The bullet sprites don't look good at all...But the backgrounds look interesting.
Might try
Skyle Kelvin
Oh Wow... I've been waiting YEARS for this! Early access or not, I'm stoked!
OMG OMG!!! I didn't think you'd actually get this one up!
Temmie Plays!
I'd like to give people a heads up on this one, the game isn't designed very well, and you can end up with a bricked save - many many paths lead you to a place you can't return from, making you start over.
I had this on Steam, and refunded it after the 2nd time the game became unplayable.
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Hextar Vigar
Wow, you don't say.
It's almost like it was an early access game and not done yet.
That's what 'early access' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_access, you fuckwit.
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Temmie Plays!
early access doesnt mean " game breaking level design "
sorry, bt you're in the wrong, mate.
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Hextar Vigar
"Interested players are able to buy into the development of the game,
gaining access to the software in the working state, and are encouraged
to play and stress-test the software."
Part of buying into an early access game is to let the programmers know what does and doesn't work. If it has 'game breaking level design' you need to let them know that. That's the point.
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Michal Dvořák
Don't need to be toxic right ahead just fucking hate people like you that call people from one comment ''fuckwit'' was that really necessary?
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Temmie Plays!
did anybody here ( aside of you ) even SAY the word " fuckwit " ?
you sound a lot like... a fuckwit.
Hextar Vigar
Seeing as you were going off about a game that was still being playtested, yes.
Aldi L
What do you mean by, that there are many paths that lead you to a place you can't return from? I do think that they are meant to be intended, just hold enter (RET button) for a long time so that you can return to your ship. It was like a twist to me, when you go to that path, you end up to where you belong before. It gives me some kind of vibe, and there's nothing wrong with plot timestamp-wise. I mean yes, there are some vague hints but it's playable.
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Temmie Plays!
i wasn't aware there was a fail safe, maybe it was added after the fact?
I bought it on launch day, and more than a few ppl were griping over how they got stuck, and the save file couldn't be used ( since the game is littered with auto save totems )
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another one...
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Davey Dawn Ladouce
Its free why complain ... Lol
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If it was free it wouldn't be on IGG. Instead of paying game testers they are making game testers pay THEM.
Also you still have to waste time downloading it so comments like these save you some trouble
To be fair, I think it would be reasonable for Early Access games to be labelled as such.
In an ideal world each release on this site would have a version number or something too.