Oof moment
aight, you dont like the genre thats nice, but ya dont need to shit on the genre and everyone who likes it, what youre saying is like saying everyone who likes shooters are tryhard gun addicts.
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Flerotti Karotti
Why are bullet hell shooters all bullshit? You know, Binding of Isaac, Enter the gungeon, beat hazard, Nuclear Throne are all considered bullet hell games.and every single one of them is great. (Hell even Cuphead which was one of the best games of 2017 has bullet hell elements.) Either it has great gameplay/replay value or a very good story. In cases like BoI it even has both.
Not every bullet hell shooter is about lolis in short dresses beeing sexy with copy pasted sprites and characters.
Just take this game you're commenting on. An official Touhou game by ZUN. A one man developer who probably defined the genre. It has great gameplay, a lot of replay value, great characters a short but entertaining story with lots of lore and legendary music which is even known by people who never heard of touhou before so your opinion seems very biased.
But I understand your frustration. Bullet hell games are very niche just like with the dark souls series and rogue-lites/likes. Very hard difficulty, but still a great story, fantastic gameplay. You need to have fun dodging instead of running into enemies and easily slaughtering them like in call of duty. Then you'll probably enjoy these games. Or some people just like challenges, and some touhou games are definitely way more challenging than dark souls.
So again, I fully understand WHY you're thinking this way about the whole genre. But straight up saying this game is shit because most other games of the same genre are shit is the equivalent of arresting a black man, simply because (made up, just so you understand) most blacks commit crimes.
Edit: You can keep all the errors you find, I'm not a native speaker.
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Flerotti Karotti
touhou is going to take over this decade. Mark my words
I wonder why they even bother with genres, when they are bullshit anyway. Everytime someone flags games like this as RPG they should get smacked on the back of their head.