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  1. Good illustration
  2. Easy progress.
  3. The most boring of the series.
Denis Roadmen
Hentai game of the year!!
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For you, probably "of the hour".
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Lucas Costa
When executing the downloaded file comes malicious software that opens a suspicious process that consumes all ram of the machine. I've always downloaded games here, starting today, not anymore. Go el amigos.
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Rin Franz
And here we have a moron that really thinks they'd put a malicious file after all these games they had with 0 problems...
you opened one of the fake downloads that pop up. Sometimes they start downloading when you click to download the real game file. You have to be careful. The real game files for this are perfectly fine.
Araria Kurniawan
probably downloaded a wrong file from ads
Akata Ryuuga
And it's stupidity (or ignorance) if they won't to find out
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Dark Sorceress
i guess all the retarded kids got offended
m abdul rohman
Its show as action genres wtff
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Alkind Kindz
you know what "action" is it
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Wa Shing Mi As
Hell Yeah boy
Dragon Bitches
igg seriously should hide all the down vote counts. it didn't feel friendly at all when you look at it. i know it's good for judging some faggots who have no idea what they're typing but it feel more like they're over using it
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Your name doesn't check with what you said
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it's a disqus thing, IGG has no control on that. https://blog.disqus.com/bringing-back-downvotes
Shindou Takuto
i cant download DLC files
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i have no idea how i got down vote here
I just tried the game. Can finish the game under 30 mins.
Its a simple easy find pieces of puzzle kind of game.
Have nudity/sex. No need patches or anything.
The art is great but you can easily get bored due to the simplistic Live2D-ish animation/audio it have with repetitive style. This is just a 1 time play kind of game, after you complete it you won't be touching it anymore. Except for research purpose ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You start with a girl static image -> start Live2D animation -> Nude -> Bukkake the girl.
You will be repeating this pattern for the whole game with different girls and situation.
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FBI! Open up!
Crispy Tofu
Autism is a mental syndrome involving communication and social patterns and skills. It ranges from severe symptoms such as kids that dont talk or respond to their names to mild ones, such as high IQ individuals with odd social behaviors.
There is a HUGE lot of people with autistic behavioral traits. One of them being the huge and complex imaginary world that you build inside yourself. I really dont know why people laugh about autism in this way because it seems like theyre dumb or have low IQ, when its actually quite the opposite. Not all people with autism have high IQ but a lot of them do. Its kinda well known that the brain part most affected by high (>130) or very high IQ (>150) are the communication and the social ones
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It is hidden object + nudity + porn game mixed into one. Game works fine.
idk details about autism, but i dont judge them for being like that. i confuse myself how to distinguish between introvert and autism, sometimes i see my friend think that the same maybe mii is one of them
He asks me for a password ?? Wen I extract , Wath is the password
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all of these comments are saying that you downloaded the wrong thing because it has a password in it well thats one possibillity.another high likely one is that the rar is password protected.if so the password is the sites name but in caps.
you probably download an ad or maleware. If you got a file contain game name with igg, no password then you got the right file.

This site dont use passwords dude
You downloaded the wrong thing
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Minh Đức
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Minh Đức
i was so dissapointed at II and III ver...only show pics
part one has Short CGs
Militer Doktrin
balls:: Hey, you hear that, bro? there's a party tonight.
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Akata Ryuuga
The other ball : Uhhh ... Deja vu
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Minh Đức
have u tried part one?
Condescending Otaku
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Anime Majimoji Rurumo.
I don't know what episode is that.
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This is a good light romcom anime even without these erotic moments.
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hmm, H E N T A I
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Is this visual novel?
heh, you guys arguing just because 2d hentai game? pathetic
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dude watch out with your words
these kids are like a beehive
you must be very gentle with them like this :P
EDIT: shit man this guy has true balls of steel, if those were african bees
i would be more than impressed
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too bad these kids is not like a bee.
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they dont sting with venom
but with ragequit replies
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is that Yamada???
damn, i like Yamada...
Is the patch included
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Yes, the game is pre-patched.
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seek girls 3 ?
the previous games failed or what :P
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Lucy Black
actually the first one got 9/10 on steam and second one got about the same

my mind
Khai Quang Nguyen
who is the man of culture that request this game
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i wish that was me lol
Nabiel Faiz
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cant tell if you are being sarcastic
I bet you I've had more action than you with real women though.
Yeah, I had sex. It was okay, I guess. Nothing to really write home about. I feel that men do this kind of stuff (and women too) to other men in order to hide their own insecurities. Actually, I'm just fond of the whole anime girl art style and I like these seek object games. It might be fun to play in a rant video.
komo cakeps
better a virgin than be divorce-raped.
better a virgin than a womyn holding you by the balls.
better a virgin than a womyn that never loved you.
better a virgin than having STDs.
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Dear, in such situation, one should marry at early age specially a village type girl who herself is too rigid & closed nature. One will have higher chance of getting "virgin" girl. I am from India, even here people have changed. Rarely, you can find such girls. In India, people have faced drastic changes. People in cities have more freedom to do anything, than small towns and villages with specific mindset. You find girl in your country in small towns. Maybe there is chance.
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This is very good advice. A lot of men in the west are going to Asia to find brides.
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komo cakeps
except society will ostracize you for being a pedophile. you can't win this game. go mgtow, forget 3d women, enjoy 2d girls and live a stress-free life.
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Well, first you have to seek internal validation. To hell with what society wants. I know a lot of mgtow men who are planning to go to places like Southeast Asia and find a woman there. Of course, if you do that, you should know that it is best to not bring them back to the US. Stay there and become a citizen.
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man you are pathetic
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This is the kind of shaming language that does nothing to help a man. Clearly, there's a valid reason for his points here. Again, I would have been on your side fifteen years ago, but seeing what I have seen lately; I completely understand where he is coming from.
I agree with you there. A lot of people won't understand this until it actually happens to them. Naturally, you're going through the red pill rage cycle. Just keep in mind that even some of the biggest mgtow channels out there will mostly admit that it was only meant to be a temporary leave and would change when and if the marriage laws allow more rights awarded to men in court. You're also right about the STD count, which according to the CDC is in record levels right now. That has to do with hookup culture, of course.
Keep in mind that a lot of men shame, though few can say that they are actually happy. There's a lot of keeping up appearances done in relationships and I've heard many men tell me that they were glad to have just a few minutes away from their wives. Doesn't quite sound like a happy marriage.
But lastly, don't think all of this is an excuse to just plain out hate women. Obviously, there's been a major shift in authority over the last number of years and we've seen that produce devastating results. But there's hope. You just have to self-actualize. Focus on internal validation, building wealth and accomplishing your goals in life. Don't worry about what other men try to shame you into doing. Actual sex is not all that great and it's greatly overhyped; it's not like porn or hentai, it's just kinda boring. And it gets old pretty quickly. Keep your V card until you're ready.
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divorce-raped = you used the dick instead of the brain
holding you by the balls = you are an idiot
never loved you = same answer as the first one
having STD = only happens if you are so damn stupid for not using a protection
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I have to agree on that first point, but this is not always true. Divorce rape can occur even twenty years into marriage.
Condoms are not foolproof. Would you like me to tell you the number of people I've met in my life who ended up having kids even though they used protection? Sometimes, these things just happen. And please keep in mind just how dangerous metoo can be.
By law here in the states, if you have sexual intercourse with a woman at any time in your life, she can request that you pay child support on any future child she may have. You would figure that a DNA test would work here, right? Well, you're wrong. There are men who weren't even granted that option and they are paying for children that they literally did not have.
Since the welfare state is what it is and quite a few women I know do not work and live off the government as well as child support (and trust me, I've been a fly on the wall during conversations where a group of women will tell another how to game the system) I would greatly caution men from messing around as it were. Also, read up on your country's consent rights. You can record consent in the US, though not in Canada. The judge will not accept it.
For some, these games will suffice a bit better than what I would honestly consider to be a gamble. Though I would not have even considered anything like this fifteen years ago. I actually saw myself getting married to a few of the women I dated, but I am very glad that I did not go through with that decision.
Drawings don't offer drama, which is what I found that I had in far too many relationships, and it is rather unfair to say that there is a drama free relationship. All humans carry their own baggage. Some however, carry more than others. Women on the other hand, are also getting a bit tired of it. It's something that they have dubbed "heteropessimism." Hence why a lot of women have actually forgone men for relationships with other women while at the same time - yes, this is true - having casual sex with random men. The dating scene is just a dumpster fire here in the west and until this mess is clear, I champion all alternative options.
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and what kind of protection they used? a sock or what
i done it before many times when i was in high school and i always used protections
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Also, you want to consider that there is more technology now than there was when I went to high school. That technology has definitely proven a detrimental factor in current year human mating. According to one young man I met in a chat server, there are several underaged girls on snapchat selling their pics and videos. On the school campus. He had images on his phone, which he was told to delete immediately.
I was quite shocked. I would never have expected teenagers to sell their photos to people in the campus. We all know what the law considers that mess to be. You have to save these kids from going to jail before they're even old enough to drink! It's pathetic.
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kids these days are so desperate to lose their virginity at a very early age
some even lose it at 10-12 years old DAMN!!!
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Yeah, it is crazy. It's the culture. I was never that eager at 10-12. I'm just worried about the police finding photos of a female high school student on the cell phone of a male high school student or vise versa. They'll get hit with sex offender charges, which the site is doing nothing to police, same with Twitch. It's just nuts.
The condoms in my area sell off the shelves, but the women still wind up pregnant anyway. It never fails.
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lets be serious man
at the moment things gets so horny af, sometimes your brain goes directly to your dick
what i mean is you do it without protection and dont give a fuck if you get STD
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And that my friend, is where one needs to step back, assess the situation and think with the big head, not the little one. Is one night of pleasure really worth several years of indentured servitude?
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as long they are not hookers or traps then yes :P
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To each their own, but like I say to every young man, even IRL: "Just be careful."
I know a lot of women who aren't hookers or traps and they will fuck your life up. Guaranteed.
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there was some real hotties at school that i wanted to fuck them hard
but then i remembered that their attitude sucks hard
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Absolutely. I'm not saying that we don't get urges. We're men and women have an awful time understanding that bit. I still get urges all the time. But, I then evaluate the person and find that they very well may not be worth it in the long run.
And twenty years later, well... Those high school hotties change pretty quickly. But that would be your call.
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right now i am not interested to look for another girl
i just broke with my gf 4 months ago because
we both have different likes and we knew the relationship wont work well
its hard to find someone with your same likes :/
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Couple things I need to add before going to bed.

  • Mods, if this is not suitable discussion, let me know.
  • If anyone comes in here later with death threats towards women or anything else of that nature, let it be known that I do not condone that kind of behavior. I offer criticisms, but have never once suggested a woman should be eliminated. I only stress caution and nothing more.
  • I'm not here to fuel the violent types of incels or the red pill ragers. I do not have the time nor patience to deal with those immature behaviors. I only want to promote self-actualization in place of vitriol. And for some men, anime girls help. 😉
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i am sure mods dont mind about this
and about the kids just get used to it
this site is full of idiots and retards who ragequit with any bullshit
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Just making sure.
Condoms. Actual condoms.
Broken Controllers
You, uhhhh...you have issues
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komo cakeps
what are those issues my dear?
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First of all stuff the "My dear" up your ass, i aint yours or anyone else's "dear" buster. Second of all you CLEARLY had some bad experience with women and now you're projecting onto everyone else. Get some help and move on from whatever issues you have with women and don't come around here preeching. ESPECIALLY When the original post you replied to WAS A DAMN JOKE. Also only complete idiots let a woman have them by the balls, date/marry a woman that never loved them or get STDs.
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dont waste your time with this freak
i know this little shit months ago
i roasted his pedophile ass and the pussy ran away by blocking me
i remembered he did that because i say "hey is the freakshow, whats up man did you finally got married with a little girl" xD
komo cakeps
oh great this shaming language is awesome. of course I was hurt by a womyn. or would you rather say I was hurt by a man and that I'm gay? duh! and going by your logic of #notallwomen, I take you'd also apply the same logic that not all men are pedophiles when they say they want young fresh girls over overaged wrinkled women.
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So to you young=underage? That's some fancy logic ya got there. Again, work on your issues elsewhere, don't come here and preach, especially when the post you replied too was a DAMN JOKE
Quiet, Pinky! Can't you see that I'm trying to take over the world?
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oh come on dude he obviously joking around
have some sense of humor :(
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Well it's a joke that i am 100% sick of because it comes up ALL THE DAMN TIME
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¯_(ツ)_/¯ well you are pinky after all
unless you change the avatar with the classic pinky demon from doom
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OR people can stop repeating tired old jokes and come up with something original! But i don't expect that to happen anytime soon
komo cakeps
typical hysteria womyn. added to my ignore list.
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oh fuck off weirdo
go get married with your anime little girls
edit: oh wait i forgot the pussy blocked me
You're an idiot
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and a pussy
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Nabiel Faiz
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What can I say, I'm a pretty funny guy.
Kyealo Aeolus
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heh heh heh i love that
cant say the same about the game however ;/
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Yeah it's not for everyone i know. Hell i enjoy it and even i don't play it as much as i used to, i only log in to do daily missions and that's about it. But hey at least it's still super memable
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i used to play it before
but the repetitive grinding is the reason that made me to quit
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Yeah that's the reason most players quit. Hell i'm only sticking around cause Railjack looks REALLY neat. and i'd be lying if i said i don't love the lore and the story of it. REALLY looking forward to the new story expansion which is coming...next year i think
fart fart fart poop balls
warframe memes are the best
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I've also seen the VA for Ballas do the same meme
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No vegana?
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Bobs or Vegana but i am a ruutman