all the necessary files are inside the folder where I could just move it to another computer or something and still have it work?
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The file codex should contain the crack, if you dont understand just check the second box and the installer will do it for you
As for the first box, it does exactly what it says, you can play the game if you checked it or didnt. Although i recommend leaving it unchecked.
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Is the cracked game self contained like I asked about?
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i really didnt understand what you mean.
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"Does this game install in a self contained way where it all goes into a
single directory and you could even move it to another system and have it still work?"
"Is the game self contained when cracked where all the necessary files are inside the folder where I could just move it to another computer or something and still have it work?
If I deleted a single folder that just contained the game files, would I be deleting all traces of the game?
Is everything in that single game folder, everything the game needs to run? (not talking about directX etc. of course)
I'm not sure how else to put it.
I ask because I download stuff like this to demo it, if I decide to buy a game, then obviously I won't want this on my PC too. Do I need some marked uninstall system entry to clean it all out or can I just go to the game folder and erase it?
Also if I ever decide I want the game on a different partition or a different system, this knowledge would help there too. Of course if it is self contained like that, that begs the question why the install process is so elaborate unlike other ones where I just uncompress and it's ready to play.
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I dont have this game specifically but most games can be moved from a computer to computer, all necessary should be inside.
In most games the save folder is not in the game folder however it is not crucial and you can move the game to another system without it, unless you want your progress to be transferred also.
If you delete the game folder, you wont delete all trace of the game as games save things outside the game folder.
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So you don't know about this game. It has an elaborate install system which suggests it not being self contained. Also how am I to find where the saves went?
So what exactly does the add uninstall option do or not do?
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The uninstaller just helps you delete the game. Sometimes some programs cant be deleted easily because they run in the background.
If your still thinking about checking the first the first box or not, just dont. The uninstaller wont harm you in anyway. It is just an application that can be found within the game folder.
The installer you are talking about is codex, i downloaded tens of games from there, i may not be an expert. But i know enough to help.
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TY for the help. It is also helps to know your level of knowledge you speak from. Do the experts ever respond to these comments asking for help?
"The uninstaller just helps you delete the game." Yes, so it does do as it says? But that again begs the question of how self contained the game is.
If the entire game is contained within it's own folder aside from the saves that are in a random different place. what's the point of a uninstall entry when one can just delete a folder?
Also if the entire game is contained within it's own folder except for the save, why not compress the game already set up that way? Why the elaborate install with the ISO?
I suppose these questions exceed your knowledge? But how do I bring them to the attention of someone more knowledgeable?
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Normal uninstallation for this will still leave some trace on your PC for this. It's called registry, unless you delete all the registry file in regedit.
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Is there a difference in what gets uninstalled via proper uninstall command verses just deleting the game folder?
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yes it is, it might affect the next time you re-install this game or there will be a registry registered on the PC name itself
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So maybe worth checking that put the uninstall thing in so I can fully remove it latter? Don't for get this is Wine on Linux we are talking about.
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are you able to run on it? I really never tried before running games on linux and Wine...I drink Wine only.
Since I use Linux and run such things under Wine, I wonder how that works.
Samwise Clockwise
Weird game, I tried it out but couldn't bring myself to keep playing it. Anyway, here's my playthrough! :)
It crash when I pick up the gun... Always in the same moment... I don't know what to do.
There is only the update
All parts down on all sites
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MegaUp is still functioning.
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Oh okay thx that wasn't work yest but now it's work so thx
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Part 2 is down on all links
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MegaUp is still functioning on part 2.
Little “Sancka” Dude
Hi, is this the Necronomicon edition? Do we have all starting bonuses too like the extra skill point and 500 exp?
After installing the update, the game won't start. Complains about not finding the exe file. And lo and behold, the 64 executable is missing. Uninstalled and never looked back. The game is shit anyway. And so is this "update"
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your antivirus probablly deleted them as they detect exe cracks as viruses,
and yea gameplay is pretty boring but story is great
Ded Hand
If you've installed this game properly, you need to start the game from a specific directory. For reference, mine is "D:\Games\The Sinking City\TSCGame\Binaries\Win64" . Inside this directory is a TSCGame-Win64-Shipping executable that starts the game just fine. No epic launcher needed and no other problems or issues. Game works just fine.
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tried doing what you said but still getting the epic launvheer error. i have also copied the files from the codex and its still not working
Levi Labelle
Thanks buddy. :)
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tell me need launch game through epic launcher? thats a new one for me
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i have the same issues, how to solve it though? hmm :/
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did you two applayed the crack to the game?
copy everything from codex file inside of iso and past it in your game directory then overite it
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oh shit that worked!! thanks a lot <3
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When there is no description not even requirement specifications, you can be sure it's an epicstore exclusif game... :/
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another epic fail store exclusive
tch just like all their games
they end being a lot more pirated than bought
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Well, thats a choice the devs prefer to make. Lots of devs ive supported and liked already disappoint me to the point i aint paying for their games again, by choosing to side with such trash company. They prefer some dirty money over loyalty, free choice and respect to their fans and create massive hate and backlashes through the gaming community that doesnt seem to matter to them. Ill either pirate or not play their games at all
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well said
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what are the system requirements ? :>
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オタクロリコン ワイフ恋人
This is the necronomicon edition? Thanks!
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Felipe Martin
Hi! I downloaded the torrent, mounted the ISO, then installed the game. From there I first copied the contents from the CODEX folder into the game's folder, and then I copied the CODEX contents, from the update folder (both the update and the game I got them from piratebay, I'm here because the game had a README txt that said to come here). I created the rule that blocks the game in the firewall, but when I launch the game, with OR without the firewall rule, I get an error message that reads: "2b559f0f9122ada87329d0c471972379"...
Can someone help me?
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If i understood correctly, You didn't get the game from our site, But from else where right?
Anyone can come in here, Download the game, And then later upload it somewhere else. And might even add a lil dirty something in it. If you didn't get it from here it is not of our responsability.
I'd advice you to delete it and download from here, Better safe than sorry.
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Anunnkia Xtraterrestrial
so true
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Felipe Martin
Just one more question, what do I do with the CODEX folder that comes with the Update, do I just copy it and paste it like I did with the original? If so, what was the "Original CODEX" for?
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That was for the base game, When an update comes out it must have its own crack as well, Because the base game crack won't work.
So basically, Everytime a game updates, The crack needs an update too.
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Felipe Martin
Yeah, I got the torrent from piratebay, so it could be from anyone, I'll do as you say and comeback later, thanks for the response!
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The detective aspect is interesting but unfortunately the game is hindered by sub-par combat and lots of back and forth in a fairly large city, which makes it tedious to traverse. There is fast travel but you have to unlock each point first and you can't just teleport on the go, you have to find these phone boots to do so. Alas, from what I've seen, there is only one in each section so you still have to run and use the boat a lot.
Combat wise ammo is kind of precious because its also used as currency. You have to find a number of materials to craft more and there's a cap on how much you can carry at any given time. Some monsters are nimble, which means its easy to miss a few shots. It wouldn't be far-fetched to say that you are better off just running circles, with a train of mobs behind you, while exploring an infected area. (Queue Benny Hill theme).
Overall it's not a bad game but it has its flaws and it is one of those titles you need to have some patience with to complete.
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Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time
Google Drive link not working
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Luckily there are other links you can download from.
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well i have no antivirus on and my defenses off so it idk. its not a crack as far as my comp is concerned. i xfer it and it still says i need epic launcher but thank you for your scholarly advice... fuck wad
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Will try to play this game, heard it is over reacted? Lots of reviews seems not a good one, hopefully it wouldn't let me down.
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yup, I'm back with the game played, it is nice, really a game for grown up. If you look for games like aim, shoot and reload, this is not the one.
Predrag Jandric
its an interesting game, for grown-ups
Someone know where is the save files located? I can't find it and I've switched PC...
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Ah, no... sorry, I've find it...
Windows (C:) > Users > [name] > Appdata > Local > TSCGame
best game on June 2019
Everything seems to run great, but after all the opening title cards (for the various development companies and such) the sound cuts out completely and doesn't return either in the menu or in gameplay. Every time I boot it back up again, same thing, audio plays for the title cards but then cuts out. Anyone else have this issue or knows a possible solution?
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Hey, a few days ago i've downloaded tsc but every time i run it it tells me that i have to start it from the epic games launcher, i've copied the Codex folder & setup into the install directory but it still doesnt work can anyone help me?
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Hi alex, I'm sorry, for not having responded. As for the doubt, I have solved. Thank you for your interest in helping as always.
Belzeborg Oxy
Corrupted files during rar extraction.. the same happened after downloading again.
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Get the latest winrar version.
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no crack in my download...
just a .json and some dll, game still says need to launch with epic =(
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Lucas Fernandez
Hi guys! i leave some gameplays here in case you want to check them out and see more in depth of the game, so far i'll say that i enjoy it more than the last Call of Cthulhu, still nothing really crazy happened but like i said in a previous comment this is the kind of game that starts slow and then the cool things starts but so far i just found a Cthulhu statue :P
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Shovan Pokhrel
do you know the minimum pc requirement for this game?
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Call of Cthulhu was better
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which languages do you have ?
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The language from the system, if it's compatible
can someone tell me how to run the game it always says open it with epic games launcher how can i fix it ? thanks
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Laurem Ipsum
Try to install the epic launcher, i know that origin is required for some games to work and it may be the same kind of issue here.
Also dont forget the crack!
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the codex that came with mine doesnt look like a crack.
Ondra Jalůvka
I have the same problem
Ok for those who are asking :
The game automatically takes the language of the system.
If it don't work there's a CODEX.json in : "The Sinking City\Engine\ThirdParty\EOS\SDK\Bin"
With "Locale":"en-US" but it change nothing...
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jevon small
The Sinking City Running On Integrated Graphic
GreenNexus 2.0
How you can change the language to German ?
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Go to Settings click on Gameplay and switch the language to German? Just tried it and it works perfectly fine for me.
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Hi thank you for the crack. Game is great. But i have a question : Is the Worshippers of the Necronomicon (side quests) DLC included ?
István János
Or he doesn't even know what is crack.
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jevon small
The Sinking City Running On RX570(I3-4130)
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you can help me?
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can someone tell me how to run the game it always says open it with epic games launcher how can i fix it ? thanks
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Ondra Jalůvka
I have the same problem, i did everything that was on the site, copied all the things from the CODEX file but it still says i need to start it with epic... Do you have any fix?
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Your antivirus could be deleting the crack files as soon as they are copied, Trun it off and try again.
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Curtis Newton
anyone know how to change the language ?
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Is there something wrong with part 4 of the download?
When extracting it all together when it reaches the 4th one it gives me "The.Sinking.City-CODEX.part4.rar: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged"?
Trying to extract it manually just shows a password prompt, clicking okay without any password entered still seems to work... But none the less it still needs the 4th part to export and thus gets stuck on it...
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István János
latest winrar
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Curtis Newton
just use torrent
Kain Yusanagi
Redownload it.
Gamer Lady
Tnx so much for this game, on steam I saw it will be release at 2020. The game is so hard for me, I do not know how to recover and I'm following the map, but I can not find places that are tagged
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Lol the game is pretty easy. I suggest you read the instructions more carefully or google them.
Turbo Cheese
Same here, I just end up searching houses for parts and shit lol
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lol that why i stop play now when i saw video in youtube fight monster and demon i think must be good game but it shit game walk all the map like GTA and you can't find the right way lol
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Gamer Lady
I'm glad I did not buy the game. I resolved the first case. this second case can not be solved because I can not link letters with locations on map. the game is so stupid and I have no bullets although I filled the gun and I can not restore my life, The monster always kills me
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It's a but more challenging to be sure, as there's no real guidance and you actually have to do some deduction of the clues. On top of that, you can actually get all the clues and still come to the wrong conclusion, but never know until later in the game.
My suggestion would be to start on one of the Sherlock Holmes games ad they play a lot like The Sinking City, minus the open world, you going crazy and Cthulhu. Get the hang of case solving in that and then come back to this...it's actually a good game, it just takes a bit more free thinking, discipline and self reliance than most games out there.
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So this game is stupid just because you are bad at it? xD You have to read quite a lot to understand what to do, mate. Then you mark them on the map and search the marked area. You can also use notes to do some research on archives...I already solved quite a lot of cases already and it's not hard at all. The only problem is that you need A LOT of bullets.
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same that why i use cheat engine but still no fun when you go to town take too make time there
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Already tried to disable my anti virus, did nothing. Here's the list of other shit I've been told to do that hasn't fixed it:
Downloaded Complete VC, did nothing different
Ran as admin (did so before and again), did nothing different
Turned off UAC, did nothing different
Disabled Antivirus + Internet, did nothing different
Can't install another HDD drive because laptop
Went to Defrag and it said it was 0% fragged, Defragging Optimizing my HDD anyways, did nothing different.
Increased page file size, did nothing different.
Used Disk Cleanup, did nothing different
Ran SFC/Scannow in CMD, did not find any integrity violations after going through it, did nothing different.
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It is true what you say
carlos albeiro
The Sinking City - Joystick 🎮 - Con Mando PC - Configurar Joystick 2019 🎮🎮🎮....
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when i open it it just says to open with epic games launcher anyone know a fix?
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What's this? An actually decent game? I'm enjoying it somehow.
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19 D Brown
Agreed. I played the old sherlock holmes games and this one is so identical to the crime solving shit so I'm breezing through it and so far I like it
is the game in english?
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Of course.
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well,l guess you can make exceptions. But what l ment was this: games are a necesity generated by the games themselves. lfThey became a necesity,and adiction may be said. lf you remove the mind from the adiction the the only thing left is nothing,and emptiness that doesnt need to be filled.
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Donald Taylor
Anyone else having issues with the game crashing? Starts fine, i can move around the ship and interact with everything except the gun. Once i touch the gun, game crashes. I've interacted with everything else on the boat and talked to the guy to leave but you can't leave without the gun, i go back to pick it up and crashes.
LowLevelFatalError Line 200 D3D device being lost 0x887A0006 - Hung
I can run game on ultra with 60fps, my computer meets the recommended requirements. I haven't had an issue playing any other game on my pc as of yet, just this one.
Ryzen 1600x, R9 280x, 16gb Ram
I saw someone else on a dif forum say to try installing unreal engine and update to the newest version, i've done so but still have the same result.
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sorry sir, it appears that you don't have any firearm lisence...
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Donald Taylor
haha 10 days late in the reply but damn this made me laugh xD
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You need to set "post-processing" to Low in graphic settings the rest can be High.
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another ISdone.dll and nothing fixes it. Anyone know a solid solution?
Am I blind or? Can't find the save game location..
edit: nvm it's in Appdata/local/tscgame
Gamer Lady
I hope I can put the game in English because I'm from Serbia :)
Yeah, saw my friend playing it. He just very excited of this game, but not for me. Everything is good, genre is not.
Temmie Plays!
it's timed to the epic store for a year.
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rob smales
Well is this the
The Sinking City - Necronomicon Edition​​​​​​​ with all DLC or just standard game without anything else as not say in OP if all included...
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István János
Do you see in the title "Necronomicon Edition​" or​ ​​​​​" with all DLC"?
Based on the first mission, I guess this really isn't going to keep me interested for too long. Might be worth playing if you're into the themes, which I admit, is intriguing, but the gameplay seems rickety at best.
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yeah basically this game is Holmes with monsters. but don't expect must about monster and fire fight part since it....well..short and clumsy..mostly it feel like playing Holmes. finding clues put them together go to another quest do similar thing over and over again. however i wasted first hour to realize that when i get hit my character show next to no reaction to pain when he get hit. and with the fact that you can't regen your hp, get random hit really frustrate. especially when you think you try to save your bullet by try to melee monster to death...so please don't do that. it very limit numbers of bullet and healing.
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That's what I meant by rickety. Game feel like it's falling apart, not only thematically, but also on a technical level. It's ambitious with a lot of systems. I mean, there's detective investigation, combat, skill progression, deciphering clues, the whole insanity gauge, the mind's voice world, multiple dialogue options and more... The map is a lot bigger than I thought it would be and it's chock full of clutter, really making the city feel believable. The game has a good variety of characters with several mutations that all seem like they're well voiced and spoken for. These are all good things, but I think the game goes a bit too far without keeping some of the more core features under wraps. I'm not a fan of games where the basic movement interfaces shabbily with the gameworld. This is where some of that clutter works against the game. The general NPCs in the world also do not interface with it well, coz they glitch out so easily. For one, you can melee key characters to have your weapon go straight through them, but hit a nameless NPC and they freak out and run away. Not the first game that does this and I'd be somewhat fine if the game didn't also despawn these fleeing characters, sometimes right on your screen. I believe I did see a guy I hit run into a door without opening it, but disappearing. Another thing is that some of these NPCs have voice lines. Oh wait, not plural, coz they give them a single voice line which feels a lot worse than games that give their NPCs a couple of lines or disable the ability to talk with the NPC repeatedly, just to avoid the NPC sounding like a broken record. There's obviously the combat, where, since they advised me not to use too much ammo, I just resorted to using the melee. I didn't like how the dude just apparently has this little shovel as a melee weapon. What is it about weapons that you kinda need to show the player picking up that weapon for it to not seem dumb that he just has one on him. Think this especially applies to melee weapons. As far as actually hitting creatures with melee, the hitboxes are unsurprisingly wonky. The melee swing itself looks poorly animated. Just based on the few monsters seen in the first hour, I don't look forward to seeing what other monsters are in this game, coz I'm convinced they'll be more annoying than anything, especially when ammo conservation becomes prominent. With the clues system, I think it kinda defeats the purpose if some of the clues seem like they could be the pair with each other, but one's the answer because the game has thinks that one is more appropriate. The gameplay related to associating clues, is mostly redundant since there's no penalty to wrongly associating two clues. I also wonder how effectively the game handles the branching decisions, further into the story, but early impressions doesn't have me very optimistic. And there's a lot of other things that just overall turn me off from the game. I'm sure some of my points seem like nitpicks, but these are little things that go a long way in solidifying a game experience and distinguishing an ordinary game from one extraordinary. And yeah, most of my critique is just based on the hour of gameplay I've had and I've extrapolated stuff, so take that as you will.
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Holy wall of text batman.
I read like half of your wall before abandoning ship.
If you want to write a huge ass rant... at least learn to write paragraphs, that or go back to high school
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I don't mind people not reading it. It's a largely inconsequential comment rather than my english thesis. I doubt anyone who failed to read this as a single paragraph would have read it broken up as three. Besides, you already have a 3 line summary of my sentiment towards the game as the original comment of this thread.
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lol l read the end "And yeah, most of my critique is just based on the hour of gameplay I've had and I've extrapolated stuff" imagine if would have played the entire game xD
u think someone gonna read that book u wrote?
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I'm not getting paid for this. What does it matter whether you read it or not?
dude the game looks like ass
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that mean nothing mi dude. if it not support, it just not support. no matter what kind of graphic the game has. in this case this game seem tanking cpu (better play with cpu that not older than i5 6400 or r5 2600) and eating vram (should have vram 6gb or higher) as well. the more game progress the more it tanking. however if you lower texture and keep it not higher than normal. vram seem not use over 4 gb.
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lol l have an R7360 2GB and it runs like butter. Most of the games that used UE4 can be run in a toaster. Coincidence?l think not...
my god, been waiting for this
THX IGG, I even doubt you have some relationship with Steam.
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ReportTM Musterknâbe
they are just uploading it...somebody else does the hard work. dont misunderstand me i thank igg, but their work is far less than for excample CPY or Codex
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Why so serious?
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Dim Val
In Epic store it has a release date 27/6/2019 so this version is the real deal and Codex team brock it earlier it happens these days, all good and the game looking awesome so thanks a lot to the CODEX team/uploaders and IGG. Have a wonderful gaming day guys.
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It's most likely earlier, cause the necronomicon edition preorder lets you play 48 earlier.
That also is the reason why I have no moral issues to pirate this, cause they already delayed the game a few times and now want to have you pay for the expensive version to let you play 2 days earlier...
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lol ,if you have moral issues then dont play cracked games at all... l personally wouldnt care less if cracekd games dont even exist l wouldnt even buy them,l will be doing whatever otehr shit l wanted
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Đăng Hoàng
hey guys, i cant use gg drive link, i click it and it always tell me:"Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time." i have already try make an copy of the file on my gg drive account but not thing happen ( i have this same problem every new game ) :<
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Sue Namy
you have to make a copy of the file and rename it by deleting "copy of".. then it shd work
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Renaming the file is not necessary. All the parts just have to have the same name once downloaded in order to unpack them correctly. :)
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Đăng Hoàng
tks, but i can't even make a copy of it keep tellin me error, quest i continue waitin :)
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You need to make sure that you have enough space in your google drive in order to make a copy of the file. Also make sure to delete the copy from your drive once you've downloaded it to free up space, this also requires you to go to your drive's trash and empty it otherwise it'll still block the space.
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How to download from Google Drive even if the download limit is reached:
Step 1 | Open the Gdrive link.
Step 2 | Save it to your own Gdrive with the upper right icon that has the Gdrive logo with a plus icon in it.
Step 3 | Open your own Gdrive space.
Step 4 | Right click the file you just saved from the other link.
Step 5 | Click "Create a copy"
Step 6 | Download the copied file
Optional Step 7 | Delete after your download finished to save up space.
ps: Check your trash bin to permanently delete de downloaded file and logout and login to refresh.
Spunky McGoo
Is it fully out, or is this a beta?
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fully out
Foo Revellion
i love http://MegaUP.net link
thank you so much
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jim z
someone can check if this game have a french version please ??
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it has
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jim z
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working and runing smooth on my potatoe on full hd normal settings,didnt tested other configs. UE4 its just the best engine bruh
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the game looks shit most of the houses and graphics arent even detailed even my toaster could handle this crap
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well great then, no need to ask mom for money to buy the last rig toplay Fortnite like you lol.
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Thanks for the upload, hope I can run this thing ♥
its giving me fatal error launch this with the epic games store launcher? anyone know how to fix this
i have put in the engine file
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did you copy pasted the crack?
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rob smales
All you do is run from TS-Game-win64Shipping as some other games have that as anEXE file to run, as which most steam games use that ftitle EXE files...
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try reinstalling with your antivirus off.if the problem persist,now lm off to play some more. good luck
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thank you man :)
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you welcome broski,happy taht you can enjoy this great game now :)
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same here. wich one is the crack folder?
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bruh,the same as always... CODEX, its located on teh .iso file you check teh square that says copy the content from CODEX to the instalation folder whe instaling the game if you dont know how to apply the crack