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This game is probably the worst thing I've played in years, and I play some really shitty games for research. But this... this has zero redeeming qualities. Worst of all, and something that personally makes me mad, it looks like there was a good idea behind it, and some sort of passion put into it. The end product though, is simply awful, in every way.
I haven't played a game in my life with worse controls and physics for a car. This plays like it was slapped together by a 8 year old in an evening. Your car barely follows your input, it freaks out over every single inch of irregular terrain, it weighs absolutely nothing, it'll do multiple consecutive 360º spins on itself on a single pull of the handbrake, and don't even get me started on the ridiculous inertia it carries even when you turn a few degrees. Driving this "car" is shit, and it'll infuriate you incrementally for every damned second you force yourself to play this. The only way have some remote form of "control" over it is by abusing the Reset function, which will make your car stop moving and spinning uncontrollably like a tumbleweed on crack and plop it down in the direction it's facing. In a way, this game redefines the Rogue-Like genre: every turn with this car will be a titanic challenge, and every time you fail you'll die (inside).
If that wasn't bad enough, the shooting comes in willing to take the shit-cake. To start off, the aiming is strangely broken. And I'm not talking about the default sensitivity, which feels like your turret is operated by a geriatric with two broken arms. I'm talking about the fact that it has the strangest, most annoying issues with mouse aiming I've ever seen in a game. It feels like there's both micro-lags and a retarded computer is trying to compensate for them by jiggling the aim for you, hoping it maybe goes in the direction you intended. Even with high sensitivity it feels sluggish, like the reticle has some sort of hidden acceleration setting set way off. The fact that most turrets are quite slow to move around (and there's not a good indicator of where they're actually pointing) only further reinforces the awfulness of aiming. But wait! There's more! If all that doesn't sound bad enough already, here's the kicker: your aiming zone is extremely limited. And I mean EXTREMELY limited. You have a rectangle about the size of an IRL driver ID card (ironic, as your character clearly lacks one) smack in the front of your car, and that's as far as you can look and shoot. Yes, you can't even look around. The radius is pretty ridiculous, about 80-90º wide at best, and your aiming up or down is significantly more limited. This intense limitation on your capacity to aim seems to go completely against one of the mechanics of the game, shitty environmental traps you can activate by shooting at them. The enemies will end up accidentally using them more than you ever will, because, big surprise, they don't have any kind of aiming limitations!
I would like to say in a hopeful voice "but well, maybe this controls better with an Xbox controller..." but no. It doesn't. The controls, hell, the whole game, is flawed at its core to the point of being broken. No input device can fix that.
And the shittiness doesn't stop there... The balance between weapons is non-existent, both for you and for your enemies. A shitty mob can melt you in one or two seconds in the first round of the game, if it's got a flamethrower or some other shit like that. And considering how often your car gets stuck on shit or simply stops going forwards because it'd rather draw donuts on the ground, this happens quite a bit. You also can't keep or equip weapons, you get a limited-use one through a powerup and that's it. Which one? Heh... good luck.
The meta-game roguelite upgrading aspect is also complete garbage, and mostly a waste of time. You can get, for example, a whooping 10% damage and 10% fire rate increase, by spending colossal amounts of XP in 5 affordable payments of a 2% increase each. For the record, the last level costs 7500 XP to acquire, and you get as much as 400 if you're "lucky" enough to make it to the third "level". It doesn't really feel like difficulty or rewards increase as you progress either: you get more enemies thrown at you, sure, but they're always random and their weapons seem to have just as big a chance of being completely lethal on round 1 of level 1 and round 69 of level 400.
So yeah, save for a few upgrades that have a slight impact on the game (a bit more health, a bit more shields, etc), most stuff is clearly there just to be a moneysink, and it feels completely pointless and very poorly designed.
TL;DR: Stay away from this garbage heap. You will have more fun trying to drive a plywood car with wheels of solid butter on a frozen lake in the middle of a tornado, in real life. The risk of dying is acceptable over the worse-than-death punishment of playing this game.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Music is really great, as it's often the case with games using NewRetroWave.
Gameplay is too simple for me, though. Maybe it'll appeal to younger players.
Strange, because I remember loving https://igg-games.com/interstate-764011408-76-arsenal-the-free-download.html in the 90s.
It looks fun, really. And very stylish graphics too.
I have always enjoyed hitting cars against other cars and watching them burn and explode, since the PS1 age. Tehee~ xD
I will try it!
No local multiplayer. Skip.
this is basically the first scene of ready player one, as a game
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Danny Grayson
What's the cracktro from this one?
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Pretty unique game with decent graphics. The mouse sided gun on top is kinda rough to control but the car itself runs smoothly which is surprising for most Indie games these days. There is not much variety if any at all in vehicles but the guns can be changed as well as some other perks while gaining points in arena RPG style. It is not my type of game hence only 4 mins gameplay.
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Danny Grayson
This one looks somewhat interesting, I'll be checking this out.