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Action, Casual, RPG, Hack and Slash game. They say it is early access. Hopeless games.
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It's not a bad idea for a game, the underlying stats & item mechanics are promising, but it's very generic and boring to play, and it's clear it has been slapped together in minimal time with generic or pre-bought assets. It needs a lot of time in the oven, both in terms of visual, UI and gameplay improvements, and deeper refining of the core ARPG mechanics, skills, stats, synergies, etc., but it has some good ideas and potential. And it definitely needs a proper story to drive the player forward, gradually introduce new mechanics and enemies, and give an overarching goal and meaningful milestones instead of an endless pseudo-grind.
The skills aren't as flexible as advertised, and they desperately need some more identity of their own and justification to use them: those 5 modifiers each skill has are all really basic and underwhelming, and the "stages" are simply passive upgrades to the skill that you can't change. Investing into just a few skills is the way to go, and most of the time the more straightforward ones are simply better, while the complicated or situational ones feel pointless and/or useless. A better way to handle skills would be merging those rather pointless separate "modifiers" into a single upgrade to the whole skill (with diminishing returns, to incentivize using more skills), and have more actually meaningful upgrades and changes like those the "stages" provide, that have a hard cap in how many you use. Kind of like the Rune system for skills in D3.
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dev forgot the EA tag but its confirmed
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Removed from steam. EA.
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check the tags