Ishinawa Hirina
Does anyone have a guide on how to attain all the sweets?
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A word of warning: at first glance this game might look sweet/cute/relaxing. It's not.
For a short game, it becomes annoying and VERY cynical quickly.
You have a time limit to make a certain amount of a certain type of sweets, of which the recipe you will very likely not have. So how do you unlock recipes? By making a specific random recipe an unknown amount of times to get a new, unknown recipe. You can waste a huge amount of time and not be any closer to your goal because you can't know how to unlock the specific sweets it wants you to make for this week.
You might also think that the creatures in this look innocent and cute. Every time you get a new type of customer you get a short scene during which the robot gives you some information about them. For example that cute water creature couple? They're not on a date, they've come on land together to prevent the infidelity that's so common in their species... That one creature with a bow? It's not a girl, it's a genderless species that started wearing bows because it has seen that females get treated better. Cute floating thing? The cute part is a parasite that lives on the actual creature and is only so cute and happy looking because it doesn't know what it means to work hard.
At the end of the game, the robot that helps you straight up dies, to which the protagonist basically goes "oh well".
It's rather depressing...
Looks lovely. It looks a little like a mobile game but, well...
It is still cute. :3