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George Orwell
be honest vr owners, is the technology ready and are there enough games to make it worth it? also, how much does it suck to have to stand while playing games?
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you don't have to stand for most of them. Just take a seat somewhere where you won't whack anything with your hands when sitting and you're good.
Technology-wise it's still a bit wonky, like some problems you're able to solve only by restarting headset repeatedly, or reinstalling the app for PC (didn't happen for me yet, though). And there's certainly a lot fewer games than for PC (shocker, right?). Also whether they're more immersive because, you know, VR, or less immersive because they just did a lazy port and you have to blink about with teleport turning the game into a glorified 360° slideshow, is just completely random.
So, if you're deciding between buying a PC or a VR headset you'd be stupid not to buy PC (you also need a fairly good machine to handle the VR, headset really just displays it). But if you have 600$ or so to waste and want to experience a new kind of gaming, I'd say go for it. It's pretty fun all said and done.
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Thanks. I will test it on WMR.
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VR required to run it.
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Thanks, Captain Obvious. Welcome to the VR section of IGG!
note: This game is a VR-only experience and requires a VIVE or Oculus headset
This is literally at the top of the post in bold...
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Thanks a lot