jew media
I don't know what goes on in India,
becasue I dont live there.
But one thing I do know,
is that you cant take the lying medias word for anything.
And two things I know,
Is that I've met plenty of decent east Indian poeple.
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Mr. Otaku
India was home for many races before the Partition, This includes Hindus,Muslims and other minorities living in it
^ Not to take any sides here, but you're actually stupid if you think hindus and muslims are races. They're not. They're religions. What's with you people not understanding that difference? That's like saying christians and jews are races. This is not the definition of racism. So get your shit right before you make fun of his religion and culture you hypocrite.
Ya'll need to drop this whole thing now. This is not the right place for it.
And you,@disqus_v9pEjHa04b:disqus , you opened a can of worm here you realize that? High time you dropped this too. Stop making replies, this is really unnecessary.
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Mr. Otaku
I understand but don't you think you're bringing all this up in the wrong place? It's just a silly game, no need to bring up all that geopolitical stuff here. Just chill a little lol.
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alepiu saja
Ye. No need to raise some hate comments here.
The description for this game is a lie. You actually just sit around all day in a scam call center trying to get people to buy Walmart gift cards for you while staring at these screenshots as your wallpaper.
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india super power 2020 show bobs and vagene
Doctor Boot
these moronic posts are why you are piled on with down votes.
Misafir Oyuncu
Thanks you so for sharing..
First Look video:
dam man u arew fucking cringe lmao go shit on the street
alepiu saja
when racist gets into gaming community..
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Mr. Otaku
I know that the guy is being cringy but islam or pakistan is not a race. It's just incorrect to use "racist" here.
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alepiu saja
and the correct word is?
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Mr. Otaku
Certainly not "racist" that's for sure.
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alepiu saja
Ok, whatever kind of discrimination is I don't care. My point is just for that dude, if he likes it then play it, or leave if he doesn't. No need to bring crap here.
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‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
is this a fornite mod?
i mean just look the gameplay preview trailer
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hmm such sarcasm
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Royal Gamer
open bob warfare
Nabiel Faiz
they have a random dance for no reason?
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That's not how you spell "Mission: Bobs and Vagene"
India has an army?
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Mr. Otaku
From what i've seen, their military is surprisingly capable and large lol.