The art is kind of wonky but it grows on you, and it plays nothing like a mobile game its actually pretty deep with skills and the builds you can do. Its Fantasy themed FTL. basically FTL and WoW got sloppy drunk and made a baby XD
And in any artistic endeavor criticism is how we improve. If you don't hear what people don't like you can't do it better.
If you always cry about "bashing" you miss the intended purpose and throw the baby out with the bathwater
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looks very mobile game for being pc only
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The art looks like something I would have drawn on a notebook in 6th grade ._.
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Davey Dawn Ladouce
well show some of the art you have made that is in games if you can bash this one
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Get butt hurt more princess ;)
Nah, I'll keep my embarrassing attempts at art to myself thanks. Devs should have done the same xD
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I can't cook either, so you won't catch me in a restaurant kitchen. Doesnt mean I can't say the food is bad xD
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Davey Dawn Ladouce
i am not even going to get started with ya cancer to society same with that C guy you to belong together always complaining about games with out doing 1 thing productive in the life you live , you get free games and still take them all for granted , , if what you think you do is criticism you are dead wrong just being a negative nancy to make you feel better this conversation is done !! hah blocked so i will not see anymore bullshit from ya
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cowardly as always heh davy boy?
hiding your head like a ostrich by blocking people
i would feel embarrassed if i were you champ
So much butt hurt ;)
Sorry all it takes is a little criticism to get you so worked up, you must be a treat to hang out with
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just another of the many kids around this site who hate their life
you will get use to them