Juzef Honk
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Stefan Robert
Damn you are stupid af.
Copy It Reyven
Pfp checks out, what a clown and a stupid meme
Juzef Honk
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Stefan Robert
Do u even realize that if mr. H won ww2 you and your stupid anime-memes would not even exist......damn nazis why do you still have to exist...
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The nazi flag has been replaced by a bootleg japan flag, such a dissapointment...
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Karl Antony Lummarri
You obviously forgot to choose the option to display the swastika. It's under options, it should have defaulted to on though...
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Do I have to download all the updates or only need to download the last update?
TEO 2016
Please can you shut the fuck up retarded asshole?? Did you patriobitch, conserfagtive, natiocock-slutiatist got enough rapings from Soviets?? Did you enjoyed when 2 million bitches from germany got their pussies torn apart in streets and fields?? Did you feel the Stasi executions and the rapings you Westernleech pedoslugs had?? Did you also feel it when we mass executed you similar degenerates in China,Korea,Vietnam,Cuba and going on?? I hope they suffered as Pogrom isn't ever enough for you abvominations of nature! Go suck your nazbitch crotch and leave history and capabilities to the REAL winners patriothole!
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Asshole Dilator
The self appointed representative of the biggest losers in history, speaking about how to be a "real" winner... Talks about a lack of self awarness.
Is there anything you guys haven't lost in life ? Including your lifes and dignities (implying you had any to begin with, a huge assumption i know). When you can't even remember how pathetically you little gay club ended, that's how you know you're clinically retarded.
You don't even exist anymore, every former communist country is now capitalist and nationalist, and it puts your kind in reeducation camps. Especially China ;-) Even your gay victories wouldn't have been possible without capitalist's help, you're everyone's bitches.
How do we normal people feel when you retards mass execute yourselves everytime your dumb ideologies go sour ? We feel pretty great, at least you're self-removeable garbage xDDD
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Ok incel
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update 1.04 Error..Mismatch
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Through the Darkest of Times is Adventure, Simulation, Strategy, Management, Point & Click game as u can all see above pics. Good game based on Nazi and Hitler. Game works fine. Point and click decision making. ⭐⭐⭐
Rainer Werner Bassbinder
Great game from smart indie devs that very well know the importance of historical responsibility..not to be confused with terms like "guilt complex" or any other retarded neologisms issued by the alt right.^

  • solid mechanics - though there is room for optimization
  • sort of transpicuous pacing and managing options: this game will not appeal to the hardcore crowd, especially not to the ones with a vivid background in (analog) boardgames ;)
  • Great Art Style. Always bear in mind: Aesthetics is truth in art. It is NOT a matter of taste...
    • Great storytelling. Well..it is history, u know ?
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John Doe
Ok so tell me what it does mean for you ?
I read it four times (4) and even followed some of the cliff notes.
And I can't see anything else but what I said.
I'm probably not smart enough to get it.
Educate me.
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John Doe
You were talking about THAT ?!?
And what am I supposed to deduce from it ?
I asked you already what is the point you're trying to make with it ?
Faurison is trying to discredit Hilberg by pointing out his use of one idiom in one sentence '("mind-reading") out of one book, and rolling with it to prove Hilberg is wrong about everything.
Hillberg used it in the figurative way for dramatic effect : I doubt such a scholar believes in ESP. He never said anything about it - publicly or otherwise. Prove me wrong.
So Faurison basically takes a figurative expression out of it's context, reads it literally and infers a deep meaning from that nugget that the guy is wrong about the holocaust !
Seems ok to you ? Is it good argumentation about facts ?
If I point one of your grammatical mistakes or hype expressions ("GLAADite, "Jew psychology") and use it to deduce that you are wrong, is it ok ?
Not to me.
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John Doe
No link about it in any of your previous posts.
Now you're outright lying.
A new low. You started by obfuscating facts and confusing them with opinions. Now you're lying.
Bad human.
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John Doe
Lots to unpack here - aside from insults that is. But I still can't. You still haven't got the hang of sourcing and facts. Can't argue without them !
You need to show me a source for Hilberg's denial of the chambers - quoting him saying so or from one of his books ? - and then you can conclude he's useless as a source.
For now it's just a childish tantrum "I'm right because I'm sure I am and I say so".
I'll be nice and let the insults slide but try to behave. I'm not your mom.
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John Doe
You're losing an argument with an autistic ? That must sting a little !!!
Anyway, the burden of proof lies with the one making the argument.
That's how it works.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (Carl Sagan,1980)
Stop being dense - source it and let's debate then. You seem eager.
Or as usual : flee and/or block me. And/or change profile. People like you always end up doing that. I wonder why ..?
I love the smell of blocked profiles in the mornin'. Smells like ... victory.
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John Doe
Proposition - ok. But that's it. The one bringing an argument to the table must support it, not the other way around !
Please. Let's have a proper discussion.
Your move.
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John Doe
No. Wrong again !
Proposition first, then quote and/or source.
What is the point you're trying to make by quoting a notorious french revisionist I wonder (Faurison of all people...) ? Is it that revisionists are a bunch of wackos with far fetched theories based on nothing ?
Cause, we knoooow.
But if it's not your point please do enlighten me. Refer to my example above for a way to properly debate and let's go !
I grow weary of mocking your form - I'd rather blast your arguments proper. We got sidetracked here.
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John Doe
Still no source ..? Man you are a slow learner. No wonder you dropped out of school !
Here is how it works :
Proposition then Quote then Source.
Like :
There were roughly 6M death in camps during the holocaust.

Most research confirms that the number of victims was between five and six million. Early calculations range from 5.1 million (the Holocaust researcher Raul Hilberg) to 5.95 million (the demographer Jacob Leschinsky).
source : https://www.yadvashem.org/archive/hall-of-names/database/faq.html
You can then check the source, if I quoted it correctly and if it's reliable. And since the quote contains 2 names you can then jump and search them directly to check their credibility. That's how argumentation works. Verifiable intel.
Any questions ?
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John Doe
Yeah - 1.1M in Auschwitz. True.
But do you know there were like multiple camps around at the time (at least 8 in Europe alone)? So, if it's 1.1M death in one - ... I'll give you a couple of days to figure the math.
About the reconstruction malarkey ... Source ? You know if you announce something you must have a source !
"Apparent" for whom ? And "apparent" where ? Any pic ?Maybe you don't need solid proof as long as it serves your narrative. Scholars need it even when they agree with the argument.
It's called ob.jec.ti.vi.ty.
Dirty word, I know.
As for me being a member of (something something dark side) - I don't know how you got there ? Source ..?
And you didn't use you trademark exit !!! You know "Jews are so smart". Not so proud of it anymore ?
You are so smart. And brave.
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Launcher kicks me to the Steam Shop of the game
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John Doe
Source ? Cause you know the official number is still 10M people including 6M Jews. No need for a source you can read it almost anywhere.
Where do your get your number from ?
Cause you know, unconsciously propagating nonsense apparently doesn't make you a better person.
But consciously propagating falsehoods makes you a very nasty one.
And I bet dollars to doughnuts you'll be gone with the wind without even answering. Which would prove my point.
EDIT You really are a piece of work hey ? Found this among your recent comments

Pedophilia is predominantly a faggot thing, which is why Jew Psychology activists accuse the opposition of being pedophiles
You have no clue about anything do you ? You probably shouldn't have ditched school. It shows.
You are so smart.
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thomas carey
el rancho rnahco
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John Doe
Yeah, poor National Socialist party. Unjustly persecuted. People can be so mean sometimes with mass genocidal sectarian movements. I can't fathom why.
We should just forget this ever happened. Better for future generations, ain't it ? And then it can happen again !
What fun that would be.
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it would be very stupid if they remove the swastikas because thats the main reason all the shit started
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at least this devs have balls of steel to keep the swastikas
shame on commandos 2 HD remaster
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John Doe
I wasn't aware of the story until you mentioned it and I looked around.
They gave an explanation - German company, promote peace and all that - but I'm not sure where I stand about this.
If the original game had symbols then why take them away ? It suspiciously looks like censorship to me. Moreso because they apparently removed "burning enemies" too.
Weird European PCness.
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that remaster was honestly a total dogshit not only for the censorship but also for using a different engine
they could just update the old commandos 2 engine and make the HD like the destination paris mod
Sir Axart
I can install the game all well and good, but when I press any of the buttons in the menu (New Game, Settings...), the screen goes a bit darker and a white "loading" icon appears in the top right. Won't go away and I can't do anything.
Any ideas? I've applied the crack, so it should be working.
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John Doe
Did you check if your anti V. doesn't silently blocks/erases the files ? They sometimes do that the sneaky buggers.
EDIT works perfectly on my end - the release seems ok.
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Sir Axart
I'm pretty sure it didn't block/erase anything. This ain't my first rodeo, however, it seems like there's nothing I can do, I tried everything. Oh well. Maybe I'll try again later.
Iale Idioma
could be interesting
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John Doe
Wow. The IGG's Overlord shouldn't even allow comments for this one. It's gonna turn nasty. Just you wait.
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Cyber Nukem 3D
Well this game isn't a meme, This one is a serious game Even though it looks like papers please
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John Doe
I was absolutely not making any fun of the game at all. Quite the opposite. It's because it seems a pretty serious game that I'm being wary.
You know what you usually get when you mix serious WWII historical topics with free comments of the web right ..?
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Cyber Nukem 3D
I know you weren't trying to make fun of this game, What I'm saying is that some games are just stupid and can't be taken seriuosly like that one Zombie Nazi or whatever the name was
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John Doe
I think the game you are looking for is Zombie Army 3.
And Zombie Nazis should ALWAYS be taken seriously.
But I get your point.
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Cyber Nukem 3D
My bad xD I think it was Hentai Nazi
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John Doe
Right; yeah that one must be really something judging by the title.
"Tired of shooting them ?
Screw them instead !"
So many Nazis and so little time ...
Why are you worried what trolls and kids will comment? Historical or not, comments should be open for every game, no matter how insightful, helpful or irrelevant the comment is.
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John Doe
Agreed 100% - I wasn't worrying or seriously asking for closed comments just foreshadowing the likely flavor of future posts.
It has happened befooooooore...
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butt hurts and drama queens