Meme Cat
This isn't even vr idiot
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Nick Carver
Maybe he didnt realize, fatass fucking cunt.
The black screen was due to a problem with SteamVR beta. The problem has now been corrected by an update of the game, but also the steamVRbeta is now the main version, so you can't avoid it.
Conclusion : Game will not work anymore, unless we get an updated version.
Černý Přízrak
It does not work for me. When I run the game, the screen goes black and that's it. Anyone know how to fix this? I have HTC Vive.
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Jarod swingibs
i have the same problem
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Yep it's me! Thanks! Unfortunately, I got too busy with my job and eventually abandoned the website.😭 I won't delete it, though. Sometimes I'm wondering if I shouldn't give it to somebody else, or pay other people to write reviews.
Running well on Samsung Odyssey + although I recommend setting to seated mode while standing
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I still don't have a VR headset, but this is the kind of game which will motivate me to get one! I love the original game.😃
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Dk Jekyll
If you want to start with a cheap and good Headset with controllers , you can check Lenovo Explorer :) I bought one for less than 200$ and it's amazing !
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That´s the best cheap option mate and I almost bought them, BUT, unconfortable in tha head like hell, batteries in the controllers don´t last long AND worse image quality (not even close).
The compatibility isn´t a pro either becuase with plugins, both oculus and htc vive headseats can play ALL vr games.
Just wanted to share my opinion. Peace.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Thanks, I'll check it out! 😘👍
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I suggest you go sometime to a VR escape room or theme park so you can experience the first contact. It´s like going into the matrix in someway, you´ll feel that´s the future of videogames and have a great time.
Then, when it´s finished, look at the devices they have. They are always oculus or htc vive.
A friend of mine has the lenovo´s explorer, and they´re not bad at all. But your nose hurts a lot after 30 mins and the image is not the same quality. I think for a little more money you could get the full experience.
I hope this helps.
Desth O
If by any opportunity you fork in the dough for the VR stuff you can look forward to playing the interesting future Half-Life game Alyx.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
This new VR Half-Life game is really not what I was expecting, but yeah, as one of the biggest fans of the Half-Life universe, I'll have to try it.
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Desth O
It would be sweet if they include Dog, you get to play as the hulking metal companion. Imagine tossing around headcrab zombies and combine soldiers with ease.
Only a few will be lucky enough to follow in first person the Gordon Freeman´s universe (even if it´s a prequel featured by his "girlfriend").
Maybe this kind of good vr devices would become cheaper (hopefully) in a few years.
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Desth O
Considering a VR set is not the easiest accessible hardware for console or pc. It may be worth it in the long run for a selection of well made library of games. It may be some time until the prices (like an Oculus) to depreciate for a bit more affordable amount. But whoever prefers VR over the standard controls and screen display, it's more money spent for a more immersive experience at play.
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I agree dude. I have a second hand occulus rift and I don´t regret anything. I really enjoy this sh*t (at least for a couple of hours). But, this stuff is not evolutioning at the rate we all thought it would. Even John Carmack left Oculus after seeing this is not going like smartphones did a few years ago. This is not something made for EVERYBODY, yet...
Desth O
Nice one. This title is definitely suited for this kind of control and set up.
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Notice: Requires one of the following virtual reality headsets: HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. See the VR Support section for more info.
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thanks! cant believe the cracked version came out so fast.
works great! just start the exe file.