Loved it, atmosphere, game mechanics, music. Tho is there a save system ? Cause my game crashed and i had to do the entire level again which i had not finished. When i finally got back where i was, glitch where i fell endlessly, so had to do all over it since the beginning again. Maybe im a noob and i didnt get how to save. Then got killed. Im too lazy to do the same things over and over for 30 minutes. Tho still a great chinese gamw with potential. And im very happy we see more of those.
Not entirely, for me the first two will always have more positive points for it's narrative structure rather than just the third one. The history and lore was a disappointing letdown in 3 for sure. If you were to put all of them together, the positives outweigh the negatives. Plus D2 with The Lord of Destruction seems to be the pinnacle of Blizzards ARPG IP.
We'll see with this fourth installment coming soon. I've always wondered what it would be like to play as Diablo, rather than always trying to kill it all the time. Imagine every hit charged up would do 9999 crit damage.
I have some doubts too, but also some hope with the quality in gameplay from their upcoming sequel. If it's more of the same thing, then I will tune out.
I play this game it's awesome though its a bit difficult while i'm in the tunnel looking for a way out
too bad blizzard killed him
leah could have been his successor but they kill her too
very shitty history ¬_¬
i was hoping they never released another diablo game
killing all the prime evils was the perfect ending
i have my doubts against blizzard