Mouad SQ
"Seen" is the Letter "S" in arabic
Oh, and the main character is crying. It's so cute...
HAHAHA no, Emo!.
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BLooD On The Face
limbo + inside = seen
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Stop comparing Limbo or inside, etc. You know nothing about platforms. Some people are always comparing those kinds of games every time there's a new one. They are similar in platform format but not in story or puzzle, and some contain hidden objects. NOOB!
The art style remember me of Beholder 2 (and 1).
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Was suprised when i saw that "siin" written in arabic next to the game title.
It's such a great game, don't be hesitate to buy it!
Limbo ripoff.....move along people
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Looks like that game called Inside
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Pretty much like Limbo was also a ripoff of other less popular games, it's amazing like how people like you always yell "ripoff" at these type of game, but never do the same when it comes to FPS , Driving simulator and other.
It's just a genre pretty much as there is car simulators that are "grand turismo ripoff" , Fps that are "medal of honor ripoff" etc..
Educate yourself for once.
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William Monahan
Ever think of the reason they are "ripped off"? Probably because they were good ideas? Why limit it to just 1?
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Never said it has to be limited to 1 , just sayin the word "ripoff" is overused for nothing
Just because something look alike or is inspired by doesn't mean it's a ripoff. Every genre of game has inspiration and look-alike there and and there
If you want to yell ripoff like an angry teenager at the first glimpse of look-alike feature or aesthetic, then you will have to yell this word at 90% of released, because 90% of games are in some way or another ripped off a feature or a look of previous franchise.
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Williaw was agreeing with you. He meant that it's not rio-off since it's just re using and re shaping a good idea
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Ho sorry , big confusion here , barrier language doesn't help in these situation, my bad.
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Don't forget the work "Rekt" is a ripoff of the word "Pwnd" which is a ripoff of the word "Powned".
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Yeah because no other game aside from Limbo can be side scrollers with a silhouette-like artstyle.
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Pretty much this ^
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These are all rip offs, I've already seen so much game where you play a character. why bother copying so much other works :/
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Because it's easier to copy an idea that worked and make "your own sauce" of it and sell it.
There will always have people to buy it , because they either don't care or didn't play the OG , or played it but want a similar vibes and they can't find any (like if you liked limbo, why not trying something similar ?)
That's not the best idea to do so but meh the industry is kinda over-satured (I mean look at the "soon to release" steam's page) so more people are less tend to bother , and sometime some tries to add some nice idea ( like Unravel with the thread feature)
Super Duper Easy Argument that is totally worthless but still have to bring that up right ? or our beloved Battle Royal genre :^)
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battle royal genre was overrated and overpromoted, and up until today, I still don't understand why people like battle royal genre..
I bet people in death games where they need to kill each other to be the last survivor doesn't want to play that death game again unless they're insane or is mandated to do so
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I think (but I might be wrong) that big portion of why it became so popular is the fact a lot of popular streamer and youtuber steamed it when it started
To them (which include a good part of skilled player) it was a cool game because more people , more kills , more things to do = more content
Then of course when your favorite streamer plays (and is good at) the game, you want to do the same, so it kinda snowballed from that.
Even tho' it is not the only reason, we can't deny the fact that today, Twitch play a part in the popularity of genre and games when "big names" plays them and has hundred if not thousands of viewer that want to try it out too.
That doesn't mean it will make the thing good or sustainable but we can see these influx of population in games like GTA RP where RP Servers gain mass popularity and playerbase when streamers goes back to it.
Wow is it Arabic Game !!
Looks like another Limbo.