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Don't get your Hopes up for an Update The Lead Dev (and Owner) of the
studio was hired by Ubisoft and dropped his game dev studio and games
like Hot potatos
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what a shame
Phantom Works
Do you only play as the Entente? I really hope you can play as the Central powers as well
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diogo games
Need to update.
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diogo games
Comon, there has been a new mode since november. Pls update
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Muhammad Ferdian
Update plz
Thanks for newest update! :)
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It's early access, please upload new.
Version 0.2.3 is out ^^ with new MK V
Dovydas gaming pro Android
But sad this game is night :(
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It kept crashing for me. Dont know the reasons and of course im way above my minimum requirements i can play it High 30fps
Please, keep updating this game, it's early acces, but lot of people want to play this :)
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I agree with Kibu's words on this game. It's not quite "fun" yet. I don't think it's a hard game, by the way, just a very tedious one. The approach it requires from you is slow and defensive, but that feels awful so you naturally try and go faster, which is a bad idea.
The idea behind the game, of actually having to manage the crew, is good, but it doesn't feel fun when it means you have to be drawing yourself away from the action constantly to micro-manage stuff that feels like it should simply be automatic. Because every single time you want to reload a gun, you have to actually order someone to first go get ammo, then order them to go reload the gun. When repairing, you don't simply tell someone to "repair", you have to manually click the repair button on every single component... and do it one at a time.
It would be much better if your characters had simple AI packages that allowed them to be mostly autonomous in their functions as a gunner, mechanic, etc. It could still allow for micromanagent if you want to be more efficient or you have different tactics, but would otherwise allow you to focus more on the control of the tank, the overall approach you take against a position or a group of enemies, the tactical use of your radio call-in abilities, etc. Instead you end up telling a guy to go pick up a medikit, then heal another guy, then go back to his gun, all the while you're driving into a trench and getting stuck because you were too busy giving orders.
Let's hope the updates make this one a bit more robust, because as it is, it's good a good base but it's not quite well executed yet.
Oh, and the progression needs a touchup. You get about enough to unlock a single thing per mission, in a model-by-model tech tree straight out of World of Tanks. So if you want weapon A for tank B, you need to play with tank A first, and unlock that weapon. Simply having about 50-100% more xp per mission (though I reckon later missions give more) would make this better, as you would unlock all the tech from the tank variants much faster, and be more able to use different weapons and different tactics.
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Though obviously inspired by Bomber Crew, the game lacks a number of the things that makes BC fun. As it's early access, this of course may change, but the simple fact is that at this stage the game isn't very fun. Control is lack luster, clarity of what you're supposed to be doing is vague at best, and damage models simply don't make sense. I'd say pass this one over for now, and hope that with development it corrects some of the issues.
It is very original ww1 tank simulator. Yes, it is hard but it's ww1 SIMULATOR! It should be hard and realistic. That helps you to identify with ww1 tankers.
How can i unlock Mark V Star ? and the other Missions ? The Tank must be ingame so how to unlock it o.0 or I need stupid Internet Connection for it...
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we can t play it now. the game is in developement
we need to wait the update
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All locked Features are ingame ;)
Kiev Kai
It is a very painful experience playing this game on hardmode with bots just flooding you. Not really talking about the bots on the other side but your own AI crew just kinda shit at shooting. Indeed it is WWI but the driving is hell 7-8km/h Jesus Christ
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Human Being
ye dude, the first tanks made by the british was sometimes worse, it can only travel 60km or so then during that time, break down, get stuck in mud and such then run out of fuel.
Why you so butt hurt ? ... are you the developer ? ... or maybe those Steam high morality legit players ?
Lil Kurva
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DerBlubb frischerSahne
just dont play it -.-
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Absolutely fantastic game with huge customization options and in depth game play which is fun and challenging at same time. Heck, even the crew can level up and everyone have different traits etc 10/10 from me.
P.s If you like me to do gameplay of a game lemme know in comments.
IGG, I beg of you, PLEASE fix the advertisments on your gamestorrents website. IGG itself is totally fine to navigate, love the website. Gamestorrents on the other hand is such a struggle to navigate it makes my blood boil. Every new page you go to, it takes LITEALLY 3 CLICKS OF POPUPS until you get to where you want. That is sooo over the top, the site is practically unusable. Don't get me wrong, I love what you guys do and never adblock using your sites in order to support you, but this is way too much. Please consider toning that down, would make browsing gamestorrrents so much more pleasent.
loving fan
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Want the ads gone? Pay them money. Running a server etc etc isn't free. Each advertisement is a few cents. If you enjoy the page then accept the ads. No Ads, No Website simple as that
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Deus Ex Machina
I think he's talking about how intrussive they are, IGG is fine but the other one is kinda heavy handed with the ads.
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Exactly. Didn't bother responding to the other guy since he clearly can't read lol
AAA games get cracked in less than a week and are posted here very quickly, its just that there is a LOT of indies coming out and they bury everything else.
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more like tanks simulator to me, lmao
This Man Here is the New Prez.
I was waiting for this game to come out. Finally the time has come! Thanks who ever requested it.
Iale Idioma
i think i'll grab this one
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What makes it trash? Because it's not a triple AAA main stream title? You sound like a corporate shill, go buy games. Why are you here complaining about free games. Go be angry somewhere else.
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Although I don't even like this game... Lebowski's always right.
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early access its a fucking cancer to the PC community
What Early Access means to pirates?

  • We got it for free anyways.
  • However, if it is published, then the releaser says "Mission accomplished and done". Releasers forget about to publish updates if not the end version of the game. If the game is popular then it will get updates, if not, then suck it. :-|
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Early Access true meaning

  • Game obviously going to suck until full release
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What do you think we have this website for?
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Oh shut the fuck up.... Why do you care? Are you captain save a ho? Trying to save the world from Early access? Are you that bored that you care so much about what other people purchase? You should be protesting triple A games that release unfinished shit and say it's a full release. Sea Of Thieves, No Man's Sky Fallout 76.. At least early access tells you it may not be finished. You sound like a spoiled kid who bought into a early access game and doesn't understand what an investment is. When you buy stock in something it can fail or do good. Stop being butthurt over what ever game it is you bought.
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True story though ... twice I have failed in investment and destroy my financial state. Call me stupid, I'll accept it, suck it and learn from it. But using it as example for EAG comparison is not the same.
Early Access Games isn't worthy to be invest/purchase, because it's not potentially growing money for you. All you get in the end is a finished product.
It's different however, if you backing up the Games Developers themself, to make games. This is the real investment because after the games finished and open to sale, you will get percentage cut from the sale.
Failed triple A developer or small indie EAG dev, I treat them the same, I don't trust them at all. Guilty until proven innocent. Bad Dev until deliver the final version.
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Thanks! :)