the remake of Flashback are bad, the Original are better
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Just my 2 cents: I think this new improved of Flashback is VERY much worth it.
I already have the Megadrive(+ mega cd) and Super Nintendo version,
but the little additions in this "freshened"(not exactly remastered lol) version are good enough to justify a download. (or purchase lol)
The OST might be the best version of all, because it's the same as the one on Megadrive, except it's been "modernized", without going over the top. It's still chilling, relaxing, and atmospheric. (personally, I hated the OST on the Mega-cd version, which was completely different from the original.)
The graphic filters won't give you the most realistic CRT effect(compared to some emulators like Retroarch), but they're good enough. I like using the side panels + scanlines + bloom.
The bloom actually reminds me of the old CRT TV I had when I was a kid.🤣
Game isn't brutal, but you find save stations only very rarely, so it can be a bit annoying.
Sometimes, you have to keep playing a long time before finding one, like in the first Tomb Raider games. Buuuuut the Rewind feature makes the game much easier (you can disable it too), and overall, I find the experience extremely pleasant.
Speaking of disabling things, you can also play the original version, with original OST, no filters, etc.
I think this is really cool, like https://igg-games.com/day-of-521017731-the-tentacle-remastered-free-download.html and https://igg-games.com/full-throttle-remastered-free-329712641-download.html, which also offer the possibility to play the original game with none of the new changes.👍
If I remember well, it was also the case in the https://igg-games.com/monkey-island-359015674-2-special-edition-lechucks-revenge-free-download.html, which allowed you to switch from original to remaster with just one button instantly! (not the case here, unfortunately...)
I'm talking only about the new things, I won't comment on the rest, because I guess that most people already know about the gameplay, story, etc.
This game was released in 1993! (this improved version came out in 2018, I think.)
Anyway, if you're a fan of Flashback, this is a MUST!😍
Edit : I'm the one who requested this, by the way.
So, thank you, IGG !😘
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OMG I used to play this as a child on my megadrive :) THANKS SO MUCH !!!
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Same here. I got this for my birthday in July 1993, and it was one of my best summers ever.😁
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Daniel Nogueira
Me too! Loved
Flashback on PC? Hell yes.
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There was already a Flashback for PC (DOS) back in 1992 (Flashback:
Quest for Identity). This is just an update that smooths everything to
make it look silly, like the Another World update.