Lol so wie du Englisch schreibst sieht's so aus, als könntest du "educational games" gut gebrauchen. Schließlich ist es "Müllhalde Lernspielen die Schuld zuzuschieben", was auch immer das bedeuten soll.
suicidal thought 4 today
Sorry I don't understand Hitler language.
That's a joke. I know it's Prussian.
suoquainen .
What the f... the fuzz about? Its just a german quiz show from german tv channel made into a game. Its not possible to translate it, since it wouldnt be what it is and since there is no tv alternative in an other language to that. Deal with it. Of course it can be translated, but it would make you just curious because of language based humor. As long there is no professional translator you wouldnt be happy.
The bald guy's face on the left should be the new icon for early access games
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Hans Wurst
Das ist ja ein tolles spiel kann ich gleich mein Wiener raus holen und vor Freunde in Kartoffelsalat baden .Ich finde es toll das ihr hier auch komplett Deutsche Spiele hochladet. Drauf trinke ich erstmal ein Fraß Bier mit Wiener Schnitzel.
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*meinen Wiener
*Ich finde es toll, dass ihr
*deutsche Spiele
*ein Fass Bier
Dejamort DM
why does it never have any indication on the language of games on this site?
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The title and screenshots didnt give it away? xD
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Dejamort DM
multilanguage Do you know or do I explain you?
If we want to preserve a somewhat civilized world, Nazis and other ultra right-wing ideologies must be left in the past. Not to be forgotten (remembrance of our own faults is important), but to be dismissed once and for all.
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Scott MacFarland
Yes but there is nothing right wing about the National socialists. Nothing at all. That was a fallacy that has been parroted for years. Ultra right wing would mean less government control, not more.
The Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term "National socialism"). They believed in free health care and guaranteed jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth and spent vast sums on public education. They purged the church from public policy, promoted a new form of pagan spirituality, and inserted the authority of the state into every nook and cranny of daily life. The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion, euthanasia, and gun control. They loathed the free market, provided generous pensions for the elderly, and maintained a strict racial quota system in their universities-where campus speech codes were all the rage. The Nazis led the world in organic farming and alternative medicine. Hitler was a strict vegetarian, and Himmler was an animal rights activist.
Please tell me what was "right wing" about the Nazis? Much less far right? This fallacy got started in Russia as compared to the communists, they were actually right of their ideology, but certainly not on the right side of the spectrum.
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Corporativism: Right
Etnocentricity: Far Right
Ultraconservatism: Far Right
Ultranationalism: Far Right
Religious alliances: Far Right
Right wing is not inherently libertarianism . There's right wing libertarianism (Austrian school, AKA wrongfully named "anarcho-capitalism") and left wing libertarianism (anarcho-communism, anarcho-syndicalism) as there's right wing totalitarism (fascism) and left wing totalitarism (stalinist communism).
OG anarchism from Bakunin was left wing; he even wrote books saying this. Not only that, he also formed unions and socialist groups. I'm sorry to tell you this, but your partialized view on libertarianism/totalitarism is, of course, wrong and fueled by billionaires.
Ok, back to why nazis were/are right wing:
Social rights? Only if you were germanic, rich and from the Führer's list of capitalist friends. Wich is, coincidentally, quite the contrary of what the left pretends.
They didn't supported abortion, they used it with jew people like veterinarians use it with animals. Not as a right.
Brainwashing propaganda isn't "public education", they had pacts for power with different christian churches, so there's no "out of policy" there. Most of what you've said here isn't 100% truth.
They weren't liberals, yes. But that isn't the only right wing ideology, and neither the only capitalist system. Corporativism, as I said early, is right wing and capitalist.
And "socialism is in their name" is a crappy argument. "Salary" comes from "salt" and I can assure you that we are not getting paid in fucking Sodium. Also, did you know that the name of the North Korean party has "democratic" in his name? Figure it out.
Don't get offended, but there's only two kind of persons who thiks that nationalsocialists were left wing: people who didn't read enough economy, history and sociopolitics and people who readed enough but they did it directly from Goebbell's nazi propaganda, becoming one of them.
And from I recolected from you, it's definetely the first one.
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Implying only ultra-right should be left in the past

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Scott MacFarland
By people that really dont know the definition of right and left. Left means more government control. All the way to the right is anarchy.
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Well yeah sure , but comonly the spectrum is used as far-right = Nazism , Ultra-Capitalism and far-left = Comunism , Ultra-Socialism
I'm not saying this is the true deffinition or how thing should be, I'm saying it is comonly how people talk about it and interpret it , therefore I was just sayin (by that ironic implication) that far-left, such as comunism, didn't really lead to any major victory or stability per say.
Now again, it's just comon talking expression, not actual real deffinition per-say, and I don't think much people would know these (not even me) nor that it is the good place to have a real discution about that, unless you are into smart-troll but I'll pass and stick to short troll sentences.
jew media
Say what now?
Whats that German or something?
German humor scares me.
There are some things that some peopel shouldn't attempt to do.
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Scott MacFarland
Remember what happened with FunnyBot..shudders
You've been well indoctrinated, goy 👍
Hextar Vigar
Great. So like five people are gonna be able to play this.
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Iale Idioma
it's me mario
What are you scared of -- zi Germans?
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Stupid nazis
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Ah look at all those peaceful migrants who just want to enter the country and spread peace and love, why wont they just let them in?!?!?!
jew media
In what way?
Actually quite hardworking and brilliant.
Although not well known for their comedy chops.
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They also have super duper cute uniform =^-^=