jew media
Would you believe or accept "socialism",
from the same liberals and have spent the last 3 years harassing Donald Trump,
while they disregard a homeless epidemic on the streets of california?
The liberals who run California HAVE money.
But they would rather keep their money,
then help the homeless in california,
and spend every day starting fights with Donald Trump.
Believe your own eyes.
Not just what they tell you,
and just as important what they DONT tell you,
in the liberal media.
I'm not SEEING,
the liberal socialism.
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What you call "Liberals" aren't a monolith. Bernie is outspoken among them, they are obviously trying to block him from getting the nominations, and he's been consistent on his positions for decades. Since when was Bernie senator in California?
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Koyo Koyo
That doesnt mean theyre good positions lol
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Yep, it doesn't, but they are.
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Action, arcade game. But, game has bugs. It stops responding. Need update.
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jew media
I dont think update is the problem.
Liberals have been selling another "update",
for all the poverty and crime and pollution that follows them wherever they go for the last 60 years.
Eventually you have to catch on that that game is a racket.
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Dear, please say clearly. I don't understand your high level thinking. Is the comment above a direct reply to my comment? I see you r pro in game reviews. Impressive. 🤔🙄🤷‍♀️
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jew media
All the problems on American soil,
are in liberal territories.
They CREATED those problems themselves,
that were not there before it became a liberal administered territory.
And they have been blaming the problems that they created themselves,
on everybody else,
and offering "solutions" to "fix it",
for the last 60 years.
Just stuffed everybody's taxes in their own pockets in a pricey gentrified safe space.
Its an organized extortion crime,
to profit from a bill charged to taxes to pretend to fix it.
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Ok, so.. you say that too much liberty isn't good for health. I also agree, it gives individual freewill to live as they want, but also creates havoc/chaos in environment. U must be facing tax issues for something I guess. Taxes r high in India also, unnecessary tax which final consumer pay, even it doesn't a liability on him/her. It's like what they show in movies, every different acts of people creating parallel earths. USA/India r democratic nations, multi-lingual/parties/religion/castes/sect/etc., does has it's boon and bane. 🙄🤔 What can we do, just to live among all. 🤷‍♀️🤗
Explained with Apples: Bernie Sanders is exactly the "poster girl" of everything that is hated by the democrats, yet, it's a leader of it, and more, a "revolutionary". He is the epitome of an conservative. However, in comparison with Biden, Bernie looks like Che-Guevara.
If you want to vote for changes, then Chang or Tulsi. And if you don't want changes, then Trump.
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jew media
"He is the epitome of an conservative."
In what way?
Well then how come he's not popular with conservatives?
Well then why is he so popular with democrats?
Do you know what your talking about?
What do you think a conservative is?
Be careful getting your worldview from liberals,
becasue all you'll learn is what liberals told you.
Cyber Nukem 3D
History warriors but EEUU politicians
It's not fair for Sanders. Bernie is practically a living dead, a punch and he will be gone.
Also, he is "sold" as revolutionary. Yep, an old and rich guy that never did a thing, then suddenly is in the same level that we people that we have been in the front (I know how to kick a tear gas canister). Yep, democrats are idiots!.
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He has done a thing. He was on the front back in the old days, there is a picture going around of him being arrested for it. He's been working tirelessly for fucking decades and if you look at his positions, it has never changed.
Sounds more like you are talking about Trump than Sanders. Yep, republicans are idiots!
Look at this triggered idiot
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jew media
Stop following everybody else around talking isht and playing victim for a living.
Then you wont have to worry about how triggered anybody else is.
Triggered?, Why not?.
Politics matters because it involves our lives, including videogames. For example Bill Clinton signed the DMCA and it screwed half the scene groups and thanks to it, we have a lot of DRM and no means to legally bypass it.
Politics is exactly the reason why IGG exists.
And since I am not a lamb, then I don't know to stay quiet about it. If you want to stay quiet and accept it, then it is your problem, not mine.
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well said ...
LOL. Says the DMCA sucks... posts a link to mememaker, which would not exist without the fair-use protections of the DMCA. Brilliant.
Even more. The democrats are 100% aligned with Hollywood and all their crap (and many software and video games companies). It is not a secret.
Obama screwed us considerably in 8 years by censoring games back and forth
So, if you are a gamer, a real gamer then