Paul Rivieras
I told you Guys, some things are best left in Area 51 (like Pewdiepie for example)
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cringefest: the game
Dusk Crow
is that mrbeast?
Iale Idioma
remember kids they cant stop us all if we are enough at least that worked for the soviets
jk ofc please dont come save me i'm fine in a51
Oh another one of those steam games :D, I hope you steam users are enjoying these here and look forward buying it after testing it. However i won't play these types of games since my standards are set to epic levels from epic store and i only play/buy epic store games.
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Paul Rivieras
The store that is so EPIC that it need to steal your data from Steam.
The store that is so EPIC that it doesn´t even let you write a Review about Games.
The store that is so EPIC that it literally doesnt need any Features (since it has none to begin with)
The store that is so EPIC, that even EPIC GAMES decided they can´t release any more News about upcoming Features, cause they are just that EPIC.
Want me to continue? Or are you still butthurt your Epic Store doesnt have shit, except for some exclusive deals.
Golden Coin
Sure, and yet you're here
(dont know if being sarcastic or not, genuinely know people who prefer epic store)
Elijah Gregory
[Facepalm] Bmc Studio again...
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this weirdo again ¬_¬
didnt have enough?
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Bro, this is real art, i'm going to legitimately buy all his games.
This is why piracy exists. I found the gold.
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