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Could you please update it ? 🥺
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what is the password please ?
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All games are scanned and tested before being uploaded, there are no viruses on this site. That's a false positive, as explained here: https://igg-games.com/virus-461012836-trojan.html
Davey Dawn Ladouce
ahh ok was wondering why you said that my bad seemed unorthodox hah
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Alonso Diego
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This is quite interesting. I think I'm going to try this and get involved before it implodes when trolling assholes discover it.
EDIT: Tried it and found it quite cathartic, enough to pony up the cash to buy it...it's a nice change to say well meaning things to people I don't know and attempt to build someone up or just help them through their day. Also, it's an unusual but good feeling to see you have messages that are actually positive. I suggest everyone try this, and come at it with an open mind and a good nature...you might be pleasantly surprised what you get out of it.
Unstoppable Pato
I don't get it O_O
Is just tried it... this game is so good for the soul... i feel better now
Seriously tho, this game probably has the nicest community I've ever seen and such a nice player base is quite rare these days
Just tried it,you can submit requests about your worries and stuff,i got a quick reply it was pretty neat, it's sent anonymously so you don't have to worry about your identity being revealed unless you reveal it yourself, gonna be buying this since it's only about 6$ including the soundtrack for me, pretty nice to support devs that create things like this.
Iale Idioma
the idea is nice but i dont see it working on a cracked version
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Goddess Miku
It connects to the servers to work. No crack is needed
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Iale Idioma
i see thanks
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Goddess Miku
No problem Iale
LOL, in a cracked version it would be the opposite, it would make you more depressed cause you don't have someone to send mails to.
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Davey Dawn Ladouce
but the cracked version it is connected to the servers :P
Iale Idioma
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So how does it work if it is crack/offline ? You write to yourself ? To bots ?
Also I can't wait to see some drama about heavy troll posted in the game : )
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Sad Char
Only Steam servers have issues with cracked games, this game connects to separate game servers so it doesn't matter
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I had that as second thought but wasn't sure, thanks for clearing it up anyway.
Might be cozy even tho' these type of App exist a lot on Smartphone
Johnny Snake
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Davey Dawn Ladouce