The screenshots remind me a little of Ice Climbers.
Local multiplayer might be fun. I will try it. (^.^)
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Notice: Super Hiking League requires a controller in order to play. Playing with a keyboard and mouse isn't supported.
and its 2D platformer game
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Suck it up, Princess.
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Playing with a Keyboard on a PC Game is beeing a Princess ?
Next you gonna tell me playing a game in Offline mode is a privilege
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Then again, we have people here literally bitching about games locked at 60FPS who were bitching equally as loud when it was 30FPS, so maybe I'm expecting too much from the youth of today.
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Well as much as I'm against bitching about little thing and beeing a selfishcuck, you still have to follow a certain standard.
While you can totally find a kid whining about ridiculous things, you can't deny that a game who would follow the standard of 2005 will be criticized.
You are on PC, the fact you can't make a keyboard work on it in 2020 is just retarded. Even game that were made for PS4 (such as compile heart games) work with keyboard and mouse even tho' the mapping button doesn't show up. At the very least it work.
There is a difference in bitching about something you take for granted, and something that shouldn't be a problem anymore in our curent days and age. Otherwise play a 15fps game with primitive graphism and digusting UI and call that "good game because back in my days we didn't even have 3D world".
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Yeah, but I honestly couldn't see myself playing a platformer with an m&k - the feel would just be all wrong.
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And I don't see myself playing an Fps game on Mobile, yet they ported these BR game on smartphone devices.