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man what a garbage :S
Steven Cannon
In VR, very poor game... The colored flames coming off the pistols make it very hard to see things, dungeon with the spiders is poorly done, entire game is a washout... And they'll never fix the errors... Don't waste your time.
Thankchu ^^
I have Windows 7
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Johnny D.
Why you are still using win7?! Win10 si much better and you need the latest directx for games.
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Windows 10 was created to: 1. Facilitate extensive spyware. 2. Combine updates into rolled packages so users couldn't reject the spyware without also rejecting critical security patches. 3. Force users to install those update packages whether they want to or not.
The lie is that DX12 is "kernel exclusive" as though Microsoft Word must be hit up just to play a game. The only benefit Microsoft can claim is if your system is running all its bloatware simultaneously while a game is played. Otherwise the difference is parallel queues between DX11 and DX12 https://www.maketecheasier.com/directx11-directx12-differences/
Which was covered by Vulkan even though Microsoft neglects windows 7 big time
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Johnny D.
I get your point and Vulkan is more optimized than DirectX... but sadly there are only few games out there that support it.
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win 10 better my ass
win 7 still has better performance than win 10
also those specs already been confirmed to be fake
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Johnny D.
I play a lot of games in VR with 200-500% super sampling and I played raytraced games on monitor in 4K. I keep my windows version updated so I don't run into any issues.
On a high end PC you don't have any issues with windows performance.