wow the keyboard controls SUCK
space to attack, A to jump, D to dash, don't get me started on the "touchscreen" control should've just allowed the mouse.
highly HIGHLY advise using a gamepad, use joy2key if needed.
and for those who never played any MM Zero, you can change controls in the (in-game) pause menu.
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pls reupload
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all links are dead please reupload
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why now I get access denied with all google drive links?
Guys help I start it and it only show a black screen then exsit I even download the latest directX and other things but it wont work
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Gabriel Calmon Belmont
my game crashes when try to creating the save..
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Pete Blue
Why is the file size so big?? It's just pixel art...
Zaki Indraputra
Links are down
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Cindy Jones
Try it on MegaUp but right click on the download button and use "Save target as...", it should load a RAR file.
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link is dead
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I dont know why but when enter a game (example like zx) the game runs at 80% speed sometime slower than that is it only me or its a common bug
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Micael Hernández
I think it's your (our) computer(s). Nowdays you can't play new games if you don't have a NASA computer or so many improvements that your desktop computer looks like a Transformer.
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the link for mega is dead
connection keeps timing out for me
love that the collection kept the e-reader cards (japanese games only) for MMZ3
also the MMZ3/4 + ZX link function (having the GBA game and DS game simulatenously in the DS) is there
course they're unlocked just by playing the games.
fyi if you change casual scenario on/off or game version, the saves are COMPLETELY SEPERATEDfor each mode/version. other words can't go from english to japanese it's not the same save files. or casual to normal (cause i know someone WILL try to do this)
be aware of this if you're gonna swap versions/modes...
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they do this to literrally mean "if you are playing the i am a loser and i suck version stay with it or git gud kid"
game runs fine here
windowed, fullscreen, borderless
every resolution works (my desktop is set to 1920x1080 if that matters)
every game (with saves loading even after closing game)
english, japanese, new voices, ds voices, every filter.
no input lag, or any lag at all they all run like the original games and 60fps (according to graphics card)
megaman ZX and advent have two screens, right joystick on gamepad moves cursor on touch pad, and R-click (or RT) touches screen, otherwise functions exactly like DS game.
all games have aspect setting, english/japanese versions (ZX advent have more versions), casual assist mode getting rid of spike deaths and bunch of boosted stuff, save assist points so you can save like in the middle of stages and resume from there at any time, even fi you die (can be turned off if you're a badass like me :D)
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the DS emulator have a feature where you can switch the windows and play one screen at full screen by binding a key button
does this have the same thing?
also works with or without gamepad (i'm using ds4windows)
keyboard controls are complete crap.
should also point out i was unable to change game volume by keyboard (laptop)
my specs: (dell G3 laptop)
geforce gtx 1050ti 4gb
windows 10 home
intel i5-8300H 2.3ghz quad core
8gb ram
downloading this cause i wanna know how the DS games work without a touch screen.
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tell me if yours works because mine does not
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works perfectly, no admin or messing with anything
just install, double click.
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It just crashes... like the game opens and then POOF!!! The game closes does anyone have a fix
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Be careful guys, if you look at the game too hard it may crash.
Yep it is broken so I recommend you to wait for the updates :(
Anyone experiencing a crash when booting up ZX Advent?
Dragon Bitches
the game crashes when i try to create a new save file. can someone pls help?
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Micael Hernández
Wait for a patch is the only solution
check the steam forums for the game, they offer a ton of solutions there
Ezz Eldin Shoman
when i open the game it just crushes, any fix?
Magnedeus Fenrir
I read that this game is broken. someone said in a steam review that playing in fullscreen breaks the game
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Not true. I played it fullscreen, worked fine for me
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Unkown Gamer
People complaining about the size of this game really should think for a few minutes
First off these games especially the ZX games as they were DS games and Advent mostly had to be reworked as that one had Touch screen features originally.
Second the extra features like the gallery,Music,Z Chaser and other features for just the main menu screen alone has a lot going for it. Multiple languages,Mastered voice over as well as the original voice over. the option to play these games in the Japanese version or the American version the list goes on the filters and so on not to mention a lot of text reading in these games.
It's honestly not that surprising it's 7-GB there's a lot of stuff in these games and they been doubled up due to the fact that you can play two different versions of each.
I hate to say it tho one thing that even I'm experiencing is lag and freezing as well with this one...hopefully it can be fixed?
And no I know someone is gonna say get the originals or whatever. I like the fact that they are all together in one place so would prefer this not to mention the extra features are a nice bonus and are not in the original games.
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Jose Morales
As soon as i open it it closes help
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Ezz Eldin Shoman
same problem, help
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anyone know how to adjust the keyboard button as you want? It's really a problem for me to play with their manual button
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Where is my Megaman X9?????
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It's been forever in development. When it's done 21XX will be the past.
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well at least this is not like duke nukem forever
every time i see this guy uploading a new video he show us something new
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I stopped watching their videos 10 years ago. I'm betting it's gonna be an awesome game, and i want to be spoiler free.
By the way, There's this fangame "Megaman 21XX", that is complete. it's far from perfect, but does the job at scratching that MMX itch.
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hmm it looks like a flash game
and it use midi soundtracks from other games
Soporte Anónimo
guys is it normal that the game runs at 40-45fps ? at least on my case the menu runs at 60 but idk why the fps decrease when i start any of the 6 games. Anyone has a configuration to fix this ?
btw how can these 15-18 years old games have a 7GB size together...
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z-chaser mode, multiple language versions of each game, gallery and music players, higher quality voices for DS (ZX/advent) games.
also all the menus and emulation crap included of course.
my games run flawless at fullscreen 1920x1080 vsync, no lag whatsoever (and i hate lag in ANY shape or form so i'd notice)
read my specs i posted other posts.
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7 GBs are because they added pointless garbage
like bmp artwork and flac soundtracks which you can watch and play online
yesterday i downloaded the roms and the emulators
and gave me a small chuckle because all togehter are 110 MBs
and the recommended specs for both emulators are even less than the mininum
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I have the same problem, the menu runs fine but the games run suuper slow. I think I'll stick to playing the games on my DS at this point lol. Seriously, if anyone can find a fix, let me and this guy know
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just play the emulators
no point to waste 7 GBs when you can play this with emulators less demanding and smaller in size
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Jeremy john hall
yep 7 gb is a bit big for these games
max a metalhead
the game crashes when i create a new save data... any solution???
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Micael Hernández
We have to wait for a patch
Misafir Oyuncu
Thanks you so for sharing..
First Look video:
is there any reason why this pixel game size is 7 gb? hm... i wonder if you can set this game in full hd or 2k with that requrement, lol 2k pixel game xD
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no compress their file at all that why. and may be the same reason why it random crash here and there.
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Haven't had any crashes yet. I've also heard people complaining about lag but, again, i have none
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capcom must think people are really stupid to buy this for 30 bucks when you can download the roms and emulators who are a lot less demanding
also those additional features are a joke
artwork gallery = we have the internet duh
music player = youtube
special filters = emulators have better filters
casual scenario mode A.K.A pussy mode
save-assist feature = emulators can save positions duh
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What? fans love these games and wanted a collection, these games were harder to play, yes you could emulate but it finally got it's moment now it's on main consoles as a collection.
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dude they are literally the same thing, they ported the games using a custom emulator who consumes lot of resources for bullshit nonsenses
Idk man, i think capcom just wanna to trick ppl who love this game and the casual secenario is for old man who cant even playing games anymore and bad reflex. It's impossible they aim this game for kids even they had casual secenario, kids just think this game is ridiculous and crap
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"kids just think this game is ridiculous and crap" And you know that how exactly? For all you know, kids love this shit
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but not as popular as old days, and insted they more into fortnite kind of stuff. it's rare to see a kids love a retro game, if so, he's must be a nerdy kids, because my lil brother is like this kinda game too
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i forgot to mention, emulators have casual mode too
they are called "game genie codes" xD
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hm... wtf man -_- i dont play mega man, so... idk, i just play mega man in gba version and the rest... no
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hah no shit
would be hilarious if i found an online for the ZX series
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thats cool, idk if you can play gba game online
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i didnt know that there was gba online too
Nabiel Faiz
Yeah, i am curious too
Why this "2D PIXEL" game need 7Gig
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new modes, z-chaser (which allows 2 players), music gallery, image gallery, higher quality voices for the ZX games, and obviously all the flashy menus all over the place.
also multiple language versions, most have english + japanese games, some have more than 2 versions.
then the casual scenario modes and adding autosave points to all the games.
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This brings back childhood man wish that i can buy the collection
(fuck you if you saying that "just get a job" or some shit like that)
Kira Kyoshiro
Oh neat, I can't wait to beat the shit out Omega while plummeting to earth again.
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109 MBs vs 7 GBs
i took the liberty to download all roms and emulators just to check the storage comparison
Edit: the specs for the emulators are a total joke compared to the pc release
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zero issues here.
do your roms and emuators have casual scenario, z-chaser mode, gallery, card collection, music player, or remastered voices for the DS games?
yeah that's where all the extra size comes from
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alepiu saja
One of my favorite games. Yeah!
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The game lags like hell, I have 8 GB RAM and intel i5 processor, yet the games, ALL the games lag. The menu runs fine though. I just don't understand it, my laptop runs games like Dead Cells perfectly, yet with the legacy collections there is always lag... Any fixes?
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mine works perfect
8gb ram, intel i5 2.3ghz quad, geforce gtx 1050ti, windows 10 home, dell G3 laptop
suoquainen .
Always funny as hell, when people complain about lags, while having a setup which was far away from high end even 6 years ago. :).
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Except i have the same set up and i have no lag. This isn't a setup issue, it's an issue with the games themselves as the other Megaman Legacy Collection games had the SAME issues, even on super high end machines
Same setup, no lag on my end. Like ZERO lag at all
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Thats strange, for the installer do I press "Apply Crack" or not? Also, is there anything you did differently in the games PC settings? There were only two options for resolution for some reason
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Yes do use that option otherwise you have to apply the crack manually. But if you got in the game already then it's cracked and working. As for PC settings i didn't touch any other than turning on V sync, that's literally the only thing i did
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Alright, I'm reinstalling the game, thanks for your help, will let you know if it still lags lol
EDIT: Yup, lags terribly, I honestly have no idea why
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That's really super weird as i experience no lag whatsoever. Though i did hear that the other legacy collections suffer from the same issue
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just get the roms and emulators man
you can play those games fine with potatoes even more less than the min specs
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roms and emulators don't have z-chaser mode, or casual scenario, or language switching, or higher quality voices for the DS games (as in not downgraded for a DS handheld)
also gallery/music players, cards, achievements, but yeah i guess most don't care about those.
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casual scenario = "i am a total retard and suck playing this game mode"
i mean how hard it is to do a good jump and avoid spike traps and pits, REALLY ¬_¬
z-chaser mode many people are having issues playing this alone, now imagine with 2 players
language switching are the USA,Europe and Asia roms ported
higher quality voices for the DS = point taken
gallery/music = deviantart,youtube,khinsider
cards = if you mean the zero 3 cards those can be enabled in the cheats function from the GBA emulator
achievements = you already gave the answer
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Why are you always acting like a smug cunt in every comment I see you make?
Reduce resolution to 900p
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There is no option for 900p
try setting the game to "windowed full" - not fullscreen
and maybe change in config.ini:
max a metalhead
the game crashes when i create a new save data... any solution???
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Did you start the game as admin?
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max a metalhead
yes. i also tried to run the game from the install folder but it doesnt work either...
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Run the game as admin from the root folder, don't run it through the shortcut.
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max a metalhead
it doesnt work
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Corvo Attano
I hope this game does not use self-contained emulators like the X Collection.
Nice. I've never played these. We also got a remake of Wasteland today too, another game I've never played. IGG done good today lol
while i never had much love for the Zero games on GBA, the ZX ones on DS were fantastic and i absolutely loved them. Let's just hope this port isn't absolutely BORKED on PC like the Megaman Legacy Collection 1 and 2 ports are
EDIT:Well the game RUNS which is more than i can say for the other legacy collection games. No lag that i could see either
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These wonderful games finally get their moment to shine.
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Except they've had their moment to shine long before this collection came out. You'l have a better time emulating the games than playing on this collection judging from the comments
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better voices on the ZX/advent games make a huge difference to me
and no gameplay issues (gamepad, keyboard controls are horrible)
and the 2 player Z-chaser mode, and built in linking MMZ3/4 to ZX, and using e-reader cards to modify MMZ3 (these weren't available outside japan)
i've gone through all of these games before this collection adds things i've never seen.
Nabiel Faiz
Is look like a gba game
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Jhon Brando
I can't believe people didn't just laugh at your obvious Joke.
The game is ported from the gba, it is obvious that this persona said that because of it, but then again, people need to just insult to make themselves feel better.
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It's a gba/ds collection. Are we complaining about free games now? People are trash.
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Was that a complaint? It looked more like an observation to me and not a complaint. Also that "It's free so you can't complain" mentality is pure horseshit and should die ASAP
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Nabiel Faiz
I remember play this on emu nds, the megaman that can transform to other form, like tyrex, mermaid, etc
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That's ZX and ZX Advent, yes
He's either complaining about the "retro" graphics or making a statement so obvious that it borders on being retarded. I gave him the benefit of the doubt..
Actually reading and complaining about the comments on free games? People are trash.
Dude, get laid, and just let people opine.
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No, because people are trash. When you aren't playing the "white knight" and giving out fortune cookie advice, you're probably saying and thinking the same thing.
Let me remind you that this is a pirating site. It doesn't need one more reason to shut down forever. There might come a point when people using it become so ungrateful that keeping it running is no longer worth the hassle.
When you think about the potential lawsuits involved, we're literally on some "hair that broke the camel's back" territory so.......... you can stfu and the OP can also stfu. Download the game or don't. Buy the game if you want to complain for a few minutes of attention.
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Good thin YOU aren't the one running the site and the people that DO run the site aren't whinny little bitches like you are
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John Doe
"People are trash".
That would actually look good on a shirt . Right next to "Girls are mean" and "I love my Mommy". The aisle of broken dreams.
And as long as ads pay, I guess this site will stay alive - whatever anyone might say or do. Capitalism ahoy !
Mr GoldGiver's Channel
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can't wait to make a cheat table for it :)
Ten Natsune